Top 10 Myths About Buying YouTube Views
There are several advantages to purchasing YouTube views. Most notably, buying views will help accelerate your videos’ natural, organic growth and channels. Videos with a higher view count (whether those views have been purchased or were accrued organically) tend to be perceived as more attractive, which drives more traffic. For example, let’s say you see two different cover versions of the same song:
- – Video A has 20,000 views
- – Video B only has 300 views.
Which video are you going to click on? In the vast majority of cases, YouTube users would assume that that Video A is better simply because it has more views. Therefore, buying YouTube views can provide a base of views that will attract real viewers in the future, boosting the visibility of your content.
Top Buy YouTube Views Providers
Buying Real YouTube Views in 2022: Why Does It Still Work?
You want to buy YouTube views, right? In fact, there are more people trying to purchase real YouTube views in 2022 than ever before. At the same time, there are more websites selling them as well, and the once bad press has turned into online praise. Even real journalists are writing about their experiments on trying a few thousand views on video content they uploaded. Now that there are more sites and providers than ever before, reviews on these views providers are even more important. This is one niche that is filled with more scammers and password-stealing mobile apps than any other.
Let’s go down the list of the top 10 myths about buying YouTube views.
10. It’s Illegal (It’s Not!)
Buying YouTube views is not illegal in any way, shape, or form. It should be noted that some tactics are against YouTube’s terms of service (TOS), such as bot views or tricking people into watching a video, but even then, they are 100% legal. The list above shows the most legal websites to buy YouTube views from in 2022! No matter what you read on the internet, don’t use robots to continually refresh your videos. You’re missing “view duration”, a critical part of the algorithm.
9. Your Video Will Get Deleted (It Won’t!)
Wrong. Your video will not get deleted or removed because you buy views. If you buy views from cheap providers, your views may drop at one point, but your video won’t get removed because of it. YouTube only removes videos that have illegal content or content against its TOS. Besides, purchasing views are not explicitly in violation of YouTube’s TOS.
It should be noted here that YouTube’s Partner Program Policies state, “Do not employ third party sites and tools to automatically generate artificial subscribers or views.” However, if you are not a partner and are not monetizing on your videos, buying human views is not explicitly against YouTube’s TOS. Plus, if they did start removing views, competitors would buy these views on each other’s videos, attempting to eliminate their competition!
This is why it is so critical to choose a high-quality provider. You can purchase real views without any ramifications as long as you aren’t a third-party provider. Automated views, however, are against YouTube’s TOS, which makes the strategy a bit riskier. It would be best if you were entirely sure that you are purchasing from a provider that never uses automated techniques, such as view bots. Again, our website shows you the safest websites you can buy YouTube views from, with our tested reviews!
8. Your Account Will Get Banned (Impossible!)
Again, your account will only be banned if you are posting videos with illegal content or content against YouTube’s TOS. If you are purchasing views from a reputable provider, your account won’t be banned simply because you are buying views. Why? If they did, everyone would buy YouTube views on their competition to get them banned deliberately!
7. Your View Count Will Get Stuck at 301
YouTube pauses the viewing count at 301 to evaluate whether or not the video is accruing views organically or through artificial techniques. Buying views from quality providers will never get your views counter stuck at 301. In fact, it can help you get unstuck if you are stuck. Again, you want to choose a high-quality provider that gives human views as opposed to artificial techniques.
6. All Bought Views Are Fake
Many people automatically assume that all bought views have been falsely generated using automated techniques. The reality is that purchased views are not all entirely fake or inorganic. It merely means that you have paid to get someone to watch your video instead of the person watching it organically without any compensation.
It can also be said that you buy YouTube views from YouTube itself through ads, as they guarantee views based on a dollar amount. When it comes to buying views, some providers may offer real, quality views while others may offer fake, bot views. It varies. Again, this is why it is so important to choose a high-quality, reputable provider. We have spent a lot of time and effort updating our website as the years go on!
5. All Bought Views Are the Same
This is simply not true. Bought views vary widely, from location and referral to viewer retention and click through rates. Cheap views are typically from bots or click farms, whereas quality views could be from websites and social media. Bots and click farms offer the kind of bought views that can get you into hot water, as they are generated using artificial techniques. The key is to avoid these kinds of bought views and opt for a provider that offers human views; in other words, you pay for a real human to watch your video. There is an old saying that remains true. You get what you pay for, regardless of what product or service you get buying.
4. You Don’t Need to Buy Likes or Comments
When buying views, many assume likes and comments will come naturally. Depending on how your video is promoted or how it has gained views, this isn’t always the case. Even if it does, it doesn’t guarantee it will be positive.
Buying likes and comments alongside views helps boost your social proof and encourages others to like and comment as well. This is critical, as YouTube is increasingly considering engagement rates when ranking content. In other words, the more users engage with your content, the higher it will rank and the more traffic it will receive in turn. YouTube’s algorithm will continue to trend towards a higher emphasis on engagement, especially for videos with similar view counts.
3. All Bought Comments Are Generic
While many companies that sell YouTube comments will send irrelevant or simple generic comments, some companies allow you to customize comments or offer higher-quality “relevant” comments. High-quality providers will often post customized comments that are directly relevant to your content.
2. Top YouTubers Don’t Buy YouTube Views
Many people think that buying views is done only by beginners, amateurs, or nobodies. The fact is, with all the benefits that purchasing quality YouTube views have, there are thousands of top YouTubers, companies, artists, and celebrities that buy views for the same kick-starts, social proof, and ranking improvements. Ultimately, buying YouTube views is a common strategy, and many prominent YouTubers have reaped its benefits.
1. Buying YouTube Views Is the Ultimate Strategy
While buying views has its benefits, it’s not an all-in-one strategy. It’s a tactic, and there are dozens of other tactics for gaining more views that you should use. YouTube doesn’t just rank content on views alone. It also places a substantial amount of emphasis on engagement, considering which is sharing your videos and commenting on them.
When it comes to accruing YouTube views, the key is to post compelling, high-quality content and to have a comprehensive YouTube optimization strategy to ensure that that content is seen. Elements of an optimization strategy should include: adding relevant tags and high-quality titles to ensure that users can discover your content, adding closed captioning, and ordering videos into a playlist. After you buy views, be sure to check out the other tactics for getting more YouTube views to create your own strategy in growing your YouTube presence and attracting targeted viewers from all over.
Should You Buy YouTube Views?
There are many reasons to buy YouTube views. One of the most important ones is social proof. Your video’s success will largely depend on the amount of social proof or engagement it has gained. If it has a lot of views, other viewers will be more curious and encouraged to check it out. If your video has a low number of views, people will be less interested in watching it.
Other reasons you should definitely consider buying YouTube views are to:
Gain a lot of YouTube views quickly
Get a higher chance for your video to go viral
- Attract more organic views
Boost the social credibility of your YouTube account
Attract YouTube subscribers organically
Increase your popularity on YouTube
Have other creators take you seriously
Buying YouTube views is a widespread practice, and rightly so. It’s not enough to create high-quality videos. You need social proof to make it on the network, and buying views for your video gives it a push in the right direction. Buy YouTube views from reliable providers and get started on growing your YouTube channel organically.
In conclusion, buying YouTube views can be an excellent way to boost your content’s visibility on YouTube and drive organic viewers to your videos. The key, however, is to purchase from a trusted provider that’s known for delivering high-quality views and integrate buying views into a larger, comprehensive YouTube optimization strategy. This will help maximize the power of purchasing by driving more organic traffic to your content.
Top-Rated Providers for High-Quality Views
The Best Sites To Buy YouTube Views From in 2022 (Updated)
There are still thousands of websites ranging from outright scams to wonderful marketing partners, so we have always viewed our role as being an independent arbiter of truth. Like all things in life, good things don’t come cheap, and you always get what you pay for. The best, safest, and most trusted website to buy YouTube views from is actually YouTube. As we previously mentioned, not everyone is able to afford the astonishingly expensive rates, and this is the reason why the second-tier markets exist.
If you’ve made it this far, you’re smart enough to know not to use or try bots and bot sellers, but the second-tier sites, the ones we specifically listed here, are exactly what you’re looking for. An affordable, real, safe, and reliable outlet to simply buy exactly what you’re looking for: YouTube views.
This is the 2022 version of paying people to form a waiting line outside your new restaurant or business, a commonly held insider secret inside the retail brick-and-mortar world. There is no shame in doing this, especially when you realize your competitors have gotten to the point where they are at by doing this already, often years in the past. They’ve just had the five or ten years to organically grow and benefit from the social proof obtained from “getting the ball rolling” from the beginning.
Bonus: YouTube Is The Biggest Seller of YouTube Views
The wide and wonderful world of purchasing YouTube views always was bound to be wrapped in mystery. Fundamentally speaking, if you pay for advertisements and those advertisements are embedded videos on premium websites, you’re buying YouTube views. Obviously, there is a significant difference in who actually watches these views, as well as a cost differential. The point is, there are many ways to skin this cat, and while not all of us can afford the most expensive, premium provider of YouTube views – YouTube!
We still don’t recommend going to bot sellers, as these bots are simply not going to last forever, and there is a sweet middle-ground that can provide the social proof and validation you presumably seek with having a decent view count. Buying views on YouTube is a strange but common practice, and with the ever-rising tide of both content creators and content viewers, the industry as a whole has only grown with it.
Tips and Tricks from Experts who Buy YouTube Views
There are many tips and tricks involved in every industry, and YouTube is no different. Even in the narrow niche of experts who buy Youtube views, there are things only seasoned experts who have spent years buying real YouTube views only know. This unique experience and massive scale of views purchasing leave us privy to more information, more tips, and more tricks than anyone can ever hope to write about or even share. For the next section, we will try to bring you into our world and get you caught up with the reality on the ground for your YouTube channel’s own safety.
What Can I Do to boost YouTube views?
There are lots of things you can do and should do, to boost your YouTube views on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Some of these things are tactical approaches to how you name your videos, and what description accompanies them. Others are more involved and require you to share and promote each video once it’s uploaded as quickly as possible. The question you have to ask yourself and embody with your entire being is this: is my YouTube video the absolute best version of itself that it could be? If the answer is yes, then you should publish it. As soon as you publish it, you are in a race against time to promote it and hope that it gets noticed by the YouTube recommendation algorithm. You should use every social media platform you have an account on and share it everywhere at a bare minimum.
Can You make money with Youtube?
Yes, many people make lots of money from YouTube. PewDiePie has made over fifty million dollars directly because of the platform. Some of the revenue you can make can even come indirectly from YouTube, as the ancillary effect of being popular. That being said, you have to have a careful dedication and a relatively clean public picture to truly make money. You can’t be offensive to any group of people and expect to make any money. The first step to making money is qualifying for Google Adsense, which requires 1000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watching. These metrics are often purchased early on to get a head start on major video productions.
If I buy YouTube views, could my video get removed, or my YouTube channel banned?
There are many providers which deliver dangerous and robotic views that can and have purged many channels on YouTube. It is of the utmost importance to carefully choose which website you buy YouTube views with when you make this decision. The entire purpose of this article is to guide your decision and urge you to choose one of the recommended websites, or don’t do it at all. You are truly better off not risking it all by trying to use a cheap, knock-off service from India or Bangladesh.
Even if you don’t lose your video or your account, there is still the risk off scammers tricking you into handing over your login information, or your account as a whole. The worst of these types of sites will just blackmail you, or over-charge your credit card when you hand over the details. The sites we recommend have been in existence for a decade.
Is there other software I can use to promote my Youtube channel?
Yes, but it’s still going to involve you manually setting up and operating this software. This is why these websites sell their service. Their expertise and scale allow them to save your time, if you find that your time is worth saving. The software alternatives can involve many things that will result in you getting more YouTube views. This could be comment spamming where you could spam your video URLs into the comments section of blogs, and even other YouTube videos in the chat section! You could operate a massive email sending campaign to raise awareness. The sky is the limit in the marketing world.
Is it safe and legit to buy YouTube views?
If you pay Google Ads money to promote your YouTube video, is that considered legit and safe? Yes, of course. The idea of paying money to get eyeballs on something is the very idea off marketing itself. You don’t need to be scared or concerned that marketing is somehow nefarious. That being said, this space is famous for having bad actors operating within. It’s one off the few digital services that potentially allow scammers and fraudsters to operate with impunity from afar. If you only use the websites that we recommend, you’ll buy YouTube views in a safe and legit way.
How do these websites work? Is it just YouTube Ads?
We mentioned YouTube Ads for a reason. The best sites on our list do use YouTube Ads, among other forms of advertisement, to target only the most affordable clicks when they are available. Normally, YouTube Ads will get you highly-targeted audience views, but these are very expensive. The experts doing this for over 10 years have found ways to get the views you need at a fraction of the cost.
Is it a myth that buying legit YouTube views is illegal?
It is a myth. It’s a popular myth promoted by industrial video marketing companies because it puts their expensive budgets and revenue at risk. Nobody has ever gone to jail for buying active YouTube views, and there are many reasons for it.
First, there is no law that says buying fake YouTube views is illegal. Second, violating a terms of service can only get your account banned(if you use a spam website). Third, it’s virtually impossible to know who bought who the YouTube views, and if it was deliberate or as part of an attack of a negative YouTube marketing campaign.
I have another question, can I contact you somehow?
Sure, head over to our contact page and reach out to us.
True: Buying Real YouTube Views Helps Create A Credible Brand
Social Proof is the intellectual concept that when a person views something, they take into account other people’s opinions on the subject. The YouTube version of this is when you search for something, and you see a list of videos. Each video will have a different number of views, and there is a statistically significant likelihood that you will choose to watch the video with the most views. Previously, the negative likes, or down likes, provided a form of quality assurance, but now that’s gone out the window. It’s literally all about YouTube views now, and that is y design.
Your fellow YouTubers influence your decision-making process. For brands, this means having both YouTube subscribers, YouTube views, and YouTube comments is critical for establishing yourself as a trusted, high-authority expert on a subject. This is why so many websites provide services like views online. The demand for more views on videos is real. However, only the best sites should be used as the YouTube platform is not dumb. Video plays are worth real money to them too, so purchased YouTube views is something search engines monitor.
Still Aren’t Convinced about the value of views? (We don’t blame you)
It’s hard to imagine how valuable or even safe these views are. One trick you can try is testing out a website with a small amount of views first and see what happens first-hand! If you try the sites we recommend, you’ll have no problem, but if you are risk-averse – you can sleep better at night. Let’s cover some of the more obscure fears, myths, and frequently asked questions for the hesitant people out there on YouTube. Getting more exposure is a tempting offer and those providing solutions have the key. A few hours with the best sites can make all the difference in search results.
Social media platforms know social media marketing to your target audience is important for YouTube channels. Video content is important, but quality services in social media marketing help deliver to a wider target audience. Social media platforms encourage quality services as it helps fill the need that only social media platforms can provide to foster social media virality.
Why Should I Buy YouTube Views as a Promotion Cost?
It’s not your fault that your YouTube success is highly dependent on your view count. This is the nature of YouTube, and how all competitors play. It may even feel like cheating iff you are especially emotional about your channel. There is one key thing you must understand about this level of competition.
Your competitors are already buying themselves views. That’s right, you are operating at a handicap, already if you are in a competitive niche. If you are in a low competition space, you might be the first in the niche to use this, giving you a huge and immediate advantage next time a video or subject goes trending. The name of the game is to land on the Recommended feed, allowing you to get introduced to new, like-minded, highly interested people who just haven’t seen you yet. Time and turnaround are critical components of this success.
Why Should I Trust on Youtube views reviews?
Check our domain history. Check out our blog. We go back almost 15 years. We’ve been covering this space since the birth of the industry. Over the years, we have tested YouTube views from every single website and provider on the internet that sells views as a service. We have tried every social media views package on the internet. We have seen countless channels get deleted during our tests, and have seen people make millions on the platform.
YouTube services are tempting when they come at a cheap price, but YouTube services are no different than anything else you buy online. SSL encrypted payment gateway portals are the only thing that keeps your credit card or bitcoin wallet safe when you use them online. Not to mention, YouTube views service packages can hurt your video content if your YouTube videos get kicked offline or banned. YouTube growth services are competing against and with the YouTube algorithm for dominance. One small payment process from a search engine can cost you everything.
More Youtube views mean More Social Proof
You want social proof. You want YouTube views. These two things are intertwined in the act of buying YouTube views, and they create the self-validation you need for a highly competitive space on the internet. When a restaurant has a long line of people, and everyone is fighting over getting a table – that is social proof. The more people waiting outside the restaurant, the more social proof it has. Buying video views is the exact same thing. It’s like startup restaurants that pay people to hang out and stand around the restaurant for its first week to get the social proof they need to survive. There is nothing wrong with using proven marketing tactics to take advantage of the reality you are in. Buy social proof on YouTube means you pay for real, active views services.
Quality over Quantity: Buy Quality YouTube Views (OR ELSE)
Currently, YouTube is the biggest video-sharing platform and gets over a billion active, real users every day. These are the views you really want to get, but how many do you actually earn? You know there are millions of potential people who would love to find and see your videos, and they would even subscribe to your great channel! They just don’t know about you yet. Why is that? That’s because the YouTube recommendation algo hasn’t put your channel in front of these people.
How do you get on the YouTube Recommended algorithm?
Well, it’s an algorithm that’s based on numbers and signals. If you don’t have these numbers, you can simply buy them! This is why people buy YouTube views packages on their videos as soon as they publish them, and they have been doing this for almost 15 years. Your YouTube channel is competing against every other YouTube channel for the highly coveted position inside the Recommended box, and all Youtube has to measure you is your statistics.
Buying legit views services, and similar engagement boosting packages is your best bet to getting the results you want as soon as possible. These results are worth their weight in gold, so carefully consider who you use to buy these services. It’s just as common for people to buy artificial views as it is for them to get scammed in the process.
Why should I try to Buy YouTube views?
You should try and buy views because your competitors are likely trying it already, or they will soon. In fact, they may even recently discovered the service and might be waiting for the next big break in your niche for them to splurge money on. This would get them critical new views right when they need them. This will propel them into the trending section and they will certainly buy real views again on their next video.
Your competitors might be buying safe views for years now, especially if you suspect they might be. They don’t even need to be buying YouTube views themselves, it could be an add-on service from a complete marketing package they pay a real marketing company for. It could be a really loving fan who buys YouTube views for them as a way to help give back to their community, especially if it’s a charity or something obviously helping real people. Why should you not try buying YouTube views?
Does the number of YouTube video views impact the rankings of YouTube SEO?
Absolutely. Go to YouTube right now and search for any term you can imagine. Now, look at the results and see who is on top, capturing all the organic YouTube views for the keyword. Yes, of course, YouTube uses the number of YouTube video views as a ranking factor for YouTube SEO. It’s one of the most important metrics available to them, and they would be insane for not using it.
YouTube SEO is one of the main reasons people buy video views on a specific video. It could be a video they invested a lot of real money on, with a huge production cost, and it might need more views to get organic views passively.
Top 20 Sites Review: The Best Websites for Real YouTube Views – 2022 Edition
#1 NemoViews
NemoViews are masters of the art of delivering real, safe, active YouTube views. They have been doing it for years now, and they have never failed a single test of ours. Better yet, their online reputation is outstanding, and they have a fast customer response team in place if you ever need to ask them for anything. They are currently our best, safest recommendation.
#2 MediaMister
MediaMister is the oldest of the bunch, and they have been reliably delivering nearly everything for almost 15 years. Their online reputation is great and spans the years with no major issues, and even little to no minor issues along the way. They are the old-faithful approach and are our number two spot for the best provider.
#3 Social Empire
SocialEmpire is our third spot or best site overall, and that’s for good reason. They have been in the industry for ten years, and offer a variety of services all with a great success rate. Their online reviews are always great, and their support staff is happy and fast to address any issues. They even gave us our money back when we tested a fake compliant!
#4 Storm Views
It’s Storm Views that has been an up and coming rising recommendation for views recently. They have a good opportunity to rise up the ranks if they keep up their reputation and continue to deliver what they describe without hiccups. So far so good, but it’s still a little too early to give them the top 3 slots.
#5 FollowersUp
FollowersUp used to deliver decent views, but over the past 3 years, their quality has dropped noticeably. They still deliver, but their views all come from Egypt and Israel, and even global targeted audiences need a wider cast of countries than this. If they return to their old ways, we will update our tests once again.
#6 SMM-World
SMM-World has been known for cheap, volume focused social media services for some time. They didn’t deliver the full order of our YT views, at any point, and the views all came from India, but you get what you pay for. It’s pretty much to be expected at this point.
#7 ViralLYFT
ViraLYFT is new, but their customer support team didn’t even respond to us once their first order never got delivered. Their second-order worked, but underdelivered, and their support staff never even responded to us. That’s just disappointing, and we look forward to re-testing them again in the future.
#8 Venium
Venium is a very expensive way to buy YT views, but their service does work. If you have a massive budget, it would be worth using them in conjunction with other more straightforward services to buy YouTube subscribers and views, but it’s more costly than YouTube Ads. You will get more exposure, and the videos you use with them will be safe.
#9 SidesMedia
SidesMedia was a new and hopeful positive entry in the space to let you buy YT views and buy YouTube subscribers, but unfortunately they under-deliver. The views and subs faded after two weeks on our videos, and we look forward to giving them another chance to improve their overall quality and reliability. Their customer support team was nice, but useless.
#10 UseViral
UseViral has a large social media presence, but it still requires lots of time on your end to interact with the platform. It’s not a reliable way to buy yourself YT views, and the service that it does provide is weak compared to alternatives in the same space. Pay attention to them, as they may improve later down the road.
#11 SocialBosses
SocialBoss is a multi-platform service provider offering cheap packages across the board. They have had half of our tests pass, but the other half got all their views dropped after a month. Until they increase their quality, we can’t reliably recommend them for obvious reasons.
#12 Subpals
Subpales were very popular and created the niche of view-for-view. The service worked for a while until YouTube caught up with them. This likely only happened because other competitors crowded the space and ruined it for everyone. These are types of views that the new algo can detect and nullify, so it’s just a waste off time.
#14 Jarvee
Jarvee is an automated platform that does help you post, but the results are akin to other automated posting software. You still have to do a lot of legwork to upload your video and comment on channels. It does work for other social media platforms, but it’s not an easy, turnkey way to get more YT views.
#15 SlickSocials
SlickSocial is a new company with little social media presence, but their views all come from Pakistan, so we would only recommend them if you are a YouTube channel based in the area, as it will skew your results permanently on your selected videos.
#16 Famoid
Famoid was so big, they are accused of being a long-term honey-pot for Instagram. They have been around for a while, but our views seemed fine until after a year later, at which point they all got deleted. We repeated the test later, and the same thing happened but worse. Everything was fine until one year later, our whole test account got banned.
#16 BoostStorm
BoostStorm is another iteration of low-cost, low-quality views package providers. Like other sites, they use spam accounts and their views often drop after some time. There are better affordable solutions out there than them.
#17 QQTube
QQtube opens and closes like the season, which is strange and suspicious. We aren’t sure if they face recurring legal issues, but they are currently closed again. Years ago, they did deliver real YT views, but their quality has since dropped.
#18 Famups
There are many apps like Famups, but these views exchange services are easier than ever for YouTube to detect and nullify. YouTube doesn’t even bother seeing them close since they detect and delete all the views exchanged in such a way. Big waste of time!
#19 GetRealBoost
GetrealBoost is now closed, but once operated on razor-thin margins and was involved with spam accounts that they tried to peddle off for low prices. It’s for the best that they closed their site and are in the dustbin of history.
#20 YTPals
YTPals is a dangerous but once-popular app that is akin to a view-for-view service. You trade views with other users for more views. This is so easy for YouTube to detect, as it’s obviously abnormal behavior. Don’t bother.
Get More YouTube subscribers
The myth of the value of YouTube subscribers is actually based on truth and history. There was once a time when having YouTube subscribers would make or break your YouTube channel. In fact, it was the only way to stay up to date with your favorite YouTubers. Back then, there was no alarm button, and the recommendation algo wasn’t very helpful.
As the years went on, YouTube slowly make their recommendation algo better and found that if they pretty much ignored the subscriber subs rates, for whatever reason – people stayed on the app better. They had essentially crossed a threshold where YouTube became better at recommending and finding content to watch than individual people watching YouTube. This is why so many people buy views. YouTube subscribers are still valuable, but they are nothing compared to purchased views. If you want to have a trending YouTube channel, you can always hope to be lucky, or you can purchase YouTube views.
Break geographical boundaries
Geographical boundaries are an issue on YouTube as they are on many other social media platforms. You see, the target audience for a social media platform often carries a certain amount of weight for the regional and geographical proximity of its viewers. Various social media platforms even enforce different rules based on compliance with local laws. If you are on the other side of the world, you pretty much have to be an active YouTube subscriber to keep in touch with your favorites. Only real accounts can maintain such a close relationship, thus the need for promotional services is once again relevant.
Buy YouTube Views with Fast Delivery
The search results for different social media platforms are unique to customer satisfaction measurements. Youtube ranks videos with fast views, and this trend is the main reason why many YouTubers buy fast delivery YouTube views to increase their watch time. The timeliness of the watch time for YouTube views is important, just like the thumbnail pictures are important to pull click-thru rates from search results.
Tell me the difference?
Drip-feed YouTube views are a premium social media package, but some still think it’s not fast enough. These are as fast as they can reliably deliver, based on the total sum purchased. For example, if you buy 10,000 YouTube views, you don’t want them to all come in the first hour. If you buy 1 million YouTube views, then it’s normal for 10,000 YouTube views to arrive in the first hour. The sites offering drip-feed YouTube views are what you want to get. You should ignore site offers of instant YouTube views, as these are downright dangerous.
Is it OK to buy views on YouTube?
Is it okay to perform YouTube Promotion? Are premium quality views worth the moral hazard of buying them? Yes, and Google will sell them to you as well if you pay the right price. The entire purpose of buying views on YouTube is to enjoy the benefits of social media engagement on a massive scale. One YouTube view isn’t going to get you in search engine recommendation boxes. Search engines are looking for signs, metrics, and indicators that people like your content.
Do you still get paid if you buy views?
If you are considering buying real views and profiting from Ad Rolls at the same time, let us save you the time via math: it’s impossible. It’s simply not profitable. The amount you generate from YouTube Ads in revenue is less than even the cheapest, spammiest, most instant YouTube views you could possibly buy on the darknet.
Most websites don’t even do a good enough job of advising you to turn off YouTube monetization on your video before you buy views on it, because sometimes the Ads just get the view, and your actual video doesn’t. There have always been rumors that this could even negatively impact your social media engagement, so please be wary of your own monetization settings.
Can you buy more views on YouTube?
As long as you have a URL to a video public on YouTube, you will always be able to buy more YouTube views to it. This is true even if the video is unlisted. There is no real rush to try buying everyone’s views, so please take it slow, and only buy 1,000 views if you need to ease yourself into it.
The same can be said of active subscribers. They don’t disappear, so many services will only serve as a benefit to the amount a user watches on your videos. Ignore site offers of anything that sounds too good to be true. Other services can be nice on paper, but for the safety of your videos, at least send experimental views to the next video in your suggestion queue, and pay attention to it after the fact. Alternatively, you can create channels dedicated to testing YouTube views after reading reviews off paid YouTube views as we do. It costs a little bit of time and money, but anyone can verify our claims!
Resources to Help Promote Your Videos
1. Top 10 “Buy YouTube Views” Companies