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What to Expect From YouTube’s New Insight Tools

That said, YouTube is helpful to so many people. However, for users to make the most of it, they first need to have many subscribers.

What to Expect From YouTube's New Insight Tools

YouTube is the world’s second-most visited website in the world. And it allows people to make money out of making videos. Thus, YouTubing is now one of the most lucrative careers. The platform’s top content creators earn 3 to 5 million dollars a month. And smaller YouTubers’ earnings are not too shabby either.

Aside from content creators who want to be popular on the platform, you can also see so many brands on YouTube. Its wide reach made it a magnet for companies around the world. These companies can leverage that to increase sales or drive traffic to their websites.

That said, YouTube is helpful to so many people. However, for users to make the most of it, they first need to have many subscribers. But how can they get to that point?

 Simple. People subscribe to YouTube channels if they find their videos entertaining or useful. So, content creators and brands need to produce videos about topics people want to discuss. One way for them to know it is by creating polls asking their audience what they want to watch. But that only shows to the Home feed of users who subscribed to their channel or watched their videos at least once. People who do not know the channel can’t see that. So, it is quite ineffective at attracting new subscribers.

The thing is that YouTube is also the world’s second-largest search engine. People visit the website to look for all sorts of things. Naturally, it has a record of the keywords people searched for the most.

Imagine if users have access to that information. That will help them make informed decisions on what video to upload next. And the good news is that YouTube is giving it to content creators through its new search insight tools. 

Know The Topics That Interest YouTube Users

Last November, YouTube previewed an experimental feature. It allows you to see what people on YouTube are looking for. Furthermore, it shows you data about your viewers’ searches. The data will also not show you just the volume of searches for each key topic of interest. It will also show you the amount of traffic your YouTube channel has gained through those queries.

That’s a blessing to all content creators on YouTube. Knowing what your viewers are looking for is always a good thing. It allows you to curate videos for them and keep them engaged.

Remember, YouTube subscribers that don’t watch your videos hurt your channel. People who just recently found your channel may think that they are fake subscribers. That’s not good for your image.

Furthermore, the number of views on your YouTube channel boosts your content in the YouTube ranking algorithm. Videos your subscribers don’t watch would show lower in search results. And if your subscribers don’t watch that, who will?

With this new information in your hand, you will know what type of videos your audience likes. You can focus on these types of videos. 

It also eliminates the need to do a poll to know your audience’s opinions. That saves you some extra time, which you can spend on making high-quality videos for your viewers.

What to Expect From YouTube's New Insight Tools

However, we recommend still doing polls to keep your audience engaged while you are working on your newest video.

Content Gaps

The new search insight tools also include a marker for “Content Gap” queries. That will show you search terms that don’t return a high volume of matches. So, there is a demand for these videos, but they are almost non-existent. 

This new search insight tool is beneficial to content creators and brands. They can make videos about those topics to cater to the needs of people on YouTube. Since there are not many videos about those topics, there’s almost no competition. It will be easy for users to find their content and discover their channel. That’s a lot better than selecting subjects for videos blindly. Through this method, one can be sure that there will be upcoming views – maybe even likes and subscribes. 

Of course, content creators and companies should still be selective. It is important to choose topics that are relevant to their brand. Otherwise, it would feel out of place and may turn current subscribers off. 

This new tool presents content creators and businesses on YouTube with new opportunities. It would be a waste not to look at it.

Searches Across YouTube

Last is the “Searches Across YouTube” element. It will provide insights into the most common searches based on keywords. For example, suppose you want to know if the keyword “private jet charter” is popular. You can type that on the textbox and then press Enter. YouTube will show you search queries related to that. Furthermore, it will also tell you if there’s high demand for it. You can also use it to know the most common “how-to” searches.

What to Expect From YouTube's New Insight Tools

Where To Find These Tools

So, where can you find these useful tools? To get there:

  1. Log into your YouTube account first.
  2. Click on your profile picture on the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Select “YouTube Studio” from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click “Analytics.”
  5. Select “Research.”
  6. Choose between the “Searches Across YouTube” and “Your viewers’ searches.” The latter contains the marker for “Content Gaps.”

YouTube has rolled this feature out to everyone at the end of April. So, you should be able to see it regardless of where you are. 

Where Does YouTube Get The Data

The tool is not yet complete. It only looks at data from the past 28 days on English language search terms from the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and India. So, it does not take into account search queries from most countries. But don’t worry. According to a video published on the Creator Insider YouTube channel, they plan to roll the feature out to more languages and regions. For now, YouTube creators must make do with what they have.

Launching this new search insight tool is a great step for YouTube. It allows the platform to support its community better. 


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