Ten of the Most Viewed Videos on YouTube

Today, the most popular videos on YouTube only have a little in common with the most distinct ones in the past. Child-friendly videos such as Chocolate Rain and Charlie Bit My Finger easily gained a spot in YouTube’s most viewed content back then. But now, child-friendly music videos coming from artists like Ed Sheeran and Justine Bieber have managed to be into the top spots. Music videos have done a good job of entering the list of the most popular videos ever watched in the history of YouTube. Regardless of its genre, music videos seem to have a huge appeal to viewers regardless of different ages. If you want the same growth for your YouTube channel, here’s what you need to have.

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The Most “YouTuber” YouTube Personalities

The Most "YouTuber" YouTube Personalities

Best YouTube Personalities

Regardless of the entertainment giants, they are followed by millions of Internet users. Creativity is a constant topic in discussions about marketing and communication in social media, especially when it comes to video content. 

Read our article on the best youtube personalities in the world.

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How to Block Recommended Videos on YouTube Forever


Recently, YouTube has become infamous for recommending videos. These videos often are not close to your taste at all, but YouTube’s tech support likes to believe that their algorithm is super smart and knows you more than you know yourself.

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How to Use Parental Control on YouTube in 2020

How to Use Parental Control on YouTube in 2020

YouTube is a great platform that has thrilled the world in several unique ways. Today, YouTube is regarded as the world’s largest video sharing platform. Due to its amazing features, it has become suitable to be used by anyone around the world. 

Of course, YouTube can be used by just about anyone. However, there is some video content that may not be idle for kids to view. As a parent, you are most likely to understand what kind of videos your kids can view to enable them to learn and understand certain things. In the same sense, you can easily understand those that may be harmful or not suitable for their viewing. Luckily, YouTube understood this too and implemented the Parental Control feature. 

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How to Upload Video on YouTube

It is interesting when you have your YouTube video out there for your audience engagements. But it’s annoying when your efforts aren’t paying off as expected. Hence, you need the help of YouTube videos inputting your act together and thought out there for your subscribers. YouTube videos will help give your subscribers the best results as required. Here are simple ways to upload YouTube videos;

How to Upload Video on YouTube

Using a Mobile Device

1. Create a Video Content of Your Concepts & Ideas

 People have made tons of dollars by using video ads of YouTube that has once gone viral, and on the looking at the result will look awry. For a video to look great, it should appeal to your audience. Hence, when you’re uploading an excellent video that’s yet to give a return on your efforts, it is essential when you put up a well to do information that surely resonates with your audience. This is a kind of video to upload when doing you’re considering one

Product Descriptions– You may need to curate marketing techniques videos that would give your audience some tips on how they would pick the best product out of many others, or a kind description video that is showing instruction of “how to.”

Educating Videos— Just come up with tutorials of your audience can learn new things about your product or other stuff generally videos, you can also use the session to showcase the unique skill of your industry because you’re an expert in your industry.

2. Open your video. 

After having good video content with your mobile device, you go to sharing settings, make use of the video player to locate your YouTube video you’d like to post. You have two options here; you can either post your video directly you record it or post the video that’s on your phone already.

After uploading the video, kindly press the “Share” option.

The share option can be found in various places; it depends on the kind of phone that you’re using for such upload: 

With Android devices, it’s pretty easy because the share option is visible in the video player, and if yours doesn’t pop up, then you need to check or press your Menu button for it show up. In an iOS device, the Share option is in the left-bottom of your video player, just like a box in an arrow facing the top. There is a simple way when you can achieve the Share button. Just tap on YouTube to attach the video file directly to the YouTube channel. But you’ll need to scroll down the menu to find this option.

3. Give your video an eye-catching title

  If you took video with your phones’ camera, the video would likely have some title that comes with some random numbers and dates. Edit the title and put a good one that’ll describe your content on a positive note.

Explain the video

Put a good video explanation that your viewers can view and have a good time with it. Try and explain everything you’re doing in the video; this will give your viewers the attraction they craved. Give out a perfect description that allows that’ll allow YouTube to retain your video in its top search.

Tag your video. 

Put tags on your video to give it a suitable appearance it deserves when other viewers’ search on video related to yours. Tags are just short keywords describing ones’ video and hallo other people see it quickly on YouTube. False tags will have a counterfeit effect on your YouTube views, be creative and honest when bringing in tags.

4. Select your privacy settings and publish them. 

You’ll select the video to be attached either privately, publicly, or unlisted at all. With public uploads can be searched publicly and viewed by everyone, if it’s secretly, it won’t be seen when they search for it. After this, click the Publish button or upload it. When you’ve done the privacy settings and set the description, click the Publish button to post the video content to your channel. The size of your video should be considered, depending on your video size but make sure you choose the best quality that’ll make your work looks good. If the cost of data is much, you may consider using the WiFi to cut down the cost of data.

Uploading Using the YouTube App

17 Different Ways to Increase Views on your YouTube Videos in 2019

a. Record your video by clicking on the video option at the top right corner where you’ll record the video. Select the camera to shoot your video, or you can as well choose the live stream option to start streaming live.

b. Once you finish with your video recording, put an excellent title, add a good description, put hashtags, & metadata to your content, and select the public button for your video to be seen live or private if otherwise. Download the YouTube app on iOS store or Android play store depending on the device you’re using, installed the app, and get started.

Launch your app and log in. While everyone can view your YouTube video, but only those with Google account are allowed to put up contents & post comments on videos. This means you’ll have to have a Google account to enjoy the features of the YouTube platform. Afterward, you set up your channel. 

c. Hop into www.youtube.com, and log in to your account through the use of Gmail address and password. The sign-in button is located at the right-up corner of the home page. 

d. Uploading. Keeps your app going smoothly without disruption until the video file is uploaded. When this is complete, click on the share button. If you’re uploading an excellent content with of quality, it’s reasonable your data will be exhausted so quickly; you can make use of WiFi to reduce data consumption. Select the “Publish” option. You can only do this when you’re done with the uploading procedure and ready for your video to be live. Afterward, tap the “Done” button.

YouTube Launched “Stories” Feature, Just Like Instagram

Since it was added as a feature on Instagram and Facebook, Stories has become a major staple of our social media life. In fact, Instagram has the highest number of users this year with over 400 million daily. It has even surpassed Snapchat and Facebook.

Who would have thought that this kind of posting format will hit big? Its popularity encouraged even other platforms to include it as one of their features. Netflix and Airbnb are now following in the popularity of this social media format. Not only that, YouTube is trying to also incorporate it into its platform.

YouTube is launching a “Stories” format and called it “Reels”. The video tech giant is currently testing it with its YouTube creators that has over 10,000 subscribers. It was successful with Instagram. Now, the question is, will it be successful with YouTube?

Do creators and subscribers really need this kind of format in the platform?

Features of YouTube Reels

YouTube is trying to create a not so similar Stories format for its platform. One is the people who have access to it.  

In Instagram, anyone with the account can post their stories. However, with YouTube, posting Reels is only a feature available to creators with large followings. And instead of the normal 24 hours, the Reel gets to stay in their account for a week or seven long days. YouTube is also allowing multiple stories which are very different with Instagram and Snapchat.

Subscribers will be able to find the creator’s stories in the Subscriptions tab, while for non-subscribers, it will be in the “Up next” list. On the other hand, just like Instagram’s Stories, there will also be some editing features in Reels. Creators can add filters, music, stickers to their video stories.

What is also good is that viewers can add a comment on the Reels. They can also comment with thumbs up or thumbs down or even give a heart icon if they like the video.

YouTube Communities

Since YouTube is only opening the Reel features to creators with over 10,000 subscribers, we can say that it is trying to build its communities. It also aims to promote channels as well as increase engagement.

Other creators have already started using the feature. They used it to create behind the scene accounts for the videos that they are creating and will be publishing in the platform. This creates an exciting feeling for the viewers and YouTube subscribers.

With this feature, YouTube is encouraging its users to stay on the platform, especially for its creators. Now creators don’t need to head to Facebook, Instagram or other social media to post updates on their videos or accounts. They can use YouTube Reels to do that. They can update their viewers easier and in a low key way.

YouTube Reels is also a good opportunity for creators who occasionally creates videos. They can close the gaps by updating its viewers of what is happening to them. On the other hand, for vloggers who are posting frequently, using Reels may be a redundancy for them.

In the end, Reels is about making creators stay with the platform and increasing their audience engagement.

Mix reactions

Creators and users have mixed reactions about YouTube Reels. Some say that YouTube is just jumping into the bandwagon of the Stories and it really does not need it. Another is that YouTube is just limiting it to its well-followed creators. It means there is no opportunity for budding YouTubers or small startups to try the feature.

Perhaps, the reason for this is that YouTube is trying to crack down and weed out inappropriate content on its platform. It is also cutting advertising rights to creators who are producing explicit content or graphical images.

On the other hand, other creators think that it is not reasonable to cut out advertising privileges just because the creator is touching the subjects of sex, mental health, and politics.

The problem with YouTube’s algorithm is that creators with high following continue to flourish, while those small and starting creators are bound to fail. This is because YouTube’s algorithm only favors those that have a sustainable following. They monetize them, while those that are small failed to get the monetization that they need since they are not given the right amount of exposure on the platform.

Using Reels, it is only another way to help those who have established accounts to flourish more. If Reels aim is to build community, wouldn’t be right to allow others to use it so other communities will be bigger? Also, it will help small or budding creators to create bigger communities?

10,000 subscribers may just be a small number for others. But with many YouTubers out there, it is hard to compete for attention. Thus, it is not easy to reach this number in a short period of time. Worse, those unfortunate creators have been in the platform for a long time and still fail to hit the 1000 subscriber mark.

It is also hard to gauge if Reels will be able to get audience engagement since the only indicator that you will have is comments and the reactions of the viewers.

Its purpose of audience engagement is good. However, if no one is using it, then it is a useless feature.


With Reels, brands can also use it to promote their product or campaign. They can create a poll, snippets or behind the scene footages.

It will be the same with Instagram. However, the big question is, will brands use Reels if they are already successful in using Instagram? Are they ready to take a risk in using another platform for their brand?

Remember paid ads on social media is not cheap. And trying to use all possible social media and social media features will surely cost your brands heaps of money. So better to think carefully and decide wisely which one will be effective for your brand. And if Instagram is effective for you, will you still move to other platforms, whether that platform has the same feature and purpose?

This feature is new. And it is hard to imagine a lot of people taking and consuming it in a short period of time. Furthermore, if it is not their platform, they won’t bother checking it out or much more use it.

These YouTube Reels is an interesting experiment. However, only the changes in the digital trends will tell if it will be successful just like with Instagram. Facebook and Snapchat has a steady follower on their own Story features, but will that mean the same for YouTube?

16 Ways To Gain YouTube Subscribers for 2019 and Beyond!

Over the years, YouTube has established its authority as the ultimate platform for video content marketing.  Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook have gradually started encouraging video content marketing. However, none of them has shaken the overwhelming influence of YouTube. An unfortunate thing about the YouTube video content marketing space is that it has become overpopulated. Everyone wants to be the best vlogger out there, and this is affecting the chances of gaining subscribers and credibility as an average YouTuber.

16 ways to gain YouTube Subscribers

For you to gain traffic on YouTube as a channel owner, you must have a lot of subscribers. Getting subscribers can be quite hard because of the saturated YouTube space. Nevertheless, with these sixteen steps, you can gain more YouTube subscribers and generate more traffic. This is why people buy YouTube subscribers to achieve the same goal, just a lot faster.

1. Create a video plan for your videos.

No doubt, anyone who fails to plan, plans to fail. This principle also applies to your YouTube videos. As a YouTuber, you should have a well-written plan for videos to be uploaded on your channel. You also need to plan the structure of your videos. When planning, try not to copy the seemingly successful YouTube channels blindly. Do not sacrifice your passion on the platter of YouTube clout.

2. Create engaging and compelling content

Creating engaging content for your YouTube channel to gain more followers is an undeniable fact that should not be on this list. However, this advice should not be overlooked. You need to create informative, valuable, and compelling content if you want people subscribing to your channel. When creating videos, endeavor always to ask yourself: what will my audience gain from this particular video. Is it beneficial or impactful? Also, generate evergreen and burst videos. These two types of videos will make your audience come back and become loyal subscribers.

3. Increase your uploading frequency

This advice is possibly the hardest to follow on the list.

Nevertheless, if you want to gain free massive subscribers to your YouTube channel, you have to be ready to give what it takes. One of such thing is uploading videos most of the time. You need consistency if you ever want to develop a long-lasting relationship with your subscribers. Make sure you publish at least one video a week; it will increase your channel’s loyalty and awareness.

4. Learn the art of optimizing your titles.

Against popular beliefs, optimization is not only relevant to websites and blogs. You also need to optimize your videos’ titles if you want free subscribers jumping on your YouTube channel. One of the great ways to maximize your videos is by naming them names that sound offbeat. Unique titles have the potential to build up curiosity in your potential subscribers, which will lead them to your channel.

5. Create a YouTube Trailer

There is a feature on YouTube which lets videos on your YouTube channel automatically played upon opening. The feature is highly advantageous as it is something you can work on with ease. Note that the ideal channel trailer is between 30 to 60 seconds. Hence, in your channel’s trailer, show your prospective subscribers reasons to keep watching.

6. Use Calls to Actions Annotations.

CTAs are seemingly annoying popups in videos watched on YouTube. However, if you use this feature to your advantage, you can increase your number of subscribers quickly. Do not let your future subscribers off by letting them know that the CTAs are mainly for gaining subscribers; instead, do it a smart way.

7. Use the right tools.

There are lots of tools that you can use on YouTube to rake in subscribers. Some of these tools include TubeBuddy. TubeBuddy is critical to an average YouTuber’s success. You should try utilizing Tube Buddy if you are serious about gaining subscribers. The tool is famous for helping you find more viewers, make more money, and automate the entire YouTube process.

8. Limit the time range of your videos to under 5 minutes

Reducing your videos to a range under 5 minutes is another effective way to gain YouTube subscribers. The high optimized videos on YouTube are mostly the ones under five minutes. Be part of this crew by producing informative and valuable videos that are under five minutes. 

9. Focus on quality… not quantity

This advice might be a contradiction to the previous recommendation of increasing uploading frequency. However, it is a counterproductive measure. Instead of solely concentrating your efforts on always uploading videos that may not necessarily appeal to your audience, you should focus on releasing videos that are useful for your target audience.

10. Reply to every comment

Those negative comments which you are deleting or not replying to might be the reason for your low subscribers’ count. If you want to gain more subscribers, respond to every comment on your videos. It will give you the chance to stand out from other YouTubers.

11. Write an appealing channel description

The description of your channel is next to everything. If you want to gain more subscribers, you have to create a narrative that is compelling and sellable. Also, use specific keywords in your description; it will help your channel rank better on YouTube.

12. Use a superb channel icon

Your channel is one of the most visible features of your YouTube channel. You should make sure yours is compelling enough to make subscribers click on your channel if you ever want to gain subscribers. If you are a personal brand, use a high-res headshot. Use the logo specially designed for YouTube if you are a company.

13. Create a YouTube channel tagline

You cannot stand out from the rest of you continue to do things like the rest. Most YouTubers never include taglines in their content’ this is why you should find out the unique characteristics about your channel and embed it as your channel’s tagline. Surely, you will stand out and gain more followers.

14. Include your videos in blog posts

Your blog is an excellent source for gaining free subscribers. Hence, you should embed more of your videos in your blogs as it gets it in front of more people.

15. Promote your videos on other platforms like EBooks, webinars and lead magnets

Funnel your people from other channels such as lead magnets and EBooks into your channel. One of the few ways to do this is by including your videos in your EBooks and lead magnets.

16. Let your channel be findable

You cannot tap the potential of gaining subscribers if you do not make your channel discoverable by people. Once you get people to discover your brand, your brand’s credibility will increase as your channel automatically becomes a verified representation of your YouTube brand. Also, include your blog’s URL in your channel and vice versa.

How and When to do a YouTube Live Stream

One of the growing features on YouTube is the more recent Live Streaming capability. There’s still just a small percentage of the YouTube community that uses the streaming feature, both on the creator and user side. It may not have the userbase of Twitch, but the amount of YouTube Live Streamers is steadily growing each day as more content creators are seeing the potential it holds for growing a core audience.

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Analytics Tricks: What is Traffic Source and Why Does it Matter?

YouTube has some extremely detailed analytics which are important factors in building more traffic. There are many different kinds of analytics, all of them important for different reasons. Optimizing some put your videos in potential viewers’ sidebars, while other analytics factors are for YouTube’s algorithm. Today we’re looking at traffic source. By studying your analytics, you can see where most of your traffic comes from. From there you can improve your connection to those sources, and get more traffic.

Traffic sources can help you understand how well different ad campaigns are performing. It can even help you figure out how valuable paid views are when comparing different vendors. The potential is limitless, so the faster you can learn how to understand and use traffic source for your benefit, the better.

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Influencer Marketing on YouTube: How it Works

YouTube is an amazing social media site that puts user-created content in front of other users. It’s one of the most personal ways for one user to connect with another, and for that reason, can be an extremely effective marketing platform. YouTube can also be used to put brands and products in front of highly-targeted audiences who will be interested. This can be in the form of product placement, which is a kind of influencer marketing. These new marketing tactics are a new form of influencer marketing; It’s essentially the same as your favorite actor doing a commercial for McDonald’s, but with millions of different influencers sending messages for millions of different brands, for billions of different viewers.

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