YouTube is Testing a New Feature Called ‘Go Live Together’

YouTube is Testing a New Feature Called 'Go Live Together'

Live Streams have become more and more popular. People already loved them before, as proven by platforms like YouTube and Twitch. But the pandemic has strengthened netizens’ love for this type of content.

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A Boomer’s Guide to Creating a YouTube Channel in 2021

A Guide to Creating a YouTube Channel That Can Attract YouTube’s User Network

Are you a Boomer who is thinking about starting their own YouTube Channel? Don’t let the haters dissuade you, there’s plenty of room for more!

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Youtube Music: Not Only a Music Player App but also a Job Platform

Youtube Music: Not Only a Music Player App but also a Job Platform

Released in 2018, Youtube Music has massively impacted the whole world by offering one of the best music services and opportunities. It is a music streaming app created by Google that focuses mainly on songs.

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Getting More YouTube Views Through Pinterest

Cross-promotion is an effective strategy where you promote your YouTube videos on other social media platforms. This can work on nearly any platform if you do it right. Here’s how to do it on Pinterest!

Cross-promotion through Pinterest

We’re used to seeing video creators plugging their videos on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Did you know that you can also do this on Pinterest? People won’t even have to leave Pinterest to watch your videos. Here are the steps to do it:

1.   Optimize your YouTube videos and channel

Make sure that your video title and description are fully optimized for SEO before you pin it on Pinterest. The description should start with a link to your blog, offer page, or opt-in page. The link will be the first thing that people will see, so make sure it’s clickable and working.

After watching your videos, the viewers might get interested and check you out on YouTube. When they click on your YouTube profile name, they will land on your YouTube channel so make sure that your channel name and description are interesting. Also, add a profile photo to make visitors feel more connected. On the right-hand side of your channel, you can add a list of links to your opt-in or offer pages.

Now that you’ve optimized your videos and YouTube channel, you are ready to pin your videos on Pinterest.

2.   Download Google Chrome plug-in

While other browsers allow you to share your YouTube videos on Pinterest, Google Chrome has a free browser extension that makes the process easier. If you don’t have Google Chrome yet, download it here.

After downloading the browser, add the Shareaholic for a Pinterest plug-in.

3.   Choose the video you want to pin

Go to YouTube, select the video you want to pin, and click on the plug-in icon at the upper right-hand corner of your browser.

A new window will open which will direct you to your Pinterest account.

4.   Create a board for your YouTube videos

For a more organized Pinterest profile, create a board for your YouTube videos. You may also create multiple boards for different types of videos.

Make sure that your board name is SEO-friendly since Pinterest traffic can come from Google searches too. Take time to research the appropriate keywords to use.

5.   Maximize the description box

The description box is another venue for you to make use of targeted keywords. Since you are given 500 characters, make sure that the description is complete and has a call to action that directs viewers to your blog or opt-in page.

6.   Make pinning a part of your backlink strategy

Pin all of your YouTube videos on Pinterest, and create different boards for each type or category of videos. Do this to new videos too.

When you pin YouTube videos on Pinterest, you are actually creating a backlink to your YouTube channel, which is an effective SEO strategy. The more backlinks to your YouTube channel from trusted sources, the more it will rise in ranking because YouTube and Google love backlinks from reputable and trusted sources.

When you add links to your blog or website, that’s another backlink from a trusted source. Remember that Pinterest is in the top 50 most popular websites on the Internet.

These are some of the first steps you should take after every video you publish. It’s a great way to grow your YouTube channel from scratch.

Multiplying marketing results

Cross-promotion has always been an effective marketing strategy, but following these steps and sharing your videos on Pinterest will multiply the results of your marketing efforts.

With the right keywords and optimization, this will open up your YouTube channel to people on Pinterest as well as those who use Google search. Including links to your opt-in page and blog will also create reputable backlinks that will raise your website ranking as well as your YouTube ranking.

Increasing YouTube Views On Your Own: 10 Easy Tips

When we speak of video content, the first platform that comes to mind is YouTube. As the second-largest search engine in the world, YouTube is difficult to ignore, especially since more and more people have shifted from textual content to video content. If you are one of these people and you have a YouTube channel, we will give you some tips to increase the number of your YouTube views.

Let’s start with those tips I promised earlier:

1.Optimize your videos for SEO

YouTube marketing is no different from conventional textual content marketing. You still need to use SEO strategies to rank better and reach more people. If you are making a video about fitness, make sure that you include popular search terms in your video title, description, and metadata.

Optimize your description too by making it as detailed as possible. You can also add links to your website and other social media accounts. Don’t forget to use hashtags to make your videos more searchable.

2. Search for trending topics

Every marketer has a niche to cater to. They have to make sure that their videos address this niche’s needs and issues, but exploring trending topics won’t hurt their video content strategy.

Check out how Fortnite is being used even by video creators who aren’t into gaming. A lot of personalities and brands rode on the online game’s popularity, amassing millions of views as a result.

YouTube, Twitter, and keyword research tools can give you ideas about trending topics.

3. Make your thumbnail standout

By default, YouTube lets you select your thumbnail from three images. However, you can create your own thumbnail and use it on your videos. Just make sure that they are appropriate since using misleading thumbnails is against YouTube’s terms of service. Check out the video below to learn how to create a thumbnail on YouTube.

The thumbnail should give viewers an idea of what the video is all about, and not be there as clickbait.

4. Tweet about your videos

Hashtags are heavily used on Twitter which gives you another effective way of promoting your videos. Tweet about your video, and include hashtags. You may also search for popular hashtags and create video content based on them to ride on their popularity.

5. Share it on Facebook

As Facebook is the largest social media site, you have to cross-promote your videos on this platform as well. Most people that aren’t active on YouTube are on Facebook, so it’s an effective way of reaching out to potential subscribers and viewers. 

6. Upload videos regularly

Sporadically uploading on YouTube will not let you gain more views. It will bury your channel and videos among millions of other videos. Make it a point to upload videos on a regular schedule, like once a week or every other week. This way, your audience will know when they’ll see another upload, and they will look forward to it.

7. Don’t forget your CTAs

There are viewers who subscribe to your channel after watching your video without the need to ask them. Only a few though will do it. It’s then important to include a call-to-action (CTA) and remind them to subscribe to your channel and like your videos. Include a CTA for them to watch the next video as well.

8. Include end screens

The final 10 to 20 seconds of your video is crucial since it’s where most viewers decide what to watch next. Putting end screens are therefore important since you are suggesting to your viewers what videos to watch without having to scroll down. End screens are particularly effective for mobile users since all they need to do to get to the next content is to click on the end screen. Here’s how you can add and edit end screens:

9. Create Playlist

Playlists are a series of videos that viewers can continuously watch without YouTube’s algorithm interrupting the flow. When your video is done playing, another one of yours will automatically play, keeping viewers on your YouTube channel. You can create multiple playlists to cover subcategories within your niche.

10. Embed the videos on your blog

If you already have a blog, the number of your YouTube views can greatly improve if you embed the videos in your blog posts. You can create blog posts related to the video, or look for an existing one and update it with an embedded video.

If you don’t have a blog yet, think about starting one if you are promoting a brand or a product. Blogs can drive traffic to your YouTube videos and create backlinks.

These are just a few tips that you may have known already but aren’t implementing in your video content marketing. Several successful YouTube channels are doing these, and you will do well if you follow them.

You Can Teach Yourself Business Skills Through YouTube, Like This Entrepreneur!

Teach Yourself Business Skills Through YouTube Like This Entrepreneur

Vishal Jain knew that he wasn’t cut out to work for anyone. At a young age, he already knew what he wanted to become, so he dropped out of college despite his parents’ disapproval. He had no business skills, no money, and no investors. What he had was only a vision to start his own business.

Vishal Jain is now the founder and CEO of Sunshy Digital Media Agency and two Instagram-focused marketing companies. What did this young man do to become an accomplished entrepreneur?  

Learning from YouTube and Quora

With zero skills and no money to start a business, Jain turned to the Internet for help. He searched for ways to make money online and found several freelancing sites, so he decided to offer virtual assistant services on some of these sites.

It was then that he saw the increasing demand for social media marketing services. Jain decided to start his own SMM business, but he didn’t have enough funds to pay for online courses or advertise his planned business. Jain says that his biggest resources were those found for free on YouTube and Quora. He watched over a hundred tutorial videos on YouTube, and looked for SMM-related answers on Quora. 

Aside from SMM, he also taught himself website design and SEO, which made his business quickly turn from a social media marketing company to a broader digital marketing company.

Business Skills Through YouTube

The entrepreneur’s initial investment amounted to only $25 for the domain name and hosting service for his website. This goes to show that you don’t need that much money to start a business. Jain’s advice to entrepreneurs who are only starting is to stop thinking that they need someone to give them the money to start a business. You can earn the required money by learning important skills through YouTube and then work as a freelancer on Fiverr or other websites.

Instagram-focused business

Instagram is at the core of Jain’s businesses, mainly because Jain himself found most of his clients through Instagram when his business was just starting. For him, Instagram is the most effective platform for brands to increase their reach and create awareness. Instagram’s features make these goals easy to achieve. Among the tactics that Jain uses for his clients are:

  • Relevant hashtags
  • Targeted comments
  • Influencer marketing
  • Instagram power likes

Jain looks at everything this way: He makes money by helping his clients make money through brand awareness and influence.

Instagram isn’t only for international businesses or those that offer worldwide shipment, although most people have this misconception about Instagram. Jain says that 90% of his clients are local businesses, and Instagram marketing has proven to be just as effective for them as it is for international brands.

According to Jain, The biggest mistake  is for brands to spend most of their marketing budget on traditional media instead of social media. Businesses that are on social media are further ahead of those who aren’t.