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Get Free YouTube Views the Easy Way

YouTube is the go-to platform not only for watching videos, but also for promoting one’s brand. While it’s quite easy to upload your videos there, making your videos be noticed isn’t always an easy task.

There are, however easy tactics you can apply to get free YouTube views for your uploaded videos. You have to make sure the videos are optimized in terms of searchability and clickability, then improve their branding.  

Video optimization tactics for free YouTube views

Video optimization tactics for YouTube can be categorized into two: use traditional SEO tactics, and improve your user’s experience. Let’s break down these two further.

Use SEO tactics

To get started on getting those free Free YouTube views, you have to make sure that people find your videos first. Some SEO tactics you can employ to achieve this goal include:

  • Check competitors in your niche: Pay attention to their most viewed videos and the keywords prominently used in their videos’ titles, descriptions, and tags.
  • Check and list the good keywords: After finding the prominent keywords, use tools like Google AdWords to check if these keywords are indeed good. List down those keywords with the highest search frequency and best stats.
  • Apply the good keywords into your videos: Incorporate keywords wisely into the title, description, and tags, but don’t overuse them. YouTube and other search engines will know if you’re abusing their system.

Using the right keywords, plus other SEO tactics, will certainly make your videos searchable to potential viewers.

Get Free YouTube Views the Easy Way

Optimize the viewer’s experience

After you worked on the SEO side, it’s now time to make your videos clickable and improve the viewer’s experience. Two ways you can make this happen include:

  • Put a catchy thumbnail image: Use bright, clear, attractive photos. If it’s possible, use pictures with humans as people easily relate with such images.
  • Optimize the video description: A description will not only help in terms of searchability; it will also help your video get those precious clicks. Use brief, on-point descriptions to tell your viewers what the video is all about.

These two methods should pique the interests of your viewers so they will instantly click on your videos.

Branding tactics for free YouTube views

Optimizing videos will help make them searchable and clickable, but that’s just half the work. If you want your videos to be remembered, you have to work on their branding as well. Here are some ways you can improve your branding:

  • Maintain a regular schedule for uploading videos, and advertise them.
  • Put consistent images in your header, profile, and thumbnails.
  • Include other brand information in the header, like a link to your website or social media profiles.
  • Use regular backdrops for your videos.
  • Present your videos in a consistent manner. For instance, some YouTubers use their own style of intros and catchphrase.

Using a consistent schedule, appearance, and presentation will make your videos worth remembering and get those free YouTube views.

Example of YouTube branding

As an example, check out how software company Adobe Creative Cloud applied some of the above tactics in crafting its YouTube’s channel. The images in the header and thumbnails are colorful and attractive; it even has a human face in there. The video descriptions are on-point, telling you exactly what a specific video is all about. Viewers get a constant supply of useful content, and the social media handles are clearly displayed on the header.

While all these tactics seem like easy steps, they have been used by successful YouTubers in promoting their videos and channels. Check these tactics out, apply them to your own videos, and watch your YouTube view count increase without spending a lot.


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