Top 10 New YouTuber Themes During Quarantine

Top 10 New YouTuber Themes During Quarantine

Since YouTube launched in 2005, it has grown from a site that no-one felt has something to offer to the most popular video-sharing platform that has ever existed. YouTube hosts lots of channels that cover virtually every topic you can think of.

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The Basics of DIY YouTube Brand Marketing for Start-Ups

The Basics of DIY YouTube Brand Marketing for Start-Ups

Youtube is one social media application that tops the list of the most visited site globally. It is the second most visited app in the world because it’s a source of millions of visual contents. The presence of these visible contents makes YouTube a search engine of some sort that needs to be optimized just like webpages. The more optimized YouTube videos are, the more they appear top in YouTube search rankings. If you know what that means, it means good news, especially if you are interested in YouTube marketing.  

Are you ready to know how to optimize your YouTube video for brand-boosting and marketing purposes, read on?

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Ways to Grow your YouTube Live Audience For Maximum Views

Ways to Grow your YouTube Live Audience For Maximum Views

Increasing Your YouTube presence

Social media marketing has become famous through mediums like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Hangouts, and the likes. These platforms all offer live streaming features. In recent times, the practice has been on the rise very prominently on YouTube. Boasting over 1.5 billion users, this video-sharing platform was created for users to share pre-recorded videos. Still, it has now become a popular site for streaming videos in real-time. A considerable part of its success is because of the large variety of content on practically every subject matter.

Here are techniques to growing your YouTube Live audience

1.     Attracting viewers’ attention is key

How do you pique the interests of the YouTube audience? The first step is to create an appealing profile. Do not make the mistake of overlooking this aspect because the human mind subconsciously evaluates this. Take the time out to review your channel header and update your profile regularly. A good-looking profile is a fantastic greeting address. Set up your account and add basic info to your stream.

Let the title give an idea of what viewers should expect to tune in to. Keep the title reasonably short and precise. Ambiguity is not the best idea, especially if you are a budding channel. Remember, there are billions of users on the platform, so you are sure to catch the interests of a good number of them as long as the title is intriguing.

2.     Search Engine Optimization

You want to get across to as many people as available, so having your videos pop up on the first page of a google search will do you a lot of good.

The thumbnail is another eye-catcher. For instance, makeover and tutorial videos tend to put up the result as a thumbnail. With YouTube, clickability is profitable. The thumbnail itself should be a teaser. The majority of recommended videos are those that are most likely to be clicked, and a good thumbnail raises the bar. Ensure that they can still stand out when they are shrunken. Always zoom in to view the image as it will appear once uploaded.

3.     Inform the public

Here is the main difference between pre-recorded videos and live streams. The former requires promotion after it has been uploaded. In contrast, the latter has to be promoted before the scheduled live streaming. You need to let your subscribers know that you are planning to go live. Post a teaser video at least a week in advance. This leaves enough time for people to see the announcement. It should include a bit of juicy information about the subject matter as well as technicalities like the date and time.

To have a climactic effect, you can build up viewers’ interests by releasing the teaser in bits over a period.

Promote Maximum Views To Your YouTube Channel

Don’t hesitate to encourage your viewers to subscribe. Notifications are helpful, so ask them to turn those on too. In fact, now even new YouTubers are buying YouTube views on their new YouTube channels to capitalize and capture all that sweet, sweet quarantine traffic potential!

Engage in partnerships with other YouTubers

Partnering with other YouTubers who already have a strong fanbase can increase your channel’s exposure. To benefit from cross-audience interests, make video collaborations with other brands that have similar business values.

4.     Keep viewers engaged

You’ve got their attention; now you have to keep them watching. Children may have the shortest attention spans, but adults don’t have it that much longer. The YouTube algorithm values view time. Don’t give viewers any reason to click away. Editing is your best friend for pre-recorded videos, but live streams are at a slight disadvantage here. Maintain a quick pace to keep up with wavering attention spans. Do not deviate for too long from the subject matter (and when you do, make sure it is something either visually or verbally engaging). Be extra-prepared and avoid extended pauses.

You most likely have a target audience, and this should influence your language. You know what they want, and that is what you should give them. Write a script, organize a scene, and practice takes. Bestsellers are always well thought out stories. Deciding to stream on a whim could work for an amateur who just got lucky, but if you hope to build your brand or grow your company, it is best always to have a detailed plan.

Interact with them

You could create a poll about a product or service and ask viewers opinions on it. For companies, this is a good way to promote sales. Add some small talk to make them feel that there is active communication.

Offer incentives

Incentives take the motivation bar up a notch. People will always flock to places where they feel they can be rewarded. Everyone loves free stuff. Coupons are the most popular form of this medium. Giveaways are frequent for more established brands. Draw in viewers with exclusive content like audio files and e-books.

Take advantage of clip highlights

There are so many useful tools you can use to make your videos more engaging. Clip highlight tools help you capture and share awesome moments during your live stream. You can share them on social media and attract even more viewers. With highlight reels, people can see a summary of your event.

Send emails

Create an email list of your subscribers and send them an invitation to your live event.

Be consistent

It has been proven that a regular filming schedule guarantees stable viewership ratings. If people know when they can always watch your videos, they may make mental reminders to visit your channel and especially if you put up compelling content.


Livestreaming is definitely the trend nowadays; it requires patience because growing your audience takes time. From little details to more complex concepts can help increase your viewership. Make sure all factors combine to give a higher value. With a decent library of videos, you can implement end screens to direct viewers to other videos and increase watch time.

The modern business world relies on a lot of factors to promote growth. With the continuous increase in the use of electronic devices and the constant innovation in technology, live streaming has become one of the most utilized features by companies and individuals alike. YouTube live streams are a great way to expand your reach and grow your business or your brand name. It is a proven strategy with quite a few success stories.

Will A Coronavirus Quarantine Get Your Channel More YouTube Views?

Will A Coronavirus Quarantine Get Your Channel More YouTube Views?

With cases of COVID-19 increasing exponentially, several countries have issued strict community lockdown procedures. More people are now confining themselves inside their homes to lower the risk of infection. With that being said, a massive increase in daily internet users has been recorded. This surge of online users gives online businesses and influencers an enormous opportunity to gather leads and potential customers. This situation is no different from what is happening on YouTube’s platform.

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YouTube’s New Creator Liaison Will Improve YouTube Views For Creators

YouTubes New Creator Liaison Will Improve YouTube Views For Creators

For the last few years, social media platforms have garnered insurmountable expansion. Growing at an alarming speed, these platforms provide users and creators a significant amount of opportunities in the process. And, one of the most highly regarded platforms is YouTube. Known for its diverse content and videos, YouTube is a place where information thrives at its peak. Often, if not always, you’ll find a definitive niche on which you’ll find the information that you’re looking for. Moreover, YouTube has 2 billion users according to an analysis made by Statista in April of last year.

With the massive scale of users on YouTubes foreground, users, viewers, and creators communicate 24 hours a day every week. This makes YouTube one of the best social media platforms for influencers and marketers alike. However, issues are never far off on any business accord. Since the last year of 2019, YouTube’s reputation has been hurting, considering the negative impacts on distribution, monetization, and more. For this reason, the company has decided to work on improving the relationship of creators with YouTube.

Last February, YouTube announced that the ad revenue that it garnered hit $15 billion, which is a 36% increase when compared to the analysis made from the previous year. Although the rise provides a significant result for YouTube’s frontline, creators are still questioning where their cut falls on the gathered revenue. The better income acquired by YouTube is a definitive opportunity for incremental growth and profit. This is the reason why YouTube is stepping up to facilitate better collaboration with its line of creators. What’s more, the company is inclining to provide a better environment for users to bring up concerns and voice out their suggestions in the future.

youtube liaison new

Matt Koval Spearheads as YouTube’s Head Creator Liaison

With the advancement made following the issue, YouTube disclosed the arrangement of a new Creator Liaison last week. Since having a stable relationship with YouTube creators would be essential for the company, the advocacy between YouTube and the creators in the company will further be enhanced.

According to a report made by The Verge, Matt Koval is appointed as the new head creator liaison of the company. He is tasked with the collaborative process between the creators and the company itself. As a former YouTube creator himself, he tweeted that his role is to provide a better understanding of YouTube’s potential. Moreover, Matt Koval was a content strategist for the company when he joined last 2012. This gives him the possibility of handing out assistive programs and quality internal discussions for YouTube’s creators.

Focused Transparency On YouTube’s Behalf

Since issues like lack of communication between the lead creators of the company and YouTube itself are becoming rampant, the current CEO of the company Susan Wojcicki made a decisive step. Focusing on the transparency of the company to the creators themselves, Wojcicki mentioned that the company will be doing a steady uphill climb to meet creators half-way. This makes the creators on YouTube’s behalf gather the needed information, whether it is through social meetups, videos, and even one-on-one sessions.

Another issue that the creators of YouTube speak of is the unprecedented changes and experiments done by the company. This makes it difficult for them to handle the abrupt changes without having a heads up. For this reason, creators ask for an advance message on the future changes that the company is making.

With a lot of misunderstanding overshadowing the possible growth of the company and its employees, YouTube entrusted the task of handling internal affairs between YouTube and its creators to Koval. Acting as the middleman in both parties, Koval would help extinguish the possible issues from further rising. Moreover, Koval would create better and immersive communication groups with the creators of YouTube, which will provide a better feel for the platform.

YouTube: An Established Social Media Powerhouse

Although issues like those mentioned above arise, the appointing of a new creator liaison enables creators to have an improvement on their YouTube views. The discreet mechanics of YouTube is one of the reasons why the social media platform gained fame over the years. YouTube enables content creators to publish their content and work to a broad array of audiences and viewers. However, YouTube is not only here for the creators but for the users as well. YouTube is a primary place to grow other businesses and create audience visibility for start-up companies.

The Second Most Popular Social Media Platform

Did you know that 79 % of users on the internet have a YouTube account? Together with more than 2 billion active users, YouTube is one of the biggest social media platforms online-only second to FaceBook Inc. Ever since YouTube started, the developers are inclined to make a place for people – users, viewers, and content creators – to share and provide videos online. Moreover, YouTube prioritizes the accessibility of the content available on the site itself. Due to this, YouTube can be implemented on other platforms making it a prime place for advertising, business, and marketing.

Having pages upon pages of possible ways to advertise your business, doing so can lead you to dead ends. But with YouTube’s broad audience and video supremacy, your business can pick up a faster line of growth. With more than 1 billion hours of YouTube videos being watched every day, YouTube views generation is a definite possibility. Moreover, sharing content on YouTube’s platform is done both ways. Combining this with the vast community, your business can get a more extensive niche. With that being said, marketers and influencers can use YouTube as a leverage to build up their business.

The Bottom Line: Does Having a Creator Liaison on YouTube Improve Its Overall Experience?

Having outright changes for the betterment of the platform is essential, and YouTube uses this chance for improving user experience. Moreover, having a collaboration between creators and the company offers a possible increase in YouTube views. And, appointing a designated person to be an overseer will grant an essential step to a better YouTube platform soon.

Inspiring YouTube Channels to Follow as an Entrepreneur

Top YouTube Channels For Entrepreneurs

Since the launch of YouTube in 2005, the site has been a source of entertainment and education. Whether you’re a self-made billionaire or a start-up founder, there’s something for you to learn.

In this article, you will see 10 YouTube channels that you should follow if you’re an entrepreneur.

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Tips on How to Manage a Successful YouTube Channel

The sudden rise in video blogging culture is primarily due to the cravings of an average teenager and young adult for entertainment in a way never seen before. This rise is the major reason why everyone wants to start a YouTube channel. Why won’t they want to, after all, it can give you fame and increase your influence, it can also make you money while doing what you love.

If you have a YouTube channel or you plan to have one, then you need to learn the right strategy to make your channel a successful one. Don’t forget to buy YouTube views and be aware of the myths! You won’t have a successful YouTube Channel by adding any videos to YouTube. 

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Top 10 Beauty & Makeup YouTube Influencers on Twitter

Do you regularly have problems with clumpy mascara, wrong foundations, and other beauty errors that ruin your look for the day? Then it would help if you considered learning from the best in the field. We have taken the pain of searching and compiling a list of the beauty industry’s most informative profiles on YouTube. There are rumors that they bought YouTube views but we will never know!

Irrespective of the type of beauty tip you need, these tweeters will help you to find a more natural way to get things done. You cannot follow these ten Twitter handles and not learn from their depth of knowledge on beauty. These YouTube influencers are happy to talk with you on the platform!

best makeup and beauty youtubers

Top 10 YouTube Beauty and Makeup Influencers (and their Twitter Accounts)

1. Ellen Kavanagh – Rising YouTube Star

Twitter handle: @Waxperts

Occupation: She is an expert in hair removal, and she co-owns a business with the name Waxperts Wax with her long term business partner and friend, Trish O’Brien. Waxperts has made a name for itself as the only Irish depilatory wax manufacturing company and a high-end waxing salon.

Why: Her expertise in itself speaks for her. She has created a trendy brand, and the knowledge that built that brand is still there for you to access. What better way to obtain such information than following her? Also, she understands how to connect with her followers by passaging her message across humorously.

2. Marrisa Carter – Famous YouTube Makeup Artist

 Twitter handle: @CarterMarissa

Occupation: She is the idea behind the famous Cocoa Brown. She is a well-known media contributor and a highly influential beauty spokesperson in her community.

Why: She is one of the few business personalities that have mastered the art of imparting knowledge through social media. The balance she creates in her YouTube channel makes her YouTube account timeline a combination of fun and education.

3. Sam Pearce – Europe’s Beauty YouTuber

Twitter handle: @pottingshedspa

Occupation: She is the founder of one of the U.K.’s most popular salon, The Potting shed Spa. She is one of the few who has perfectly combined the role of a mother and an entrepreneur. Her business prowess is not one that can be ignored by colleagues and competitors.

Why: You should follow this account if you are a mother with an eye for beauty or the beauty industry. Being a mother herself, she understands the difficulty a mother faces when trying to make herself beautiful. As such, her tweets are well-tailored to accommodate that set of people and even others.

4. Andy Roullard – Waxing and Beauty YouTuber

Twitter Handle: @Wax_Daddy

Occupation: He is one of the top male waxing specialists in the U.K. He has won numerous awards for his training skill, and he currently consults for many top salons, colleges, and spas. He also caters to multiple celebrities around the globe.

Why: You should follow him if you want to get tips on man-scaping. You will be learning from the best amongst the best. He holds events regularly in different locations around the world. Thus, following him will help you know if there’s an event coming up near you.

top 10 Beauty and Makeup YouTube Influencers on the platform

5. Eve Oxberry – Professional Beauty YouTube Influencer

Twitter Handle: @eveoxberry

Occupation: She is the group editor for the Professional Beauty group of magazines and websites, a large organization that is involved in Spa & Wellness, Aesthetic medicine, and beauty. The company produces one of the best business to business magazines for clinic markets, spas, and salons.

She is in charge of directing the company’s editorial calendar, and she’s been doing a good job.

Why: A glance at Eve’s feed, and you will immediately deduce that she’s the severe type. She is beauty-focused and doesn’t cut across as someone who mixes business with pleasure. She reviews a lot of products daily, and trust me; you will get so many beauty tips when you follow that YouTube channel.

6. Lucy Douglas – Magazine and YouTube Content Creator

Twitter Handle: @lucydoughtweets

Occupation: Lucy Douglas is an assistant editor at Professional Beauty Magazine.

Why: Lucy’s YouTube channel and timeline is similar to that of Eve Oxberry. She tweets mostly about beauty products and treatments. If you plan to learn about what product works best for you, then you should follow this page. She also tweets about beauty events near you; as such, you can catch up with those top-notch events for beauty experts and enthusiasts.

7. Gina Akers – Europe’s Beauty Queen and YouTube Celebrity

Twitter Handle: @GinaAkers

Occupation: Gina is probably Europe’s best beauty expert. She’s highly sought after as a Freelance journalist, press officer and also works as a radio and T.V. presenter. Her work is purely on the beauty industry.

Why: Her tweets touch nearly all aspects of the beauty industry; this is mostly a reflection of the fact that her occupation affects a vast area in the beauty industry. You will learn a lot of beauty tips whether you’re equally a beauty professional or you want those little tips that will work for you.

8. Susan Routledge – YouTube Influencer First, Makeup Artist Second

Twitter Handle: @SusanRoutledge1

Occupation: She describes herself on YouTube Influencer as a Business turnaround specialist & industry-standard advisor. She’s a lot more than that. She is a highly sought after speaker, author, and business investor. She is an authority in the Beauty industry.

Why: You will get some top-notch beauty tips from this account. Susan Routledge mixes beauty tips with motivation; this makes her YouTube channel fun and, at the same time, motivating. She believes that internal beauty is as essential as external beauty. As such, her page is the perfect place to visit when you’re about getting out of your house. She’ll fire you up internally and externally.

9. Antonia Mariconda – T.V. Star and YouTube Influencer 

Twitter Handle: @CosmedicCoach

Occupation: She’s highly invested in the beauty industry. She is a blogger, radio commentator, T.V. host, educator, motivational speaker, and award-winning beauty consultant.

Why: As you can deduce from her occupation, the type of beauty tip you’ll get from her YouTube account is highly diverse. She’s a master of all in the beauty industry.

10. Sophy Robson – Nail Artist and YouTuber Extraordinaire

Twitter handle: @sophynails

Occupation: She is a high-end and highly sought after nail artist. She is the preferred nail artist for celebrities and other VIPs.

Why: You should follow this account if you want to get beauty tips on nails. I can bet that you will enjoy the dose of beauty tips and motivation that comes from Sophy Robson. 

Top 8 Hidden Features of YouTube You Should Try

Top 8 Hidden Features of YouTube You Should Try

YouTube is equipped with several features. However, you might find out you do not know about each one of these features. Below, we will dive into a few details about some of those features you might or might not know about, but have been proven to be extremely useful. Here’s the deal;

1. Viewing the script of videos

Now, this is something that will turn out to be very useful. Since the introduction of this feature, users of YouTube have been able to see where the words spoken in their videos come from. YouTube compiles a transcript for uploaded videos. This unique feature comes in handy for those who are social media marketers and need to work on something related to that particular video.

Asides coming in handy for social media marketers, reporters can easily work their way towards pulling out quotes from a video more efficiently as they file reports or conduct interviews. This is one way YouTubers get more YouTube views on their videos from their network of contributions.

Users can obtain the transcripts of videos simply by tapping on the More option below the video title. Once a drop-down list is presented, they can find the transcript option and click on it to view the transcript of that video.

2. Try Enabling The Dark Theme Hidden Feature

Dark theme for most digital platforms is a great way to boost the efficiency of the user interface they provide. Luckily, YouTube understands the amazing benefits that come with using dark mode for users.

Just like most other platforms, the video platform supports the use of a dark theme for its users. They can enable the dark theme simply by navigating to the account symbol on their desktop, clicking on Dark Theme, and then toggling the Activate Dark Theme option.

3. Enabling background playing

Background playing is one of the many features YouTube has supported for a while now. To many, background playing is a great way to be more comfortable with the screen they leave on their device while watching their favorite videos.

For iOS users, you can do this with your Safari browser. Navigate and play a video through the YouTube website and then tap on the Home Button. Swipe up on your screen to reveal the Action Center, before swiping left to reveal a second screen.

On Android, navigate to the video you want to watch with Firefox or Chrome. Then request for the desktop site. You will stand a chance to still hear the audio in the background as you use other apps.

4. Start videos at a specific time

Sometimes, you will always want to refer someone to a video to watch what you have watched. During a time like this, being able to skip to that exact point you want them to see is sure to come in handy. Luckily, with one of YouTube’s amazing features, users can start a video at a specific time.

To do this, tap on the Options button or right-click on the screen to reveal a list of options. Within these options, click on Copy Video URL at Current Time. This will provide you with a copy of the URL that can help anyone start videos at the particular time you copied the URL.

Top 8 Hidden Features of YouTube

5. Customize ads you see

YouTube enables users to customize the ads they see. Of course, these ads cannot be blocked, but YouTube provides its users with the option for them to choose the kind of ads they are presented with.

6. Simplifying YouTube

Simplified pages allow you to save data and reduce the data rates attached to the usage of the platform. Luckily, YouTube has provided a different kind of interface for users who prefer to enjoy simpler streaming of videos and usage of the platform. Users are given access to this simplified interface when they access the URL.

This simplified form of YouTube has come in handy for a great number of people. It allows users to access an incredible platform that is very easy to navigate and offers a high level of page speed. If you feel the regular YouTube has got a complex interface, then now is your time to try out an alternative one.

Hidden Features of YouTube

7. Turning videos to GIF

Gifs are simpler forms of videos that are usually used in texts and messages to others. If you are someone who loves to use gifs, now is your time to start making them yourself. By adding a “gif” right before the domain name, users can be redirected to with the video already uploaded and well-prepared for editing.

8. Customizing YouTube URLs

YouTube URLs can be customized to aid easy remembering. Trying to remember a YouTube URL can be a tough work to do. However, since the introduction of the feature which allows users to customize URLs, doing that has become an easier task to carry out.

One of the incredible features of YouTube is the ability for users to customize the URLs for their videos on the platform. They can easily do this through the advanced settings in their name section. Users can only do this if they have 100 or more subscribers, be at least 30 days old, have an uploaded photo as your channel icon, and have uploaded channel art.


YouTube is one of the world’s most successful digital platforms. With this very fact, they are still a great number of people who do not know about its many features. The above-listed ones are just a few of them. Knowing these features come in handy for making the usage of the platform easier for you.

How To Make Your YouTube Views Productive

I think you’ve made the right decision to go into video as I think that it’s one of the coolest things on earth. Call me a YouTube addict, yeah I am! Before becoming a pro, there are mistakes I made that almost inspired me to quit. So as not to make the same mistake as me, I’ll be sharing some tips for beginners on how you can use YouTube productively.

YouTube Views Productive

1. Post your videos at regular intervals

The first thing you must have in mind as a beginner is that you just have to start somewhere. If you keep complaining about the quality of your videos, you’ll never get anything done. When making a video, you must have it in mind that you’re a beginner. As such, your audience will tend to overlook some mistakes. If you check through how others started, you will notice that they developed themselves with the experience they gained while posting out videos and from the mistakes of others.

You should post your videos at regular intervals; this will help your audience to know when to catch up with your videos. Don’t wait till when you have one million subscribers till you create a schedule for yourself, it is the schedule you create now and stick to that will determine how much of your goal you will achieve.

2. Always remove the videos that you don’t need

Your audience will start getting bored if your videos contain similar content. The niche may be the same but the content must be distinctively different from each other.

Just because you caught the side-view of an edifice that you posted a while ago does not mean that you should have another side on your YouTube page. Too much of the same content will bore your audience.

3. Don’t imitate other videos you see

You should try as much as possible to be real. Take a cue from reality TV shows, you will notice people love to watch others be their real self. Don’t worry about those videos that are more popular, or more interesting. Just stick to what you do and choose to get better every day. Every popular YouTube channel began with 0 subscribers and 0 views, you have to gradually build your page.

4. Study programs you admire

You should watch your programs on TV and YouTube that will inspire you to do better. Be inquisitive about how they do things. When learning from these programs, you should stick to what you do but alter how they’re done till you get the best outcome possible.

5. Make sure you optimize your video for YouTube’s search engine

If you want other YouTube users to find your content, you will do more than just upload good content. Although the majority of work is uploading good content, however, if you ignore the remaining 10%, people will not find your video. Your entire effort will amount to waste if you upload great content without views. Here’s how to ensure that people find your videos on YouTube;

A. Ensure that the title of your video is descriptive enough

Ensure that your title is short and describes your content. No one will open a video on YouTube when they’re in doubt of what the content looks like. It is estimated that it will take over 50 million years to watch all the videos on the internet, why should a user watch your video when they have options.

B. Use tags on your video

Tags are to YouTube videos what keywords are to articles. Tags will help people to find you easily. For example, if the title of your video is “Best hotels in London,” you can use the tags “London hotels,” “London Vacation,” etc. get the gist?

C. Describe your product

You will see a description box below the video you want to upload, this affords you the opportunity to describe your product in a search engine friendly way.

6. Ensure that your audio quality is good

Bad video quality is not as detrimental as bad audio quality. Depending on how bad the audio is, it can completely render your video useless. Here are some things to avoid when shooting a video if you want to have good audio quality;

A. Avoid shooting a video in a windy environment

Since you’re just starting, it is expected that you don’t have Hi-tech equipment that can record videos in a windy place. Thus you should avoid this type of location totally because the only thing your audience will hear is the sound of wind rushing.

B. Take your equipment out of it case

If you’re shooting your video with a device like the GoPro, not taking it out of the case will ruin the audio quality of your video

C. Don’t place your finger on the microphone

For example, If you’re shooting a video with your phone and you place a finger on the device’s microphone, it will completely ruin the audio quality of your video.

7.  Socialize with fellow community members on the platform

YouTube is a social network, and you should live up to that expectation by leaving comments on videos that you admire. The comments should sound genuine and not vague like awesome, or good. A great comment will attract the owner of that account and they may view your videos.

Also, use the share button to tell people across all 13 platforms available about your video. It can go a long way in bringing people to your YouTube page.