Lesser-Known YouTube Features for Users of All Ages

Lesser-Known YouTube Feature for Users of All Ages

YouTube is primarily a verb now when it comes to searching for videos. The platform has coined a massive share of content sharing niche. It is easy to predict that a lot more people are watching YouTube than before, and from the looks of things, we can certainly conclude that a lot more people will be using the feature in years to come.

With this in mind, YouTube keeps introducing new features to cater to the desire of their ever-increasing users.

In this article, we’ll be looking at some new features that can make your use of YouTube a more memorable one. The features that we’ll be discussing will be those that you probably don’t know. Let’s jump right into it!

1. AR Beauty Tool 

Augmented Reality is a new technology that has the potential to be the next big thing in tech space. Recently, the most popular search engine, Google, just launched a new Augmented Reality feature that it calls Live view for having a better sight of a location on Google map. Now, they have released an AR feature for YouTube. The name of the functionality is the AR Beauty tool.

You can find this feature on YouTube when you search for “golden goddess makeup tutorial.” With this feature, you can try on numerous shades of lip color right within the app. You can use this feature on your device by opening the video on your phone’s YouTube app, then tap on the “Try it on” button that you’ll see at your right-hand-side, just below the video.

The moment you notice that the Virtual Try-On window is up, tap on the “OK” button.

You can change the lip color to the one you prefer, tap on another colored circle, and it will change to the color you chose.

2. New Discover Suggestions

YouTube gets over 80hours of video every 10 seconds. But how do you keep track of those contents that interest you? Although YouTube’s algorithm is doing well in trying to suggest relevant and new videos to you, it is not enough. As such, YouTube has introduced a new feature that will put the power of discovering new videos into your hands.

This feature helps the YouTube user to keep track of videos based on your topic of interest. You will see this feature at the top of your YouTube app.

They designed it in a way that you can choose the videos you want to watch based on the creator or a topic. Tap on a topic you’re interested in, and you will see a list of trending videos.

You will see a bar beneath a video you’re watching; this bar will help you to find videos that are similar to what you’re watching.


3. Check Time Spent on YouTube

The fact that you’re reading this article gives me a hint about you, which is that you have spent countless times on YouTube.

But do you know that you can now track your time spent on YouTube? Yes, you can, and here’s how to check.

You can check the time by tapping on your YouTube profile picture. Your Account page should open, then find and tap the “Time Watched” option.

YouTube will take you to a page where you will see stats about your YouTube history across all YouTube properties, except for YouTube TV and YouTube Music.

4. Get Reminded To Take Breaks

YouTube built a feature that can remind you to take breaks if you feel that you’re spending too much time on YouTube, and you’ll rather spend that time on other productive things.

You will find this feature when you go to “Tools,” then “Time Watched.”

This feature lets you set the alarm to stop yourself from watching videos continuously. Tap on the toggle next to the “Remind Me to Take a Break” feature. After changing the toggle on, then set your preferred reminder frequency. YouTube will alert you when you cross that limit.

5. Use Swipe Gestures to Navigate the Platform    

iPhone users now have several features that can guarantee them a better YouTube experience. One of these features is the introduction of gestures for easy YouTube navigation.

You can now swipe to the left if you want to check the previous video, or swipe to the right if you’re going to check the next one.

Lesser-Known YouTube Tips and Tricks

6. Use YouTube to Get a Free Transcription of Video or Audio Files.

If you desire to use a platform that will freely transcript your videos with ease, then YouTube is the right place.

If you want an automated transcription of your YouTube video, you must first upload the video to YouTube, after which you will tap on “More” that you will see just below the title you chose for your video. You will see a drop-down menu, tap “Transcript.” You will see the transcript as a new module in the same window.

For audio files, you have to find a way to upload your audio file to YouTube. You can get this done by using a third-party service like “TunesToTube.” It will take a while for your audio to upload. Once you’re through, follow the instruction in the subsequent paragraph to get your automated transcript.

7. YouTube Kids App

In case you’re not comfortable having your kids roam around the platform, you can activate the secure version called YouTube Kids. This feature works differently from the regular YouTube platform because it uses filters to select and display only videos that are safe for kids. The great thing about this feature is that it is free thanks to highly regulated ads. You can also limit the time your kid can spend on the platform.

Although the algorithm is good, just like any other algorithm, you should have it in mind that YouTube’s algorithm is not perfect. 

How to Make Good YouTube Videos – Or Even Great!

Learning how to create a good YouTube video is the first process in starting an online video venture, and it’s something we think should be comfortable and free to learn for everyone. What do you think?

In this article, we’ll solve the underlying issues and provide you with the relevant information you need to make good YouTube videos. From the planning, making to editing, we will discuss all.

How to make good YouTube videos

1.     Plan Your Video

The first step is to understand why you want to create the account.

Your video content falls typically into any of these:

·       Education: do you want to teach your audience a skill, idea, or concept?

·       Engagement: You want to make something that builds an emotional response from viewers, such as likes, comments, or shares.

·       Awareness: You want to identify a problem or get people’s attention

When you understand how the reasons why you are creating a video, it will help you plan effectively well on how to go about it.

This plan should have everything you’ll need to help you create a good YouTube video. You should try to understand your target audience and determine whether you will need to write a script yourself or hire someone to do it.

If you still don’t understand how to plan a video, I advise you to pick up a pen and get an answer to the following questions.

·       What is the intent of my video?

·       Who is my target audience?

·       Do I have a working budget?

·       How many people do I need on my team?

·       What is the target duration?

·       Where will I shoot the video?

·       What is the process of the video?

·       What will I say in the video?

·       Do I need a script?

·       If no, what sounds do I want in the video?

·       What instruments do I have presently?

·       Do I need to edit the video myself or outsource it to professionals?

·       Do I need to add any text or images in my video?

All these questions will guide you effectively on how to make good YouTube videos.

2.     Prepare Your Equipment

Now you have a plan, the next thing to put in place is to identify the tools you need that will bring your idea to reality.

Depending on the kind of video you want to make, you’re going to need various types of equipment.

The kind of tools you will get depends on your budget.

Here are some essential tools you will need:

·       Camera: you can get a normal one of those fancy DSLR or even your smartphone

·       Microphone: most preferably external

·       Lighting: can be natural or artificial

·       Storage: external drives (or enough space on your smartphone)

·       Editing software: anyone that works for you

You can get these from any of your friends if you don’t have and can’t afford them for a start.

3.     Set the Stage

When you want to make a YouTube video, you need to prepare and “set the stage.”

This implies setting all machinery in proper motions and making the place you want to record the best for the camera.

For example, if you are recording entertainment content, you need to look for the brightest part of the room and create good lighting and attractive background behind you.

4.     Prepare yourself to face the Camera

It is not everyone that can withstand the crowd or love the camera. Some people are naturally shy.

If you always have anxiety, stutter, or don’t feel comfortable in front of the camera, you need to be calm as much as you can.

It doesn’t have to turn this way every time; you need to be comfortable around the camera and see your viewers as your loved ones. Imagine speaking over the phone with your college best friend. That is how it is supposed to be.

The best thing you can do is to see the camera like you are speaking directly with one of your audience. It is not a reality show or competition; it is just two matured adults sharing knowledge over the internet.

This implies doing it the same way you will hold a conversation. Maintain eye contact, show passion, smile, and flow with the topic you are treating.

If you can follow these tips, you won’t have a problem staying in front of the camera and churning out amazing content.

5.     Start Recording

Now we are here, you have followed all the previous steps to get to this point. It is time to switch on your camera and start recording.

Irrespective of what you are doing, there are some things you need to have in mind.

·       Keep recording

No matter what happens while you are recording, you should try as much as possible not to stop the camera. You can always filter or correct your mistakes while you are editing. It will save you from a lot of back and forth and save your time.

·       You should be open to mistakes

You should not be scared of making mistakes if you want to discover the creative genius in you. Things you don’t know before can be a blessing in disguise and make you build amazing and stunning YouTube videos. 

·       Ensure you have fun

You should have enough fun while you are making a YouTube video. Enjoy the growth process, and don’t worry about what you don’t know much. If you take it seriously, you might lose interest over time. So keep it fun-filled as much as you can.

6.     Editing Your Work

Now you have finished recording your video; it is time to edit your project and correct all the mistakes you have made. 

The editing process always looks like:

·       Arrange your scenes the right way

·       Align the sound with the motion

·       Remove ambiguous footage

·       Add introduction or outros

You can also do other stuff, such as adding images or short clips from other videos if you want to bring out the creative side in you.

However, you should follow the list above to get your first YouTube video right.

 Editing software and tools may be the most crucial equipment investment you will make if you want to create good YouTube videos. It can change and innovate what you have created for your YouTube channel and turn it professional.


You should have a better view or grasp of the whole, creating good YouTube videos ideas now.

However, the major points are to find an enabling environment with the right lighting to record in. You should also try as much as possible to have fun while recording so you won’t get tired and frustrated.

Editing is essential, and with more time, you will marvel at how creative you can be.

Tips On Boosting Views For Your YouTube Videos

Youtube is a worldwide platform for videos concerning anything you would want to know. It is now the search engine next to Google. Nowadays, you can earn money by producing and posting videos on YouTube, but it would be a challenge for you to gain views as numerous people do the same. 

You need to have 1000 subscribers and a total of 4000 hours of videos watched within one year, for you to be able to earn money using YouTube.


To gain more views, your content alone is not enough, you should think of other methods to achieve your goal. And, that is what we will talk about. We have a total of 14 ways on how to get more views. Let’s get started!

1. Usage of Intro And Outro videos

What is an Intro and Outro video? Intro video is a 10second clip that runs at the start of the video. It should showcase what is the video all about. While the Outro video is a clip at the end of your video which you use to request likes and subscriptions from your audience.

Having both as part of your video will greatly boost potential viewers or even subscribers.

2. Making a Good Video Title

Always make your title “Catchy” to gain the attention of viewers, it is essential to have a good title. You need to utilize keywords and include it in your title, in that way, it will rank up your video to make your video more searchable.

Be mindful to consider these tips for creating a good title:

  • Use Keywords
  • Make it Straight to the point
  • Make it alluring
  • Provide the current year of the video
  • Using Case
  • Utilize Power Words such as Smart, Best
  • Use Emotional Words such as Lovely, Sensual

3. Video Tagging

Video Tags are the next essential thing in a video. The purpose of these tags is to be able to make your video be searched in the first 50 searches on YouTube.

When making tags, you may take advantage of using the maximum amount of 500 keywords in a video. If you can exercise on putting even 5 to 10 keywords, it would help your video to be seen frequently.

These aware of these tips for video tags:

  • Use of Main Keywords
  • Use Various Keywords
  • Use Unique Keywords
  • Use tags applied in other high-ranked videos
  • Always put your brand name in all of your videos

4. Interview Influencers In Your Niche

Making an interview with a famous personality that is related to your niche will boost your views remarkably. It is beneficial for you and a great way to promote your channel. 

5. Providing a series of Good Thumbnail

In the form of the videos presented by YouTube, the thumbnail is the most essential part. It is what a potential viewer looks to find what is in the video.

Here is what you need to know when choosing a thumbnail:

  • Choose a picture with a resolution of 1280 x 720
  • The picture needs to be under 2 MB
  • Use the format of JPG, GIF, BMP and or, PNG
  • Consider an aspect ratio of 16:9

6. Using Call To Action

Call to Action is when you request the viewers to like or subscribe to your channel and even share your video for those who they think needs it.

It is an effective way to increase potential followers on social media.

7. Creating a Playlist

Creating numerous playlists and putting your videos on other various playlists will dramatically enhance your views. 

These tips would help you with creating a playlist:

  • Make a creative title of the playlist
  • Make an elaborate description and input keywords
  • Upload identical videos in one playlist
  • Put a video under many playlists

8. Get your Channel Featured

This method may bring home the bacon for increasing the viewers and subscribers. 

With this method, you need to have a contact or you may contact a celebrity or a famous YouTuber and make them place the link of your channel under the featured channel. This would surely make your potential viewers and subscribers skyrocket.

To achieve this, you can either ask a friend or pay an amount for the famous YouTuber. Keep in mind that the person you are aiming needs to have the same niche as you are because it would be advantageous.

9. Collaboration with Other YouTubers

It is a smart move to team up with other YouTubers, you may combine each of your viewers to have potential viewers. This is a favorable situation for both of you.

10. Using Google AdWords

This is a paid platform but it grants more views for you. If you are going to use this method, make sure that the content and quality of your videos are very informative and pleasing.

11. Create a YouTube Community

This is an easy step to also garner views for your videos. All you need to do is to locate and click the +icon to create a post on the YouTube Web or App.

After that, type the message you want to convey and link your video that you want to be promoted. Adding images or polls would make the community more lively. The community may also leave a like or post a comment which can help bigtime for communication between you and your audience.

12. Learning from YouTube’s Creator Academy

YouTube is not all about uploading videos, there are more than meets the eye. You may want to learn what can you do more on YouTube.

By using YouTube’s Creator Academy, you may learn new techniques and hacks to be savvier using YouTube.

13. Utilize Social Media Channels

Make sure to promote your channel and video to Social Media Platforms such as:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest

In this way, you have a better opportunity in sharing your videos and gaining more audiences outside of YouTube. Share your videos frequently. 

You can also use “Hashtags” so that it may add chances in making your video be discovered.

14. Blog about your YouTube Channel

Do not forget to make a blog about your YouTube videos. With this, you can earn money both ways, through blogging and vlogging.

 I hope this can help you achieve your goals as a YouTuber. There are certain ways to promote your videos on YouTube, these are only some of the techniques you may use to help you gather more views.


Youtube is a worldwide platform for videos concerning anything you would want to know. It is now the search engine next to Google. Nowadays, you can earn money by producing and posting videos on YouTube, but it would be a challenge for you to gain views as numerous people do the same. 

You need to have 1000 subscribers and a total of 4000 hours of videos watched within one year, for you to be able to earn money using YouTube.


To gain more views, your content alone is not enough, you should think of other methods to achieve your goal. And, that is what we will talk about. We have a total of 14 ways on how to get more views. Let’s get started!

1. Usage of Intro And Outro videos

What is an Intro and Outro video? Intro video is a 10second clip that runs at the start of the video. It should showcase what is the video all about. While the Outro video is a clip at the end of your video which you use to request likes and subscriptions from your audience.

Having both as part of your video will greatly boost potential viewers or even subscribers.

2. Making a Good Video Title

Always make your title “Catchy” to gain the attention of viewers, it is essential to have a good title. You need to utilize keywords and include them in your title, in that way, it will rank up your video to make your video more searchable.

Be mindful to consider these tips for creating a good title:

  • Use Keywords
  • Make it Straight to the point
  • Make it alluring
  • Provide the current year of the video
  • Using Case
  • Utilize Power Words such as Smart, Best
  • Use Emotional Words such as Lovely, Sensual

3. Video Tagging

Video Tags are the next essential thing in a video. The purpose of these tags is to be able to make your video be searched in the first 50 searches on YouTube.

When making tags, you may take advantage of using the maximum amount of 500 keywords in a video. If you can exercise on putting even 5 to 10 keywords, it would help your video to be seen frequently.

These aware of these tips for video tags:

  • Use of Main Keywords
  • Use Various Keywords
  • Use Unique Keywords
  • Use tags applied in other high-ranked videos
  • Always put your brand name in all of your videos

4. Interview Influencers In Your Niche

Making an interview with a famous personality that is related to your niche will boost your views remarkably. It is beneficial for you and a great way to promote your channel. 

5. Providing a series of Good Thumbnail

In the form of the videos presented by YouTube, the thumbnail is the most essential part. It is what a potential viewer looks to find what is in the video.

Here is what you need to know when choosing a thumbnail:

  • Choose a picture with a resolution of 1280 x 720
  • The picture needs to be under 2 MB
  • Use the format of JPG, GIF, BMP and or, PNG
  • Consider an aspect ratio of 16:9

6. Using Call To Action

Call to Action is when you request the viewers to like or subscribe to your channel and even share your video for those who they think needs it.

It is an effective way to increase potential followers on social media.

7. Creating a Playlist

Creating numerous playlists and putting your videos on other various playlists will dramatically enhance your views. 

These tips would help you with creating a playlist:

  • Make a creative title of the playlist
  • Make an elaborate description and input keywords
  • Upload identical videos in one playlist
  • Put a video under many playlists

8. Get your Channel Featured

This method may bring home the bacon for increasing the viewers and subscribers. 

With this method, you need to have a contact or you may contact a celebrity or a famous YouTuber and make them place the link of your channel under the featured channel. This would surely make your potential viewers and subscribers skyrocket.

To achieve this, you can either ask a friend or pay an amount for the famous YouTuber. Keep in mind that the person you are aiming needs to have the same niche as you are because it would be advantageous.

9. Collaboration with Other YouTubers

It is a smart move to team up with other YouTubers, you may combine each of your viewers to have potential viewers. This is a favorable situation for both of you.

10. Using Google AdWords

This is a paid platform but it grants more views for you. If you are going to use this method, make sure that the content and quality of your videos are very informative and pleasing.

11. Create a YouTube Community

This is an easy step to also garner views for your videos. All you need to do is to locate and click the +icon to create a post on the YouTube Web or App.

After that, type the message you want to convey and link your video that you want to be promoted. Adding images or polls would make the community more lively. The community may also leave a like or post a comment which can help bigtime for communication between you and your audience.

12. Learning from YouTube’s Creator Academy

YouTube is not all about uploading videos, there are more than meets the eye. You may want to learn what can you do more on YouTube.

By using YouTube’s Creator Academy, you may learn new techniques and hacks to be savvier using YouTube.

13. Utilize Social Media Channels

Make sure to promote your channel and video to Social Media Platforms such as:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest

In this way, you have a better opportunity in sharing your videos and gaining more audiences outside of YouTube. Share your videos frequently. 

You can also use “Hashtags” so that it may add chances in making your video be discovered.

14. Blog about your YouTube Channel

Do not forget to make a blog about your YouTube videos. With this, you can earn money both ways, through blogging and vlogging.

 I hope this can help you achieve your goals as a YouTuber. There are certain ways to promote your videos on YouTube, these are only some of the techniques you may use to help you gather more views.

Awesome Ways to Promote Your YouTube Videos For Free

YouTube is such a large online video platform where 300 hours of videos are uploaded every single minute. Consequently, there are thousands of videos for people to watch on any desired topic. You can always buy YouTube views as a backup plan if you have the cash. There are too many videos to watch on YouTube as thousands of people join the YouTube industry seeking to be relevant. The effect of this is that only a few of these YouTuber’s videos garner small views. 

Awesome Ways to Promote Your YouTube Videos For Free

No content is peculiar to people anymore. No content creator on YouTube has the exclusive right to demand views as people have too many an option to select. Hence, to stand out from other YouTubers and gain views, you need to make sure your videos amass views. The reason for the workability of this strategy is that people gravitate towards YouTube channels that have lots of views (social proof bias). 

Thus, the question you should ask yourself as a YouTuber is this: “How do I make my prospective audience find me?” If you find yourself deliberating on this question, you’re one step away from having more subscribers on your channel and garnering lots of views. 

One of the ways to make your prospective subscribers find is by ensuring that they watch your videos. Your videos act as part of the conversion funnel for them. Thus, asides content creation, you should spend time promoting your videos- A LOT, like a real lot. There are fantastic ways to promote your YouTube videos for free! You might find it hard to believe, but, there are free ways to promote your YouTube videos. The best part re these methods is that they make you drive fantastic traffic to your channel. Here are some of these ways are treated in this post:

  1. Optimize your YouTube channel

Websites and blogs are not the only things that require optimization. If you want your YouTube videos to get across your target audience quickly, you should optimize your channel. Do not be scared. YouTube optimization is not as tricky as regular SEO. It is highly simplistic that a non-tech guy can go about it. 

In similitude to Google search, YouTube is a search engine that has algorithms that control video rankings.

Optimization of your YouTube channel comes at no cost at all. If you are serious about making your videos’ promotion effective, leverage the potentials of YouTube optimization. This optimization process is the first step that you should take before sending your videos out for promotion. 

Some of the ranking factors pertinent to the optimization of your channel are not known. However, tests conducted by search engine experts in the past reveal some of these factors. These factors include:

  • Title tags
  • Video duration
  • Count of subscribers earned after each video view
  • Likes and dislikes
  • Description tags
  • Audience loyalty
  • Comments 

The strategies necessary for thorough and effective YouTube channel optimization include:

  • Conduct keyword research. Asides showing on YouTube page, YouTube videos are similarly shown on Google search results. The latter is more significant than the latter. Keyword research is either free or paid.
  • Nevertheless, there is a high possibility of effectiveness under the free version of keyword research. For instance, use YouTube search suggestions to figure ideal keywords for your videos. Also, use free versions such as Moz keyword tool or keyword tool. 
  • Create transcripts for your videos. Although the norm is that videos are done naturally, if you want better optimization of your channel; you should have scripts for your videos. These scripts are the ideal transcripts for your videos. Ideally, a transcript implements the natural flow of keywords. 
  • Provide a video description. If you want your videos highly ranked over the rest, make sure that your video descriptions are longer than the average video description. The practical word-count limit is 250 words. Don’t make the mistake of trying to market your products in your video’s description, instead of including 3-4 primary keywords with LSI keywords, making it as natural as possible. 
  • Include an interesting title. Titles for your videos should be short (between the range of ten words and not more than 60 characters) and compelling. 

Always perform SEO for your videos. SEO is the first factor YouTube considers before even ranking your videos at all. 

  1. Harmonize your blog/website with your YouTube channel

Another way to promote your video at a free amount is by using your resources. Resources imply your website or blog. As a website or blog owner, your YouTube channel should integrate with either of them. One of the motives behind this strategy is that you easily embed videos with your content nowadays. Hence, you can easily use your blog to drive traffic to your website. 

Unlike videos, blog contents permit the more in-depth details of the YouTube video topics. The text context of blog content allows Google to allow them better. 

If you’re skeptical about this method, try out the simple process of merely uploading your video contents on a segment of the blog. Avoid duplicity of contents (which will negatively influence your SEO). Use social media to drive your subscribers to both your YouTube channel and blog, simultaneously. This process is not only cheap but quick and reliable. 

  1. Brand your YouTube Channel

Branding is a method that has a great influence on influencing your videos’ promotion. Although branding is not visible to the average person, you feel its results. If you want your videos to freely promoted, one of the best things to do is to brand your YouTube channel in the desired light. Some of the best ways to brand your YouTube channel include:

  • Film a killer intro video. The best way to brand your channel all lies in the introduction. Create a 3-5 seconds video that makes your viewers familiar with you.  Your intro video should be short and showcase your brand in a positive light. When you make an intro video, you connect with people on a deeper level. This connection lets you establish the perception that your brand is an awesome one. 
  • Have a thumbnail in your videos.
  • Create a logo for your channel

These strategies discussed are simple but awesomely effective ways to optimize your channel. They are free of charge. Again, these steps are not hard. They directly involving optimizing your channel, incorporate your blog with your channel, and branding your channel.

Getting More YouTube Views Through Pinterest

Cross-promotion is an effective strategy where you promote your YouTube videos on other social media platforms. This can work on nearly any platform if you do it right. Here’s how to do it on Pinterest!

Cross-promotion through Pinterest

We’re used to seeing video creators plugging their videos on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Did you know that you can also do this on Pinterest? People won’t even have to leave Pinterest to watch your videos. Here are the steps to do it:

1.   Optimize your YouTube videos and channel

Make sure that your video title and description are fully optimized for SEO before you pin it on Pinterest. The description should start with a link to your blog, offer page, or opt-in page. The link will be the first thing that people will see, so make sure it’s clickable and working.

After watching your videos, the viewers might get interested and check you out on YouTube. When they click on your YouTube profile name, they will land on your YouTube channel so make sure that your channel name and description are interesting. Also, add a profile photo to make visitors feel more connected. On the right-hand side of your channel, you can add a list of links to your opt-in or offer pages.

Now that you’ve optimized your videos and YouTube channel, you are ready to pin your videos on Pinterest.

2.   Download Google Chrome plug-in

While other browsers allow you to share your YouTube videos on Pinterest, Google Chrome has a free browser extension that makes the process easier. If you don’t have Google Chrome yet, download it here.

After downloading the browser, add the Shareaholic for a Pinterest plug-in.

3.   Choose the video you want to pin

Go to YouTube, select the video you want to pin, and click on the plug-in icon at the upper right-hand corner of your browser.

A new window will open which will direct you to your Pinterest account.

4.   Create a board for your YouTube videos

For a more organized Pinterest profile, create a board for your YouTube videos. You may also create multiple boards for different types of videos.

Make sure that your board name is SEO-friendly since Pinterest traffic can come from Google searches too. Take time to research the appropriate keywords to use.

5.   Maximize the description box

The description box is another venue for you to make use of targeted keywords. Since you are given 500 characters, make sure that the description is complete and has a call to action that directs viewers to your blog or opt-in page.

6.   Make pinning a part of your backlink strategy

Pin all of your YouTube videos on Pinterest, and create different boards for each type or category of videos. Do this to new videos too.

When you pin YouTube videos on Pinterest, you are actually creating a backlink to your YouTube channel, which is an effective SEO strategy. The more backlinks to your YouTube channel from trusted sources, the more it will rise in ranking because YouTube and Google love backlinks from reputable and trusted sources.

When you add links to your blog or website, that’s another backlink from a trusted source. Remember that Pinterest is in the top 50 most popular websites on the Internet.

These are some of the first steps you should take after every video you publish. It’s a great way to grow your YouTube channel from scratch.

Multiplying marketing results

Cross-promotion has always been an effective marketing strategy, but following these steps and sharing your videos on Pinterest will multiply the results of your marketing efforts.

With the right keywords and optimization, this will open up your YouTube channel to people on Pinterest as well as those who use Google search. Including links to your opt-in page and blog will also create reputable backlinks that will raise your website ranking as well as your YouTube ranking.

5 Reasons Why Your YouTube Videos Aren’t Popular

YouTube is home to over 1 billion logged in users worldwide. If you’re wondering why your YouTube channel isn’t doing so well, it might be because of those staggering numbers.
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