How To Measure Real YouTube Views?

To measure your own YouTube views you need to know two things. What number of views you get on your videos. What number of views you get on other people’s videos. To improve your SEO and help you grow, you need to know what kind of view views are getting, how many they are, what kind of subscribers they’re getting, and how much. You should categorize them, even if you buy YouTube views, into categories.

Original views are the views you get for the original video itself. This category is where the real value of Google+ comes in. Google will now attempt to act as the resources for you to get more views from your videos. In other words, YouTube is going to increase the views count on its own network by promoting you.

What Are Real YouTube Views?

It’s always important to remember that real youtube views are both a measurement and a reflection of how many people were affected by the search. However, it’s important to also understand that even if these views fell far short of reality for you, this doesn’t mean you’ve been hurt by the search.

If you thought the original piece was low quality, you probably won’t have gotten the results that it generated from your action on Reddit. If you were shocked by the release, you probably missed out on some of the blog posts.

Is Your YouTube Video Unique?

Also, what really makes a video unique? First, do not look at them, just look at the real numbers. You’ll see that most videos on youtube are the same. You can’t make an animation you don’t own. Even movie posters are the same. Second, consider what the video is trying to accomplish. Asking a video developer to make a video that you already have on your computer with pixels all over it sounds like a lame request.

What Does YouTube Count As A View?

YouTube views are made up of the time that you stay on your website, and the time it takes you to go to another website. So, if you stay on your website and click through the redirect URL, YouTube counts a “view” as your visit. And for websites that have short URLs, YouTube’s method is simple: a direct call to the URL doesn’t count as a view. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. If you call someone’s mobile phone number when you’re in a meeting, that would be horrible.

What About Huge YouTube View Counts?

These large views are indicative of more mainstream appeal: it’s difficult to argue with that. In addition to more mainstream appeal, YouTube’s top shows—those that seem to gain the most traction in the first place—are all the more popular when viewers come to watch them. Many will also check the videos on YouTube with their friends and family. That’s another indicator of the appeal of views and the service’s audience—and the service has a large audience.

What Can YouTube Do With View Data?

YouTube puts some of the traffic that comes to the site into what’s called a library. Essentially it’s a permanent collection of clips. By analyzing those data points, we can come up with a fair idea of which videos people find the most value, and which ones they’d never see again. So with those data points in hand, we made a video, called Don’t Do That, that takes a particular set of snippets of radio and reviews shows from the 1990s and turns them into what the video company calls “freshness,” which is used to rank some videos.

What Can The YouTube Algorithm Do?

YouTube algorithms and the people who design them are smart. They are particularly good at recognizing the kind of videos that fans like. If they see a video of someone wearing a furry hat, they know. If another unique part of the animal, they see it too. It tends to be higher in searches on YouTube than the site’s normal picture of that person in a hat. That’s called “natural ” or “hard count,” meaning that a video that’s been “naturalized” and uploaded to YouTube can still result in a spike in searches on Google for all people with the same fursona.

The World of Fake Views

Next to Google, a greater number of people search on YouTube than on some other site. It is the most well-known social media platform among young people. YouTube is prevailing over monster companies like Facebook and Instagram. Gathering billions of views daily, YouTube helps spike worldwide social sensations, bring forth vocations, sell marks and advance political programs. 

YouTube Views

Martin Vassilev brings home the bacon selling phony views used by aspiring entrepreneurs on YouTube. Telecommuting in Ottawa, he has been selling views rounding about 15 million and counting this year, making progress to get up to $200,000 or more. His site,, associates clients with administrations that offer fake views and likes produced by PCs, not people. At the point when a provider can’t satisfy a request, Mr. Vassilev like an advanced switchboard administrator rapidly associates with another. 

He also stated that he can convey an unlimited volume of views to a video. Even if they try to cease it, he knows another way around. YouTube is now at struggle as to which are true views, just like various social media platforms.

Fake views can destroy the reputation of YouTube by controlling the digital money that signs an incentive to clients. Even if the fake views speaks to only a modest portion of the whole count, it still has an impact by misleading shoppers and advertisers. With the concerns of fake viewership, The New York Times inspects how the market functioned and tried YouTube’s capacity to gain control.

Expanding fake views disregards YouTube’s terms when it comes to administration. Be that as it may, Google looks for purchasing views shows up to many locales offering “quick” and “simple” approaches to build a video’s viewer count by 1000 or up to 1,000,000 or more. And sites that offer views appear in Google Advertisements Search. To know if sites are working, a New York Times journalist requested a large number of views from various different companies. In about two weeks, the entire purchases were fulfilled.

An organization that has the ability to do it was “” As per the records of the company, it gathered more than $1 million or more in the span of three years by marketing almost 200 million YouTube views. From the span of 2014 to 2017, those requests were finished in weeks, however, those for a count of a million or more views will take a longer time. Remember that a company that offers cheap and quick rise of view count is not offering genuine viewership. 

Devumi has a variety of customers, from media organizations, filmmakers, a political advocacy group, and also the video head of “The New York Post”. Even musicians buy views in hopes to be and appear popular. Some companies buy views in hopes that real people would watch their videos.

A Doctor learned the hard way of buying fake views. Dr. Judith Oppenheimer was charged $5,000 to promote her book in hopes to make it into the mainstream. The video soon garnered Fifty-Eight thousand views by using Devumi, but the sales and book deal never happened. 

People who patronize fake views rely upon the continued advancing strategies to convey views, including computerized traffic and pop-under videos on clueless clients’ PCs, yet YouTube says it has viable procedures to shield against these methodologies.

YouTube’s Director of Product Management stated that fake views were a problem for many years. YouTube’s systems are constantly monitoring videos, and the team of anti-fraud often buys fake views to figure out how fake view sites operate.

According to the company, at a certain point in 2013, YouTube had as much traffic from bots taking on the appearance of people as it did from genuine human visitors. A few YouTube employees dreaded this would cause the misrepresentation of the fraud detection system, characterizing fake views as genuine or the other way around. Thus, the term “the Inversion” was made. In any case, the difficulties are still very significant.

In any case, fixes were made that mitigated the fake views surge, which YouTube said came about because of an attack against the site. 

The fight opposing fake views that continues until years later. YouTube would not unveil the number of fake views it obstructed every day, YouTube groups attempted to keep them to under 1 percent of the totality. All things considered, with the site enlisting billions of views daily, a huge number of fake views could still get through day by day. 

Control check of views will still be a problem as long as the popularity and views of videos are the money makers of YouTube.


Mr. Vassilev took around a year and a half to go from being under the care and living with his dad in Canada to purchasing a white BMW 328i and his very own place. 

By the end months of 2014, his site was on the main page of Google for purchasing YouTube views, satisfying up to 200 requests per day and acquiring not lower than $30,000 every month. He did not believe at first that he could gain that much money online. 

A representative for Google, which is possessed by a similar company as YouTube, said that websites selling fake views are pertinent, yet that there was still an opportunity to get better.

Mr. Vassilev avoided naming his customers yet he said that numerous requests originated from advertising or marketing firms. 

Today, he takes care of most requests using, a discount provider who is run by Sean Tamir, that charges Mr. Vassilev about a dollar for a thousand views, which Mr. Vassilev exchanges for $14, tossing in 100 free likes.

A few times each year, YouTube modifies its detection system in an attempt to disturb fake views. However huge numbers of the websites were able to adapt to the changes occurring when The New York Times made a large portion of its buys. Providers stated that they can evade on the updates of the system by causing their traffic to show up increasingly humanlike, which originates from clients with previous views. 

Carlton E. Bynum II, a provider, utilizes advertisements to draw in clients. He gathered more than $190,000 in income this year yet spent over $110,000 in advertisements that showed up at the top search of Google, as per budget records., the site of Carlton, runs an office in Houston, selling views from YouTube just as social media platforms, Instagram followers, Twitter supporters, like on Facebook and Plays from SoundCloud.

Google does not permit advertisements with terms like “purchase” or “buy” when it comes to YouTube views. Prior to Mr. Bynum’s selling of views, he was purchasing it for himself. After he was released from the Marine Corps a year ago, he started doing product reviews using YouTube as a platform and taking a cut when guests buy utilizing his links. The views he purchased would regularly make his videos rank higher than his rivals. The impact would snowball, the videos he uses would pick up traffic through inquiry, and he would get more income. He said that it worked great that he can get views in a day and likes only hours.

Mr. Bynum wanted to believe that people do watch his videos, but there is a possibility that he is wrong and it’s bots that watch his videos. But still, his video ranks.

Mr. Vassilev, who additionally said he utilized fake views to build up the ranking of videos that promotes his websites, makes no affectation that what he is selling is bona fide viewership. It is just impossible.


A retired English and Psychology professor, Elizabeth Clayton, was promised a simple and effective way to sell her book. She was offered to pay Hancock Press $4,200 in exchange for publishing her independently published poetry. The company stated that online promotion can guarantee her sales. She was then hopeful because she has been publishing her poetry for seven years and was not happy with the sales of it. One royalty check was given to her for only the sum of not higher than a $1.50, another one was lower than $1. She pursued Hancock to post two videos, costing her $8,400, and telling her that if she got a specific amount of hits, she could gain a certain sum.

Rather than marketing the self-publish poetry, Hancock Press paid a total of $270 for 50,000 plus views from Devumi for every video. The views, in the long run, came to around 60,000, yet, there was no influx of revenue. Ms. Clayton was not getting information about the viewers who watched her videos and starting to suspect that something is not right. 

The 92-year-old CEO of the Hancock Press, Wayne Hancock, believed that the views are from real people. That is how Devumi markets its views. 

Mr. Hancock’s daughter, who helps run the business, rejected Ms. Clayton’s reports and the Devumi receipts as fakes. 

Devumi records demonstrate that Hancock Press was spending about $26,000 more than three years, acquiring 5,000,000 or more views for their 75 clients. Six other clients of Hancock are also facing what Ms. Clayton is experienced.

Devumi was quiet when they have demanded comments. The company was under investigation after The Times reported that the company also sells fake followers on Twitter.

Numerous Devumi customers originated from the music business, where purchasing fake views is observed as essential. The vice president of Billboard stated that YouTube is one of the chief sources of music and a significant indicator of trendy music and popularity. 

Aleem Khalid, a new artist, employed a promotion company, named Crowd Surf in 2014. He stated that the firm purchased 10,000 views for each of his three videos without even knowing. They have somewhere in the range of 11,000 and 45,000 views. He also stated that at first, he believed that all views on social media platforms were genuine, but now he feels like its all fake. 

Other people who depended on Devumi said they were shocked at the organization’s strategies. Ami Horowitz, a filmmaker, purchased 10,000 views for a video he showed up in entitled, “What We Learned at the People’s Climate March”, the Koch brothers’ political influence group YouTube channel called Americans for Prosperity. Mr. Horowitz, who is regularly a guest on Fox News, additionally purchased views for a video pertaining to the challenges in Ferguson, Mo. 

He stated that he had trusted Devumi worked like a traditional web advertising. In any case, “it wasn’t what we expected,” he stated, adding that he will never utilize Devumi or with similar delivery of service again. 


YouTube’s team of engineers, analysts, and data scientists are continually improving in their capacity to battle what Ms. O’Connor calls a difficult problem yet the attacks have persistently gotten more grounded and more refined. 

A New York Times columnist gave YouTube videos in which he had purchased views, the company stated that the sellers had abused two vulnerabilities that had just been fixed. Soon thereafter, the journalist purchased more views from six of similar sellers. The view tally increased gradually. After seven days, everything except two of the sellers had fulfilled the amount needed. 

Looking closely, YouTube still misses videos with fake views. A Google report from 2017 regarding the disinformation during the 2016 electoral race took a gander at RT’s YouTube channels, presuming that there was no proof of manipulation of the platform or policy infringement. Yet The Times found out lately that an RT representative purchased fake views for the electoral videos used in 2016, which YouTube recognized it didn’t identify. 

A reporter for RT, named James Brown had obtained an approximate 300 likes and 30,000 views in total over three videos that concentrated on issues including homeless and migration in Europe. Mr. Brown stated that he trusted Devumi that the views are from genuine people. An RT representative said the organization was ignorant of the purchases and was leading an inner review. 

View-selling websites keep on publicizing with an evident exemption. A post on the YouTube Creator Blog cautioning clients against fake views has various remarks connecting to view-selling websites. 

Mr. Vassilev pointed out that the only way YouTube could eliminate fake views is to remove all the view counts. But he also stated that by doing that it would also defeat the purpose of YouTube.

Pros & Cons of Buying YouTube Views

YouTube offers a good environment for anyone to start their business. View count on YouTube determines how many people have interacted with your content. Many entrepreneurs and musicians choose the video-sharing platform due to its popularity. The more views you have on YouTube, the more influential you appear. YouTube views grow according to how much people watch the content. For a starting business, gathering many views can be challenging. Thousands of videos are uploaded on YouTube every day, so a lot of hard work is required for your video to stand out. As a result, many people opt to buy views to speed up the process of people finding your content. If you are wondering about the effects of buying YouTube views, you have to the right place. The following are the pros and cons of buying YouTube views. 

Buying YouTube Views


Gaining social authority

In the current era of likes, comments, and views, the more views you have, the more influential you appear. It also becomes easier to watch what other people are watching. A video with thousands of views looks reputable, popular, and credible. People would like to watch content with a high number of views because they think you are a master in your field.

Gaining social authority

Content creators spend money in buying YouTube views because they are a symbol of social proof. Social proof dictates that people accept something because many others have accepted it. Viewers are more likely to interact with a channel having many views per video and many subscribers. If your goal is to gain social authority, then purchasing YouTube views offers a good start.

Improved search ranking

YouTube search engine algorithm prioritizes videos with many views in its search results. The more views a video has, the higher it will be ranked. It follows that more people will watch your videos, improving its ranking even further. An increased number of views has a direct financial benefit.

 Helps you to make money

Increased number of views means more money to the YouTube channel owner. Celebrities and other renowned people with millions of views per video make a lot of money through their YouTube channels. You can earn money through paid partnerships, being a product ambassador, or through AdWords.

Head start for new videos

When a YouTuber uploads a video, there is usually a period of waiting before the video can gain a sizeable number of views. This waiting duration can determine the success or failure of the uploaded content. Buying views comes to the rescue during this period unless the YouTuber is an influential person who gets thousands of views after uploading their videos. View velocity is a term used to describe the rate at which views accumulate in the first few days of posting a video. A higher view velocity results in improved video ranking. Buying YouTube views will, therefore, increase view velocity and improving video ranking.

 Views appear to be organic

If you buy views from a quality source, they will appear to be natural. Your viewers will not detect whether you bought them to boost your video. Additionally, you can buy other elements that signify engagement, such as likes and comments, to add value to the views.

 YouTube won’t remove good views

YouTube constantly checks whether views are legitimate. If you bought the views from a credible source, the search engine would not remove them. It is, therefore, vital to buy views from a reputable source.


Purchased views do not substitute real customers

When you buy views, the users making such views will not become real customers. Since purchased views are not customers, they can not buy your products or generate any direct income for you. The views only attract people to your content and help in growing its ranking and popularity. Overall sales will increase from real customers.

Attract Even More YouTube Views With These Optimization Tips

The practice of buying views proves to be a failure at times because you do not make new fans and customers. Bought viewers have an interest in your money and not how you will grow your brand. Therefore, if you decide to purchase views, ensure they only serve as an attraction to your target market.

Ad revenue suffers

Purchased views are different from organic ones. If you buy views, expect zero engagement. This affects the rate of revenue gathered from ads. If your goal is to make money through views, you should consider growing your channel to gather real views for every content you upload.

Perceived as unethical

Although it is hard to find out, people might not like it when they know you have bought views. In a world where people believe in hard work for success, it is controversial to buy views. To avoid the risk of detection, YouTube views should be bought from quality sources. 

Possibility of scam

YouTube views business has attracted a lot of people. With the increase in the number of entities selling the same, there is a high possibility of buying fake views. YouTube audits views frequently to determine their authenticity. If it is detected that your views are generated by bots, the video could be removed, or the views could be trimmed, leaving only the legitimate ones. Whichever the case, it is a loss to the YouTuber since he spends money to purchase the views.

Increased risk of penalty 

The habit of buying views increases the risk of getting penalized by YouTube. There are certain red flags that YouTube observes when penalizing you. For example, a video with thousands of views but few comments and likes indicates fake views. As a practice of integrity, Google and YouTube advocates for growing your channel and gaining real views for every video upload you make.

Difficult in analyzing view statistics

Purchased views make it difficult in determining the success of your channel. Although you can know the number of organic views you have to attain by subtracting the purchased ones from the total number, you can not determine when the real views came in from when the purchased ones came. It becomes more difficult when the views increase after the video gains popularity.

Should you buy YouTube Views in 2019?

YouTube Views

For many years today, YouTube has been in the frontline as one of the most influential marketing platforms for videos of all kinds. Like any other video, musical or not, they have to be viewed for people to get the information therein. And for people to crowd over to your video to watch it, you have to invest in thorough marketing for it. There are numerous methods of marketing your YouTube videos, according to experts. Depending on the approach, most of them do work. 

One of the most practical ways of obtaining many views on YouTube is by buying them. Depending on the packages, you can buy as many views as possible. This is one of the most effective strategies and even o for newbies and people who are still new to YouTube. If your video already has one thousand views, for example, it will be easier for you to get more as opposed to when it has none, to begin with.

Buying YouTube views is a short term strategy to ensure freshers have a grasp on all that is needed for them to thrive in the industry. But it cannot be used as a long term a means to an end. Essentially, all you need is to depend on the bought views to start to generate real views. There are more reasons for buying YouTube views, according to experts. 

Benefits of Buying YouTube Views

As already mentioned, buying YouTube views has its fair share of the good side, as listed but not limited to: 

  • It is a shortcut to getting quicker results. Posting a new video on YouTube and marketing, it is okay. It will begin to feel discouraging when you are not getting any views in the first place. Videos with minimal or no views at all may be universally thought of as dull, plain boring, or uninteresting. If you buy your first number of views, it is an added advantage as it will begin to attract more new views gradually eventually. 
  • Buying YouTube views ensures the completion of the content relevance and follower preference circle. With time, YouTube begins to sort out your video content and only directs them to followers who are interested in such or whose preferences match the content of your video. As such, you harness more benefits because everyone who watches your videos benefits from them in one way or another. Usually, the viewer will see a ‘recommended for you’ column when they open the YouTube page, meaning the content they are receiving matches their sought-out preferences.
  • Along with getting relevant viewers on your videos, you begin to get ranked on Google’s search engine. For instance, if your video is about ‘How to clean eyeglasses,’ someone searching for such information on the Google platform will be redirected to your page if they input the correct keywords. The more views you get on your YouTube videos, the better your ranking gets on Google since the latter is a subsidiary of the former. Take advantage and convert your videos into monetary value by using the combination of both these marketing giants. 
  • Your videos get viewed only by high-quality traffic. We would do anything to collect as much quality traffic to ourselves as we possibly can. The higher the quality of traffic to anything, the better the outcome since the more conversions can be made. Forget getting views only from viewers of similar interests as you; it gets better when the relevant recommendations of your videos are made to serious and professional prospects only. This is because you stand a chance of more than fifty percent of conversions.  The first views you buy are only meant to set the ball rolling. Soon, your videos will begin to be viewed by real accounts and active viewers, and receiving real and active comments and like to them. At this point, in the right timing and quantity of the incoming views, your videos’ audiences will only be growing gradually and eventually soar to the highest heights.
  • Buying YouTube views is the best way to ensure your videos go viral. As mentioned earlier, nobody likes to watch videos with a small number of views. We all love it when we watch videos with vast numbers of views because we find them interesting and likable. So, it goes without saying that if you buy your first views on YouTube, there are bigger chances of attracting more real views and multiplying them up and as the number of your views soars, they begin to go viral, and you will have made your first step in YouTube marketing.

There are several misconceptions about bought YouTube views. But as noted, they are purely misconception myths that have been demystified over the years. Here are some of them.

Increase Your YouTube Views with These 10 Easy Tactics
  • That bought YouTube views are fake is just a myth. As long as you ensure you buy your views from a legit seller, your views are as valid as the real active accounts’ views. Being an online transaction, it is undeniably easy to fall prey to a con seller who will sell you bot views. Check out the reviews of your seller before transacting with them.
  • That your channel will be closed down if you buy YouTube views is a lie. The only time your YouTube channel can be closed is when you violate the terms and conditions of YouTube or when you post videos that are illegal or insensitive. As long as you operate under the signed terms of service, your account is safe even with bought views.
  • That buying and selling of YouTube views are illegal in not true. In fact, some of the views are sold under the larger umbrella of Google to show you how legal this business really is. If you read the terms and conditions of YouTube, you will get some light shone on this issue.

It is absolutely safe, legit, and legal to buy YouTube views. Even more, it is hugely beneficial to the eventual outcome of your channel. Only, buy your view from a legit vendor, and ensure you operate under the terms and conditions of YouTube.

Get Free YouTube Views the Easy Way

YouTube is the go-to platform not only for watching videos, but also for promoting one’s brand. While it’s quite easy to upload your videos there, making your videos be noticed isn’t always an easy task.

There are, however easy tactics you can apply to get free YouTube views for your uploaded videos. You have to make sure the videos are optimized in terms of searchability and clickability, then improve their branding.  

Video optimization tactics for free YouTube views

Video optimization tactics for YouTube can be categorized into two: use traditional SEO tactics, and improve your user’s experience. Let’s break down these two further.

Use SEO tactics

To get started on getting those free Free YouTube views, you have to make sure that people find your videos first. Some SEO tactics you can employ to achieve this goal include:

  • Check competitors in your niche: Pay attention to their most viewed videos and the keywords prominently used in their videos’ titles, descriptions, and tags.
  • Check and list the good keywords: After finding the prominent keywords, use tools like Google AdWords to check if these keywords are indeed good. List down those keywords with the highest search frequency and best stats.
  • Apply the good keywords into your videos: Incorporate keywords wisely into the title, description, and tags, but don’t overuse them. YouTube and other search engines will know if you’re abusing their system.

Using the right keywords, plus other SEO tactics, will certainly make your videos searchable to potential viewers.

Get Free YouTube Views the Easy Way

Optimize the viewer’s experience

After you worked on the SEO side, it’s now time to make your videos clickable and improve the viewer’s experience. Two ways you can make this happen include:

  • Put a catchy thumbnail image: Use bright, clear, attractive photos. If it’s possible, use pictures with humans as people easily relate with such images.
  • Optimize the video description: A description will not only help in terms of searchability; it will also help your video get those precious clicks. Use brief, on-point descriptions to tell your viewers what the video is all about.

These two methods should pique the interests of your viewers so they will instantly click on your videos.

Branding tactics for free YouTube views

Optimizing videos will help make them searchable and clickable, but that’s just half the work. If you want your videos to be remembered, you have to work on their branding as well. Here are some ways you can improve your branding:

  • Maintain a regular schedule for uploading videos, and advertise them.
  • Put consistent images in your header, profile, and thumbnails.
  • Include other brand information in the header, like a link to your website or social media profiles.
  • Use regular backdrops for your videos.
  • Present your videos in a consistent manner. For instance, some YouTubers use their own style of intros and catchphrase.

Using a consistent schedule, appearance, and presentation will make your videos worth remembering and get those free YouTube views.

Example of YouTube branding

As an example, check out how software company Adobe Creative Cloud applied some of the above tactics in crafting its YouTube’s channel. The images in the header and thumbnails are colorful and attractive; it even has a human face in there. The video descriptions are on-point, telling you exactly what a specific video is all about. Viewers get a constant supply of useful content, and the social media handles are clearly displayed on the header.

While all these tactics seem like easy steps, they have been used by successful YouTubers in promoting their videos and channels. Check these tactics out, apply them to your own videos, and watch your YouTube view count increase without spending a lot.

Why YouTube Views Disappear And How You Can Regain Them

Attracting views to your YouTube videos is a tedious process. You often need to do a lot of marketing and promotions just to gain a few hundred views. That is why seeing your view count drop can be a nerve-wracking experience. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why you may be losing views and learn some effective remedies.

The truth behind lost YouTube views

The main reasons why you lose views is because of YouTube’s own auditing process. Unlike before when the site only starts to audit when a video goes past the 300 views mark, auditing now begins immediately once your video starts gaining views.

During the initial review of registered views, YouTube takes a hard look at the following factors:

  • Duration: The site checks whether each view is over 10 seconds long. Fake views typically just load the player and don’t play the entire video.
  • IP address: YouTube takes note of whether many views are coming from a single IP address. It then decides if that is a result of abnormal user behavior.
  • User-agent strings: Checking the devices where the views originated from works similarly to looking at the IP address.
  • Referral URL: Views coming from the same link can be either natural (like when people visit from your blog) or unnatural (like when the video is embedded in a video advertisement).

These tests ensure that all the views checked by YouTube are 99% real, with all the initial views guaranteed to come from actual people.

After the initial tests, YouTube does additional passes on subsequent views. These extra audits are less harsh than the initial ones, but they test more specific video elements. These are continuously done on your content with the purpose of filtering out the “bad” views while registering the real ones.

Losses caused by drops in subscribers

Another reason why you might lose views is due to a drop in subscribers. YouTube regularly cleans out its accounts list, taking down dead accounts or those that have been inactive for a long period of time. The views associated with these types of accounts eventually get delisted as part of the audit process.

YouTube also actively goes after bot accounts used to inflate the number of views and subscribers. Since these are prohibited under the site’s rules, the actions against them can have a significant impact on view counts. Not only will you lose views; YouTube may also impose certain punishments, like temporarily pausing of your views counter.

Other reasons YouTube views disappear

It is also worth noting that YouTube routinely updates its algorithm. In such cases, some of the counted views will get delisted if they do not comply with the new rules. The site will typically notify you beforehand of such changes.

There are also rare instances when YouTube experiences an error in data reporting. One such incident happened in 2017 when YouTube experienced a glitch that caused its system to inflate total channel view counts.

These errors are repaired within a few days, but the sudden drop in view numbers after the fix had surprised many users.

Rebounding from a view count drop

The best way to know if your channel is experiencing a significant drop in views is by looking at and understanding your YouTube analytics. This will give you an accurate picture of the number of views you are losing real-time.

The analytics will also help you determine the possible cause of lost views. For example, you might notice a drop after the first few seconds, indicating that your audience may be losing interest while watching your videos. It could indicate that your targeted keywords are reaching the wrong people.

Recovering from a drop in views follows the same process of how you gained them in the first place. Some strategies you can employ for getting more views again are:

  • Optimizing your videos: Refine elements like the title and description of your video to let people know what the video is all about. This makes it easier for them to discover your video.
  • Improving your audience retention: Try different ways to improve your video quality, like adjusting the length, the actual content, or your background/location to get people to watch more.
  • Re-promote your videos: Double down on the promotional efforts you do for the videos that have lost views in order to get them back into public consciousness.
  • Share on new communities: Look out for new groups within your niche where you might not have yet shared your content, then introduce your videos to them.

These tactics will take some time to work to bring back lost views, so you need to be patient in doing them.

Losing YouTube views is definitely not a fun experience for any video creator. Once you understand the reasons behind it, you will be able to formulate a way to recover quickly. Try out the tips and strategies we showed, and you will definitely come back stronger in the video listings.

How Jimmy Fallon Attracted 2.6 Billion YouTube Views

How Jimmy Fallon Attracted 2.6 Billion YouTube Views

Comedian and host Jimmy Fallon proves that he is still king, not just of late night shows but also of YouTube, as he attracted 2.6 billion views on the platform in 2018, and nearly 11 billion in total.

Huge online viewership

The stunning reveal came courtesy of video marketing analytics provider Tubular Insights. Their data showed that Fallon’s The Tonight Show YouTube channel gained the views within the span of 12 months.

During that period, the channel uploaded a total of 1740 videos. Of these, 255 attracted at least a million views each. The most popular video uploaded, “Musical Genre Challenge with Ariana Grande,” gained an impressive 48 million views on its own.

Other videos that proved to be big crowd drawers were:

  • Kevin Hart is Terrified of Robert Irwin’s Animals: 27.8 million views
  • Jimmy Fallon and Kevin Hart Go Back To High School: 23.4 million views
  • Ariana Grande Surprises Fans: 22.8 million views
  • Avengers Infinity War Cast Sing “The Marvel Bunch”: 21.1 million views
  • Jack Black Performs His Legendary Sax-A-Boom: 21.1 million views

Musical numbers performed by guests on set are some of the most popular content on the channel. Having The Roots as your house band pretty much guarantees that you’ll have some good music from time to time! There are also skits done by Fallon and his guests, which generated plenty of audience interest over the year.

Fallon’s growing global audience

While 42.6% of The Late Night Show’s YouTube viewers are based in the United States, the larger portion of views comes from 75 different countries. The top five non-US countries where Fallon’s views came from in 2018 were:

  • United Kingdom: 65.9 million views
  • Brazil: 60.6 million views
  • Canada: 57.7million views
  • Germany: 35.4 million views
  • Australia: 31.0 million views

This does not come as a surprise, as Fallon’s show was also broadcast internationally even before his foray into YouTube.

The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon is also the fastest growing channel dedicated to a late night show host. It recently reached a milestone of being the first such channel to reach 20 million subscribers. This is twice the numbers achieved by other late night show hosts like Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel. In honor of the achievement, the channel posted this video.

Why Jimmy Fallon is a success

One of the reasons why The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon is popular is the kind of content the channel uploads. Many of the videos are select interview clips featuring celebrity guests. There are also the skits performed by Fallon himself. Quick-hitting musical numbers are also a frequent theme. This variety of content lets it capture a larger demographic across different countries.

The channel also uploads new content frequently. In fact, it uploads clips just a few hours after their respective episodes have aired on TV. This turns it into a secondary venue where viewers can catch up at their own leisure. The tight upload schedule also helps keep viewers engaged with the channel longer.

Jimmy Fallon takes full advantage of the shareability of YouTube videos. The clips the channel uploads are short and easily digestible by the audience, which also makes them ideal for sharing with others.

The show even carries this over to its other social media pages, posting shareable content like memes. This helps increase the reach of its videos significantly as more Twitter followers leads to more YouTube views when those videos are shared on his Twitter.

Jimmy Fallon’s success on YouTube is a great demonstration of how traditional broadcasters can leverage social video to grow their viewership. Watch his clips and learn more about his video marketing tricks while you laugh at his antics.

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