How You Could Get More Views and Subscribers On YouTube

How You Could Get More Views and Subscribers On YouTube

A lot of brands have already been utilizing various social media platforms for their brand growth. Some advertisers on Facebook and Instagram which no doubt can widen their reach and increase their brand authority. But while these two social media platforms are very effective in advertising a product or service, there is another platform that brands should put more time and energy into– getting more YouTube views, of course.

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Jay-Z Asks YouTube to Take Down Videos With Vocal Synthesis

A New YouTube channel called Vocal Synthesis is dedicated to publishing audio deepfakes. These audio deepfakes are speech generated by artificial intelligence to mimic the voices of humans. The voices that these AI-generated voices mimic are synthesized by text through training a neural network with state of the art system.

Jay-Z Asks YouTube to Take Down Videos With Vocal Synthesis
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Effective Ways of Getting More Views for Your Youtube Videos

Effective Ways of Getting More Views for Your Youtube Videos

However, the massive competition in this video-sharing platform does not make it easy for content creators to get the number of views they want. Still, there are a lot of methods that you can use to increase your YouTube views. Besides, the click-through rate also plays a significant impact on your video views. So, you must utilize and improve your YouTube click-through rate.

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Should New YouTubers Buy YouTube Views to Get Started?

Should New YouTubers Buy YouTube Views To Get Started?

Almost every nation around the world is now in lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. People are required to follow home quarantine requirements to contain the proliferation of the virus. Likewise, almost all work establishments and facilities have been forced to shut down its operation. For this reason, a lot of people have lost their means of income. 

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Will A Coronavirus Quarantine Get Your Channel More YouTube Views?

Will A Coronavirus Quarantine Get Your Channel More YouTube Views?

With cases of COVID-19 increasing exponentially, several countries have issued strict community lockdown procedures. More people are now confining themselves inside their homes to lower the risk of infection. With that being said, a massive increase in daily internet users has been recorded. This surge of online users gives online businesses and influencers an enormous opportunity to gather leads and potential customers. This situation is no different from what is happening on YouTube’s platform.

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5 Helpful Tips for YouTube Optimization

YouTube video contents are all over the place. YouTube is not going on extinction, no matter what. The popularity of Facebook Live features cannot subdue YouTube. The potency of Instagrams’ videos is not bringing down, and not even Snapchat features; because YouTube is a world on its own. Truth is the gold mine of YouTube is yet untapped, and its popularity is, however, to come. Many YouTube creators have leveraged on YouTube to make fortunes for themselves with optimization. PewDiePie, according to the report, was said to have an estimated net worth of $70 million due to its searches and visibility on the platform. Just like Google, one of the easiest ways to be visible on YouTube is how optimized you are for visibility.

Meet Pip, the Southeastern Guide Dogs celebrity with 55 million YouTube views

Most people have spent tons of dollars and time for optimization on YouTube, but they are not getting the powerful hacks that unlock the visibility drive that helps them having high revenue in the right proportion.

The truth is YouTube is not out of vogue. It is not bad for visibility, but the way you go about it matters. The platform is one of the best media for all kinds of search engine optimization, and you too can leverage using it for your growth.

 Below are various advanced, powerful hacks to boost your YouTube optimization.

1. Well detailed descriptions for your videos

The best way for visibility is to include a thorough and self-explanatory video description that looks simple. The reason we put it first is that this aspect is the most important. Neglecting this will lead to no result, and you will be missing out on the foundation. The truth is that the more comprehensive and more extended your content description is, the better your video will be ranking high.

Here is why your video needs a long description, the contextual usage of keywords. Contextual keyword use is the central point of all searches on both YouTube and Google. This is a straightforward concept here because you are not only ranking for a long-tailed keyword. You are doing all at once because you will have to rank for various keywords that are search-related, that does or doesn’t include the precise keyword phrase you’re optimizing for. This is why the more extended the description; the more you are getting visibility on searches.

The fact is that YouTube has hosts of user-generated content, and YouTube is most times tagged as a social media platform for this reason. A well-written and long video description are like organic traffic, which can help give you some boost and gain more fans.

2. By carefully selecting the most friendly keywords to use

YouTube contents are highly searchable via Google; it is a point of responsibility to optimize significantly for the world’s commonly used search engines. For the record, YouTube is second below Google when it comes to search engines and as the globally used online search engine visibility. Search engine optimization has a way of optimizing your YouTube content for Google, and YouTube searches through the long-tail keywords search. The cool way in determining whether a keyword will work best across both search engines is to use a generally used phrase in your niche that your audience can relate with. 

3. Using the video embedding and share button often

According to a report, about 70 percent of all search results from Google in the year 2012 has a video. This is why making use of video SEO for your contextual keywords. The sweet thing here is that YouTube has video hence making your search easy. It is cool when you have your video visibly on search engines. Video sharing and embedding options are in the default options. You need not have to do anything extraordinary for your video except you want to refine the choice based on your unique way.

The more you have your links on chat rooms, forums, websites, and other social platforms to your YouTube video, the better your visibility. This is the essential SEO backlinking that is applied to your video. By adding your content to forums and blogs enhances your user’s engagement in various aspects. This is because fans love streaming videos online, and this is exactly what is will drive your video’s traffic organically on search engines.

4. Build themed playlists for viewers

When adding to the already discussed ways of using videos to improve visibility, another best option is by using useful playlists (video lists). Because it grows your channel engagement, time, and other vital metrics that will enhance your Return on Investments, when you have a playlist, you will see a variety of different old videos in it and still streaming new video in one folder. You can steer through the playlist in a way that doesn’t affect another video. This playlists template offers a unified channel experience for your fans such can give a more excellent conversion than just creating videos. For the fact, the Spotify leverage on curated playlists and built its brand of $10 billion worth because of YouTube.

5. Watch your metrics, and grow your subscribers

When you have subscribers on your page, it is just like you’ve got long-lasting assets. For, companies, brands, and businesses on the YouTube platform, they make use of unique critical metrics in monitoring their video content campaign success. The subscribers are the ones that enhance the video views that are likely increasing your AdSense revenue. Each time your video content rank high on YouTube’s search, the click rate of your viewers, and bounce rates of those leaving after watching just content are the leading content marketing metric measurements success. Phil Defranco built a whooping sum of USD 1 million with his over 6 million subscribers YouTube. By informing viewers to opt-in to your channel can swiftly help build viewers base for your videos and enhance YouTube optimization.

Best ways to optimize video for YouTube search

A YouTube channel serves as a platform to present video(s) to a wide range of people. Presently, there are over 800 million YouTube users and 4 billion videos available on this platform. This is the second-largest search engine in the world, only behind Google. Your success on YouTube depends on the number of views and subscribers recorded.

Most YouTube users struggle to remember the name of a channel. Once they land on YouTube, the first place they visit is the search bar. This is an easy way for users to get what they want by simply typing in a keyword.

This technique makes YouTube a whole lot similar to Google, where pages are ranked based on SEO, among other factors. To improve visibility on YouTube, you actually have to take a leaf from the Google algorithm. Because the truth is, people will easily find you through the search bar than getting an invite to your channel.

Best ways to optimize video for YouTube search

To ensure your page appears higher up on YouTube search results, here are Tips to help you out.

Optimize Your Meta-data with Keywords

Meta-data is a piece of information about a video that gives users more information about what the video is all about. On YouTube, the Meta-data is a combination of title, description, and video tags.

You are optimizing each session that makes up the Meta-data will improve your ranking on search results. Even if you end up featuring high on search results, the quality of your content will decide the reaction of your audience to your video. If you give your audience what they want, they will have no choice but to subscribe to your channel.

However, if your video sucks, even with a well-optimized Meta-data, it’s going to be hard to attain a certain level of visibility. For a moderately optimized Meta-data, you will want to feature the primary keyword in the tag, description, and title.

Since the description gives room for paragraphs and long sentences, the keyword may appear 2-3 times while it can feature once on the tag and title.

The description is the part that provides lengthy information about the video. Nonetheless, a well-written description doesn’t depend on the length of the text, but how much information is contained in it. One thing most YouTube users do is to include the same keyword used in the title in the description.

A description may also contain URL to your website or a specific page on your website where users can find the information contained in the video in text.

Add an Engaging Thumbnail

The thumbnail is the image searchers will see before the video is played. The thumbnail is like a background image for the video. Once it’s clicked on, the video automatically starts playing.

 Given the circumstances surrounding the thumbnail, you want to treat it like a book cover. It has to be intriguing, visually appealing and persuading. A new thumbnail lures viewers to click and can have a massive impact on the number of clicks and views generated. This makes your thumbnail even more critical than the title because it determines whether an individual will click or not.

Thumbnails with human images tend to receive higher plays rates than thumbnails with logos or objects. However, ensure the image you choose as your thumbnail relates to the information conveyed in the video.

For instance, Your Video can’t be about “digital marketing,” and your thumbnail is an image of a movie star. This will obviously lead viewers into thinking they’re on the wrong page.

Add End-screen To Your Videos

Adding End-screen actually comes with detailed instructions that explain why the majority of users ignore this feature. Before adding an End-screen, you should know that YouTube is quite strict on End-screen. Every End-screen is reviewed in a bid to improve users’ experience. Hence, an End-screen designed by you may never appear on your video.

These rules may seem complicated, but the End-screen gives you an edge over competitors. It’s a smart way to include keywords that invariably increases your ranking. If you’re lucky enough and your End-screen actually appears, your chances of appearing higher up on search results increases.

If the process for adding Endscreen seems a bit complex, you can use cards as an alternative. Cards are easy to use and can appear at any point in your video. Apart from improving your SEO, it also drives engagement, making your video more interactive. In some cases, cards can contain links to your website or convey meaningful information to your audience.

 YouTube Videos on Your Page

You can’t solely rely on YouTube if you want to improve visibility. Adding YouTube videos of your website page can also generate a substantial amount of viewers provided your website traffic is decent. This can only be achieved with good SEO.

In a scenario where your page is not optimized correctly, search engines won’t even bother going through your page. Hence, if your video ranking is weak, it could be because your page is poor. Thus, your page should be well optimized to ensure you’re videos equally ranked.

Even though it could be challenging to rank all your pages organically if you continue to push out high-quality content, the SEO of your page will also improve and so will the ranking. When embedding YouTube videos on your page, ensure the video stays relevant to the page it’s attached to.

Ensure the Video You Want To Rank Id First On Your Page

Google indexes one video at a time. Search engine crawlers stop crawling on a page after picking up the first video. Hence, multiple video pages aren’t actually a good idea. If you’re trying to rank one video, ensure the video is at the top of your page.


These optimization tricks are the difference between having a thousand or hundred likes on your page. If well optimized, your page ranking will significantly improve within a short period. Ask any Youtuber with over 1 million likes, and they will tell you that the secret to pulling in those figures actually lies in optimization.

YouTube Launched “Stories” Feature, Just Like Instagram

Since it was added as a feature on Instagram and Facebook, Stories has become a major staple of our social media life. In fact, Instagram has the highest number of users this year with over 400 million daily. It has even surpassed Snapchat and Facebook.

Who would have thought that this kind of posting format will hit big? Its popularity encouraged even other platforms to include it as one of their features. Netflix and Airbnb are now following in the popularity of this social media format. Not only that, YouTube is trying to also incorporate it into its platform.

YouTube is launching a “Stories” format and called it “Reels”. The video tech giant is currently testing it with its YouTube creators that has over 10,000 subscribers. It was successful with Instagram. Now, the question is, will it be successful with YouTube?

Do creators and subscribers really need this kind of format in the platform?

Features of YouTube Reels

YouTube is trying to create a not so similar Stories format for its platform. One is the people who have access to it.  

In Instagram, anyone with the account can post their stories. However, with YouTube, posting Reels is only a feature available to creators with large followings. And instead of the normal 24 hours, the Reel gets to stay in their account for a week or seven long days. YouTube is also allowing multiple stories which are very different with Instagram and Snapchat.

Subscribers will be able to find the creator’s stories in the Subscriptions tab, while for non-subscribers, it will be in the “Up next” list. On the other hand, just like Instagram’s Stories, there will also be some editing features in Reels. Creators can add filters, music, stickers to their video stories.

What is also good is that viewers can add a comment on the Reels. They can also comment with thumbs up or thumbs down or even give a heart icon if they like the video.

YouTube Communities

Since YouTube is only opening the Reel features to creators with over 10,000 subscribers, we can say that it is trying to build its communities. It also aims to promote channels as well as increase engagement.

Other creators have already started using the feature. They used it to create behind the scene accounts for the videos that they are creating and will be publishing in the platform. This creates an exciting feeling for the viewers and YouTube subscribers.

With this feature, YouTube is encouraging its users to stay on the platform, especially for its creators. Now creators don’t need to head to Facebook, Instagram or other social media to post updates on their videos or accounts. They can use YouTube Reels to do that. They can update their viewers easier and in a low key way.

YouTube Reels is also a good opportunity for creators who occasionally creates videos. They can close the gaps by updating its viewers of what is happening to them. On the other hand, for vloggers who are posting frequently, using Reels may be a redundancy for them.

In the end, Reels is about making creators stay with the platform and increasing their audience engagement.

Mix reactions

Creators and users have mixed reactions about YouTube Reels. Some say that YouTube is just jumping into the bandwagon of the Stories and it really does not need it. Another is that YouTube is just limiting it to its well-followed creators. It means there is no opportunity for budding YouTubers or small startups to try the feature.

Perhaps, the reason for this is that YouTube is trying to crack down and weed out inappropriate content on its platform. It is also cutting advertising rights to creators who are producing explicit content or graphical images.

On the other hand, other creators think that it is not reasonable to cut out advertising privileges just because the creator is touching the subjects of sex, mental health, and politics.

The problem with YouTube’s algorithm is that creators with high following continue to flourish, while those small and starting creators are bound to fail. This is because YouTube’s algorithm only favors those that have a sustainable following. They monetize them, while those that are small failed to get the monetization that they need since they are not given the right amount of exposure on the platform.

Using Reels, it is only another way to help those who have established accounts to flourish more. If Reels aim is to build community, wouldn’t be right to allow others to use it so other communities will be bigger? Also, it will help small or budding creators to create bigger communities?

10,000 subscribers may just be a small number for others. But with many YouTubers out there, it is hard to compete for attention. Thus, it is not easy to reach this number in a short period of time. Worse, those unfortunate creators have been in the platform for a long time and still fail to hit the 1000 subscriber mark.

It is also hard to gauge if Reels will be able to get audience engagement since the only indicator that you will have is comments and the reactions of the viewers.

Its purpose of audience engagement is good. However, if no one is using it, then it is a useless feature.


With Reels, brands can also use it to promote their product or campaign. They can create a poll, snippets or behind the scene footages.

It will be the same with Instagram. However, the big question is, will brands use Reels if they are already successful in using Instagram? Are they ready to take a risk in using another platform for their brand?

Remember paid ads on social media is not cheap. And trying to use all possible social media and social media features will surely cost your brands heaps of money. So better to think carefully and decide wisely which one will be effective for your brand. And if Instagram is effective for you, will you still move to other platforms, whether that platform has the same feature and purpose?

This feature is new. And it is hard to imagine a lot of people taking and consuming it in a short period of time. Furthermore, if it is not their platform, they won’t bother checking it out or much more use it.

These YouTube Reels is an interesting experiment. However, only the changes in the digital trends will tell if it will be successful just like with Instagram. Facebook and Snapchat has a steady follower on their own Story features, but will that mean the same for YouTube?

Should you buy YouTube Views in 2019?

YouTube Views

For many years today, YouTube has been in the frontline as one of the most influential marketing platforms for videos of all kinds. Like any other video, musical or not, they have to be viewed for people to get the information therein. And for people to crowd over to your video to watch it, you have to invest in thorough marketing for it. There are numerous methods of marketing your YouTube videos, according to experts. Depending on the approach, most of them do work. 

One of the most practical ways of obtaining many views on YouTube is by buying them. Depending on the packages, you can buy as many views as possible. This is one of the most effective strategies and even o for newbies and people who are still new to YouTube. If your video already has one thousand views, for example, it will be easier for you to get more as opposed to when it has none, to begin with.

Buying YouTube views is a short term strategy to ensure freshers have a grasp on all that is needed for them to thrive in the industry. But it cannot be used as a long term a means to an end. Essentially, all you need is to depend on the bought views to start to generate real views. There are more reasons for buying YouTube views, according to experts. 

Benefits of Buying YouTube Views

As already mentioned, buying YouTube views has its fair share of the good side, as listed but not limited to: 

  • It is a shortcut to getting quicker results. Posting a new video on YouTube and marketing, it is okay. It will begin to feel discouraging when you are not getting any views in the first place. Videos with minimal or no views at all may be universally thought of as dull, plain boring, or uninteresting. If you buy your first number of views, it is an added advantage as it will begin to attract more new views gradually eventually. 
  • Buying YouTube views ensures the completion of the content relevance and follower preference circle. With time, YouTube begins to sort out your video content and only directs them to followers who are interested in such or whose preferences match the content of your video. As such, you harness more benefits because everyone who watches your videos benefits from them in one way or another. Usually, the viewer will see a ‘recommended for you’ column when they open the YouTube page, meaning the content they are receiving matches their sought-out preferences.
  • Along with getting relevant viewers on your videos, you begin to get ranked on Google’s search engine. For instance, if your video is about ‘How to clean eyeglasses,’ someone searching for such information on the Google platform will be redirected to your page if they input the correct keywords. The more views you get on your YouTube videos, the better your ranking gets on Google since the latter is a subsidiary of the former. Take advantage and convert your videos into monetary value by using the combination of both these marketing giants. 
  • Your videos get viewed only by high-quality traffic. We would do anything to collect as much quality traffic to ourselves as we possibly can. The higher the quality of traffic to anything, the better the outcome since the more conversions can be made. Forget getting views only from viewers of similar interests as you; it gets better when the relevant recommendations of your videos are made to serious and professional prospects only. This is because you stand a chance of more than fifty percent of conversions.  The first views you buy are only meant to set the ball rolling. Soon, your videos will begin to be viewed by real accounts and active viewers, and receiving real and active comments and like to them. At this point, in the right timing and quantity of the incoming views, your videos’ audiences will only be growing gradually and eventually soar to the highest heights.
  • Buying YouTube views is the best way to ensure your videos go viral. As mentioned earlier, nobody likes to watch videos with a small number of views. We all love it when we watch videos with vast numbers of views because we find them interesting and likable. So, it goes without saying that if you buy your first views on YouTube, there are bigger chances of attracting more real views and multiplying them up and as the number of your views soars, they begin to go viral, and you will have made your first step in YouTube marketing.

There are several misconceptions about bought YouTube views. But as noted, they are purely misconception myths that have been demystified over the years. Here are some of them.

Increase Your YouTube Views with These 10 Easy Tactics
  • That bought YouTube views are fake is just a myth. As long as you ensure you buy your views from a legit seller, your views are as valid as the real active accounts’ views. Being an online transaction, it is undeniably easy to fall prey to a con seller who will sell you bot views. Check out the reviews of your seller before transacting with them.
  • That your channel will be closed down if you buy YouTube views is a lie. The only time your YouTube channel can be closed is when you violate the terms and conditions of YouTube or when you post videos that are illegal or insensitive. As long as you operate under the signed terms of service, your account is safe even with bought views.
  • That buying and selling of YouTube views are illegal in not true. In fact, some of the views are sold under the larger umbrella of Google to show you how legal this business really is. If you read the terms and conditions of YouTube, you will get some light shone on this issue.

It is absolutely safe, legit, and legal to buy YouTube views. Even more, it is hugely beneficial to the eventual outcome of your channel. Only, buy your view from a legit vendor, and ensure you operate under the terms and conditions of YouTube.

How Custom Intent Audiences Can Boost YouTube Marketing

How Custom Intent Audiences Can Boost YouTube Marketing

Making your YouTube ads more visible to your target audience is vital for promotions, but can be a challenge. One tool you can use here is custom intent audiences. Let’s find out what they are and how you can take advantage of them.

What are custom intent audiences

Custom intent audiences are a newer targeting option provided by Google AdWords. It works by showing your YouTube video ads to people who have used your selected keywords to search for similar products. According to Google, the option lets you go beyond pre-determined audience segments and go after people who are actively looking for products like yours.

The option also lets you take advantage of the growing trend of consumers using both regular searches and video to learn about products. In fact, 80% of buyers frequently switch back and forth between the two when doing their research. This video demonstrates how easy it is to create custom intent audiences for this purpose.

The ad targeting option works similarly to traditional search-based campaigns. This lets you apply the same strategies used for such campaigns, like:

  • Choosing the right keywords: You can use custom intent audiences to further take advantage of successful keyword lists that you already have for search campaigns.
  • Segmenting your audience traffic: Using a simple but definite segmentation strategy makes it easier to see the differences in your ads’ performance. Making one ad group for your brand and another for generic product searchers is a good start.
  • Track your conversions: Custom intent audiences are designed to generate direct responses. This means you need to diligently track the actual conversions you get from them.
  • Set up the right bids: Tracking the conversions you get from these audiences helps you not only choose the mode of ad bidding, but also decide how aggressive you can bid.

Following these tactics will make it easier to set up a custom intent audience-based campaign and integrate it with an ongoing search campaign.

Custom Intent Audiences’ unique attributes

Despite the similarity to search campaigns, video ad campaigns targeting custom intent audiences have unique attributes you should know. One of these is that they are not dependent on whether people clicked or engaged with your ad. Your audience lists are instead built based on your target audience’s original search efforts.

This makes custom intent audiences useful for retargeting audiences that did not respond to your initial search ads. Custom intent audiences can also help you capture new audiences, as they will even target audiences who use search terms semantically similar to the ones you assigned.

Another unique thing about custom intent audiences is that they work better with larger ad groups. This is because bigger groups provide the algorithm with more data to refine your targeting. You would also want to try using a larger number of keywords to better capture all the possible audiences for your video ads.

Different ad formats

Custom intent audiences will effectively work for different ad formats, but the ones that you should consider are:

These ad formats can be used for different marketing objectives, giving custom intent audiences greater versatility.

Using custom intent audiences for YouTube ad targeting can take some time to get used to. Once you become familiar with it, this option will give you greater flexibility in how you target and engage potential customers. Explore and learn how you can effectively incorporate it into your greater ad campaign.