The Things That You Should Know Before Publishing Your Very First YouTube Video

The interests of viewers are changing continuously. This is the reason why your first YouTube video must be game-changing. Regardless if you are an entrepreneur, a brand, a content, creator, YouTube is an extremely helpful platform that allows you to reach new audiences. In addition, it helps you expand your channel’s growth.

However, the main reason for the success of popular YouTube channels is not just having great content. Rather, it is more important that you know how to optimize your videos as well. 

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The Best Ways of Getting More YouTube Views that Actually Work

The Best Ways of Getting More YouTube Views that Actually Work

YouTube is the second largest search engine next to its parent company Google. There are more than two billion individuals who use YouTube on a daily basis. In addition, 73 percent of adults who live in the US, prefer watching videos on the platform. 

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2021 YouTube Statistics That Every Marketer Should Know

It is a fact that the vide-sharing giant YouTube is the most popular video platform right now. Its simplicity is one of the reasons why the platform gained so much popularity over the years. In addition, the platform makes it a lot easier for content creators to share their videos with a large audience. For this reason, viewers have a wide range of content that they can choose from. So, whatever the topic is, from product reviews and beauty tutorials to gaming and unboxing videos, YouTube would be able to give it all. 

In the millions of channels existing on YouTube, you will surely find plenty of videos that will strike you as interesting. Needless to say, YouTube has something for everyone.

YouTube Statistics That Every Marketer Should Be Aware of

Moreover, the very first video that was uploaded to YouTube was created by one of its founders on April 23, 2005. Its title was “me at the zoo.” Ever since then, the platform has already come a very long way. From zero, it went to a billion viewers in a decade. However, YouTube is not only for fun and entertainment. In fact, the platform can help businesses in growing this 2021. 

In order for businesses to stay ahead of the competition, here are the YouTube statistics that every marketer should know:

Statistic #1: YouTube’s Monthly Active Users

According to the latest statistics of YouTube, the video-sharing giant has 2.3 billion users all over the world as of this year. In addition, it ranked second in the list of the most popular social platforms. The only social media platform that possesses more active users than YouTube is Facebook.

These 2.3 billion YouTube users are defined as viewers who are logging into the platform at least once every month. The attraction of views is why creators on YouTube try to buy YouTube views to get exposed to this growing audience.

This statistic can serve as a huge value to marketers this year. When more than two billion people are logging into YouTube every month to watch videos, there is no doubt a massive and active market that businesses can tap into. For this reason, YouTube only proves that it is an excellent platform for your digital marketing efforts. 

Statistic #2: YouTube Ranks Second As the Most Popular Social Media Platform

According to a Dataportal report in 2019, 79 percent of internet users say that they have a YouTube account. 

Since it was created by a former PayPal employee in 2005, YouTube has significantly grown over the years. In 2006, Google bought YouTube for $1.65 billion and it is now operating as one of Google’s subsidiaries. 

Ever since this video-sharing platform has been launched, its mission has always been to provide people with fast and easy video access, as well as the ability to share videos as frequently as possible. Accessibility is one of the reasons why YouTube remains one of the most dominant platforms now. The ease of use with which individuals can get started on the platform is also one of the reasons why it attracts millions of content creators all over the world. 

Statistic #3: YouTube is the Second Largest Search Engine Next to Google

As mentioned, YouTube is a video-sharing giant. Not only that but it also holds the title as the second largest search engine next to Google, its mother company. In fact, people search more on YouTube every month than they do on search engines like Yahoo, Microsoft Bing, and combined.

In addition, the 2.3 billion monthly active users of YouTube are equivalent to almost one-third of all internet users. But what is even more surprising is that viewers watch more than a billion hours of videos on YouTube every single day. For this reason, they are responsible for generating billions of searches and views. 

YouTube Statistics That Every Marketer Should Be Aware of

Moreover, the extreme popularity of this video-sharing platform gives it a significantly wide audience reach. So, YouTube is a perfect tool for marketers to reach a wide range of audiences. 

Statistic #4: YouTube is Localized In Over 100 Countries and Is Available in 80 Languages

Not only YouTube is available in 100 countries but it is also localized. This means that the video-sharing giant adapts to the various languages of the different markets that it is in. 

For that reason, YouTube is an inviting and attractive platform for its users; thus increasing engagement and usage. In addition, the platform is accessible in 80 different languages. These languages range from the most spoken ones in the world like Spanish, English, and MAndarin to the more obscure languages, such as Laotian, Azerbaijani, and Khmer. 

Statistic #5: People Watch One Billion Hours of Videos On YouTube Every Day

People watch a total of one billion hours of videos on the platform every day, allowing them to generate billions of views. This means that if every single person on earth watched a YouTube video, then that is around 8.4 minutes per person per day.  Such is a mindblowing number that only adds up to the credibility of video as a source of content for people. 

Another interesting fact is that “how to” searches are growing by 70 percent year over year. Meaning, when users are looking for ways to learn something, the major thing that they rely on is video content. Some people don’t even believe this statistic, but assume it’s a YouTube myth. Alas, there are other very real myths about buying YouTube views you should be aware of as a marketer.

YouTube Statistics That Every Marketer Should Be Aware of

Needless to say, every marketer should utilize the power of video and develop their content based on the growing preference of users. For instance, create a YouTube channel that you can use to update your audience, interact with them, or answer their queries or concerns. You can also use YouTube to show people how your products work and the benefits that they can get from it. 

The Takeaway

When utilized properly, YouTube is an extremely useful tool for marketers. It allows you to reach a vast array of audiences and promote your product or service through video content. Needless to say, YouTube is one of the best platforms that businesses can use. 

The New YouTube Views Challenger Is Actually Clubhouse

The New Challenge For Clubhouse is to Make Money For Its Creators

You can tell that a new social media platform has reached a new level when it begins worrying about making money for its creators. This is the question that YouTube views competitor, Clubhouse, is facing right now. Notably, Clubhouse is an audio-based social media platform that came straight out of Silicone Valley. Despite being an invite-only app, it is attracting more than 2 million users every month. 

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The Most Effective Ways to Impress Your YouTube Podcast Guests

The Most Effective Ways to Impress Your Podcast Guests

Every podcaster will say that growing their audience is a difficult thing to do. In fact, podcasts have a number of unique challenges in comparison to other types of content. These challenges include the fact that podcasts are usually audio-only. This means that it can be difficult to grab the attention of a potential audience. In addition, audio is not as essentially shareable as videos, photos, or text. Another thing is that it is hard to discover new podcasts and podcast episodes. 

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The Tactics to Gain Top Results From Your YouTube SEO

15 of the Websites and Blogs that Will Help You Learn More About YouTube This 2021

15 of the Websites and Blogs that Will Help You Learn More About YouTube This 2021

The internet has allowed people to learn about almost everything. One particular thing that became very popular is vlogging. As a result, there are now thousands of content creators buying YouTube views who identify themselves as vloggers. 

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7 Most Common Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make On YouTube

An Entrepreneurs Guide to Starting A Successful YouTube Channel For Their Business

A lot of business owners are now considering taking a plunge into the best sites to buy YouTube views to advertise their brands. Well, no one can blame them. Such is a smart move considering that 300 hours of videos are uploaded to the platform every single minute. However, it is not as easy as creating a channel and uploading your videos there. Instead, you need to come up with a strategy to ensure that your YouTube business channel will be up and running. 

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YouTube Receives Accreditation For Content Level Brand Safety

YouTube Receives Accreditation From Media Rating Council For Content Level Brand Safety

Media rating Council or MRC is a non-profit organization based in the United States. It manages accreditation for rating purposes and media research.

The video-sharing giant YouTube has become the very first digital platform that received accreditation from MRC for content-level brand safety for YouTube Views. According to Debbie Weinstein, the YouTube & Video Global Solutions Vice President, the company’s years of commitment to responsibility are the reason for this accreditation. Youtube is committed to protecting its viewers, creators, as well as advertisers from any form of harm. The company does this by investing in technology, staffing, and policy development.  

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From Promotion to Optimization: Your First Video Upload

From Promotion to Optimization: The Guide That You Need For Your YouTube Video Content

Chances are, you have already spent a lot of your time binge-watching videos on YouTube, jumping from one silly prank video to another. The platform has always been an excellent source of entertaining video. However, it is also an important tool for businesses and marketers. As a matter of fact, a total of 48 percent or almost half of all marketers are planning to include YouTube in their marketing strategy over the next 12 months. This was according to the State of Inbound report.

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