YouTube As an Educational Tool and a Hue Diversion

YouTube As an Educational Tool and a Hue Diversion

There are so many things you can do on YouTube. Every minute, users churn out more than 500 hours worth of content. These videos delve into a wide pool of topics. Many of them are about video games or the daily lives of the content creators. Then, there are some about music or anime or just about anything.

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YouTube CEO Assures Users They are Fighting Against Misinformation

YouTube CEO Assures Users They are Fighting Against Misinformation

People use social media to connect not only with their loved ones but also with information. To say that word spreads like wildfire on these platforms is an understatement. You can know about an event merely minutes after it happened. And sometimes, you’ll know what’s happening while the event is still happening.

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What to Expect From YouTube’s New Insight Tools

What to Expect From YouTube's New Insight Tools

YouTube is the world’s second-most visited website in the world. And it allows people to make money out of making videos. Thus, YouTubing is now one of the most lucrative careers. The platform’s top content creators earn 3 to 5 million dollars a month. And smaller YouTubers’ earnings are not too shabby either.

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YouTube Videos Can Now Appear on Snapchat Stories As Stickers

YouTube Videos Can Now Appear on Snapchat Stories As Stickers

YouTube is a treasure trove of video content. There are 800 million videos on the platform, hosted in 37 million channels. You can spend a year just watching those and get not even halfway done come New Year’s eve. According to reports, YouTube users upload 500 hours of video every minute. That makes the mission of watching all YouTube videos even more impossible to complete.

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Getting to Know the Black Voices Fund Content

Getting to Know the Black Voices Fund Content

YouTube has over 51 million YouTube channels. Who owns these channels? That can be anybody since the platform is free to use. As long as you have a way to make a video and an internet connection, you can be one of them.

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YouTube Analytics Now Have a New Way to View Data

Is It Worth It to Be a Crypto YouTube Vlogger?

Is It Worth It to Be a Crypto YouTube Vlogger?

In the age of computers, people have plenty of options to make a living. Artists can sell their services on websites like Fiverr, while photographers can advertise themselves through Instagram. Meanwhile, other people can do “live selling” on platforms like TikTok and Facebook.

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Guide on How You Can Review Your YouTube Subscriptions

YouTube can help you rediscover yourself, believe it or not. How? You can check the list of content creators you follow and have followed. By doing so, you can see how your tastes have changed over time. Also, you may have an interest that you have put at the back of your mind and have forgotten about them. Looking at your Top 10 YouTube views sites and subscription history can remind you of those things. And the chances are you still love those things, and you may have even helped buy them YouTube views.

You can also check your subscriptions if you want to “declutter.” Getting recommended videos from YouTube channels you no longer watch could get annoying. So, you may want to unsubscribe to them.

Guide on How You Can Review Your YouTube Subscriptions

So, how can you do this? There are many methods to do it. And the steps can also change depending on what device you are using. Let’s look at all of them.

Reviewing your YouTube Subscription History without Leaving YouTube

You can’t see how long you have subscribed to a channel using YouTube’s tools. A third-party app is needed for you to be able to do that. But it can show you your subscription history.

Here is how you do it on the web or mobile app.

On the Web

The first step, of course, is to visit using a web browser and log into your account. Then, on the left-side panel, click on “Subscriptions.”

Finally, click on “Manage.” That should be on the top right corner of the screen, below the “Create” button.

On Mobile

The steps on the mobile app are almost the same as when you do it on the web. You start by launching the YouTube mobile app. If you haven’t logged in yet, do that. Then, tap on “Subscriptions.” That is between the (+) icon and “Library” at the bottom left side of the screen.

There will be a menu at the top of the screen displaying the profile pictures of the channels you are subscribed to. There’s clickable text saying “Manage” on the rightmost side of that menu. Tap on that.

Tapping or clicking “Manage” on mobile and the web will open the YouTube subscription management page. There, you can see the history of your subscriptions.

Please note that YouTube will not list the channels in any particular order. So, because the channel is at the topmost of the list does not mean it was the latest addition to that list.

 On this page, you can unsubscribe to channels that you are not interested in anymore. Also, you can set up alerts, so you don’t miss any video from a channel that you really like. That gives you some control over how YouTube presents content to you on your Home screen.

Guide on How You Can Review Your YouTube Subscriptions

However, keep in mind that you can’t turn the notification bell on for channels labeled as “Made for Kids.”

Reviewing YouTube Subscription History Using My Google Activity Page

Suppose you want to see all the channels you are subscribed to on YouTube. At the same time, you want to learn how long you have been subscribed to that content creator.

As mentioned earlier, no native YouTube tool can give you what you want. But, you can get that using another Google product. Remember, YouTube is a subsidiary of Google.

That product would be My Google Activity. Open an internet browser, go to its webpage, and then sign into the Google account associated with your YouTube channel. 

Once logged in, there should be a list of options on the left side of the screen. If it is not there, click or tap on the hamburger menu at the top-left corner of the screen.

Next, select “Other Google Activity.” That will redirect you to the “Activity controls” page. Scroll down until you find “YouTube Channel Subscriptions.”

Click on “View Subscriptions.” If you do this, a new browser tab will open. Click on that tab to see the channels you are subscribed to on the largest video-sharing website in the world.

Unlike the previous method, you can see when you click that subscribe button on each channel. It will show you not just the date but also the exact time when you subscribed. Unfortunately, it will not tell you exactly how many months or days you have been subscribed. If you want to know, you have to do the computation yourself.

You can delete your subscriptions activity on My Google Activity. That will effectively unsubscribe you to the channel that you deleted. However, it may take a few hours before Google can fully remove the data on YouTube.

What you can’t do, though, is activate or deactivate the notification bell. So, you can’t use this method to set alerts. You have to do that on the YouTube app or website.

Using Third-Party Apps to Review Your Subscription History

You can also use third-party apps to review your YouTube subscription history. You have to set your YouTube subscription visibility to “Public” for this to work. Therefore, it’s not for people who see privacy as an issue.

Here’s how you adjust your subscription visibility setting.

Log into YouTube. Then, tap or click on your profile photo. Select “Settings.”

On the Settings page, locate “Privacy” and click on that. Then look for the option that says, “Keep all my subscriptions private.” Toggle that off.

Now, you can use third-party apps/websites. Most of these will only need you to paste your channel’s URL into the textbox. Then, click the “Continue” button or any equivalent of that.

After that, you should see a list of all channels you are subscribed to. And as with My Google Activity, you’ll see the date and time when you subscribed.

Guide on How You Can Review Your YouTube Subscriptions

Unlike doing it on YouTube, you can’t set or stop alerts. Likewise, unlike dong it on YouTube or My Google Activity, you can’t unsubscribe to any channels through that preview.

So, this method does not offer anything the official methods do not provide. And it also offers less than them. So, there’s really no reason to choose this. You also have to make your subscriptions’ visibility public. It’s best not to do that.

Did Taeyong Buy YouTube Views on His Personal YouTube Channel?

Taeyong Reveals His Personal YouTube Channel

Things from South Korea are increasingly getting popular. For instance, movies or television series like Train to Busan or Squid Game were the talks of the town when they came out. And until now, people would not shut up about them.

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What to Expect on the Planned Integration of YouTube and Edge Browser?

What to Expect on the Planned Integration of YouTube and Edge Browser?

Google still reigns as the world’s biggest website. And the company’s web browser remains one of the most preferred web browsers. But recently, Microsoft Edge has been making waves. 

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