youtube creative suite

YouTube Creative Suite: A New Tool For Marketers To Make Better YouTube Ads

YouTube is releasing its new YouTube Creative Suite marketing tools. They say that these tools will help marketers deliver a more engaging ad experience for their audiences, and allow them to more easily accomplish their marketing goals.

YouTube Creative Suite video testing tools

The site announced the new suite in an official blog post on Wednesday. The YouTube Creative Suite is comprised of several tools that will focus on providing better video insights for brands. These insights, YouTube said, will help them improve their campaigns’ storytelling.

Video Experiments is the first of the new tools. It allows brands to test their Google Adwords video ads right on YouTube. The tool lets marketers measure the effect of content on metrics like awareness or purchase intent in real time, offering you real ways to get more views.

Video Experiments is intended as an alternative to using focus groups to measure the above metrics and lets you conduct your tests in a real ad environment. The service is set to roll out for beta testing later this month.

Video Creative Analytics

Meanwhile, Video Creative Analytics will help you keep track of the various elements of your video ads and build better reports on creative performance. It lets you include audience segmentation in your retention reports. This gives you a clearer picture of how your videos attract different audience groups.

YouTube will also introduce the ability to annotate sections of your videos, like logos or product shots, later this year. The feature will show the percentage of your audience who saw these elements. This helps you track the impact various video elements have on your campaign and refine them.

Improving video storytelling

Rounding up the YouTube Creative Suite are the Director Mix and Video Ad Sequencing tools. With Director Mix, you can break down a video ad into its components, such as video, text, and key message. You can then easily rearrange these elements into different video combinations based on the context or audience that you want to capture. The tool is currently in alpha development.

The Video Ad Sequencing tool, on the other hand, lets you string a set of YouTube ads together and create a coherent story in many different ways. The feature could also be used to share your product message through multiple pieces of video content. Video Ad Sequencing is also currently in alpha testing.

Using the YouTube Creative Suite tools

YouTube revealed that several major brands have already been using the individual tools in the YouTube Creative Suite to enhance their online advertising campaigns. 20th Century Fox, for instance, relied on Video Ad Sequencing to create story-driven promotional ads for The Greatest Showman, such as this one.

Meanwhile, Kellogg’s took advantage of Director Mix to create more personalized YouTube ads for its Rice Krispies Treats. The campaign resulted in a 4% increase in product sales.

These companies highlight the advantage that YouTuber Creative Suite offers. By using each tool, you can better dissect your YouTube video campaigns and see which elements work best. This will help you build better ads around these elements.

Creating YouTube ads

Check out what each tool in the YouTube Creative Suite has to offer as they become available. They will be rolling out slowly over the next few weeks. Start experimenting with them right away, and you will definitely find them handy when creating the perfect YouTube ads for your brand.


world cup youtube ads 2018

The Best World Cup YouTube Ads of 2018 Celebrate the World’s Game!

With the 2018 FIFA World Cup kicking off in Russia on June 14, official World Cup brands have started releasing their ads for the event. Here are some of the best World Cup ads that will surely grab your attention this year, and get you excited for the world’s game as it’s played on the biggest stage.
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improve your youtube watch time

Killer Ways To Improve Your YouTube Watch Time & Grow your Channel!

Watch time is one of the most important ranking factors to YouTube’s ranking algorithm. It is the ultimate indicator of content relevancy, and in recent years YouTube has given this particular ranking factor a primary role. Watch time directly impacts the growth and visibility of your YouTube channel. Read this right now to learn how to improve YouTube watch time on all your videos!
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youtube ads advice

How To Create Effective YouTube Ads for your Channel or Brand

You can’t rely on social media sharing your YouTube videos as your sole means of promotion. Running a series of YouTube ads is one of the most effective ways to make sure your target audience finds your videos. Read on to find out how to effectively create YouTube ads and improve the performance of your videos.
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How to Start a Vlog Using your Blog for Inspiration

Blogging is great. It allows writers to channel their inner voice and reach out to a targeted audience. However, with the rise of video in content marketing, many bloggers are looking for ways to repurpose their content and turn their blog posts into videos. Read on and find out how to use your blog post and start a vlog.
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Is Facebook Watch The New YouTube?

According to a study conducted by eMarketer, the average American adult spends about 68 minutes a day consuming videos on digital devices. Those numbers are a clear indication of how obsessed people are with watching videos online.

Facebook is now slowly rolling out their own video service to users across the globe. Currently, Facebook’s Watch tab is only available to select U.S users but is bound to be released globally in the months to come.

Facebook Watch is set to give YouTube a run for their ad money. Experts are already debating whether or not Facebook’s Watch tab will weaken YouTube, which has already gained the title of the world’s second largest search engine.

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10 Perfect Video Ads on YouTube

On average, YouTube receives a billion views a day from users all around the globe. With such a massive viewership, only time will tell when this online powerhouse will replace the boob tube.

With content creators uploading over 400 hours of video every minute and their advanced understanding of user preference through AI, YouTube’s become a video sharing platform unlike any other. These impressive stats and numbers tell us one thing – YouTube is one of the best online advertising platforms out there. Brands are quickly learning the advantages of running their ads on YouTube and we are seeing a lot of them step up their game.

There’s a burgeoning digital ad war that’s unfolding on YouTube and you can learn a lot from some of the brands that are killing it. Take inspiration from some of the best video ads, which we’ve listed below.

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Common Characteristics of Successful YouTubers

When the trio of Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim came up with the idea of YouTube back in 2006, they only wanted to create a platform where they could stream news about the big tsunami that hit Indonesia, and replays of Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction during her Super Bowl performance.

We can bet you a thousand views they didn’t imagine their platform will become the second largest search engine on the internet, that would help content creators turn their passions into full-time, lucrative careers.

YouTube has indeed come a long way since its inception. We now look at YouTubers as influencers who can determine purchasing trends in various niches – they are among the most powerful people on the internet today.

Just what makes these content creators so charismatic and special? Keep reading to learn about the characteristics shared by some of the most successful YouTubers today.

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How to Use YouTube for Customer Service

You probably know about using YouTube for your marketing campaigns, but have you thought about using it for customer service?

According to a study conducted by Mediapost, 87% of consumers say that watching a video about a product makes them feel more confident about purchasing. If videos make such a significant impact on customers, it only makes sense that you utilize them to improve their overall experience.

While largely unexplored, providing customer service through YouTube can be the simplest way to improve user experience and customer satisfaction, by delivering easily-understood instructions and advice.

Learn how you can maximize YouTube to improve customer service below.

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Have You Tried YouTube Live for Your Business?

Unlike other types of online interaction, live video streaming allows for more spontaneous video production and interactive content consumption, which make brands appear more honest, real, and likable.

One of YouTube’s newest offerings, YouTube Live, makes this possible. As other big platforms enhance their Live feature, more and more brands are seeing the importance of using live streaming to reach their audience.

Be competitive and stay relevant in your field by using YouTube Live to grow and engage your audience. It’s an effective way to connect with your viewers and now it’s easy with YouTube. Add in a video Views campaign and you’ll be growing your subscribers in no time at all!

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