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Using Videos Wisely To Get An Edge Over Competitors

creating support videos, using video testimonials and doing product videos are one of the things to get an edge over competitors

Videos are considered as one of the best content formats to engage people online, but it can be a challenge if you don’t know how to use them effectively. Let’s take a look at some of the best video strategies that will let you dominate your competition. 

Do product videos

Product videos have become a perennial favorite among YouTube marketers. These videos let you introduce new products to a wider audience faster than other means of promotions. They are also great tools for sustaining that initial interest and eventually turning it into conversions. 

One thing that you need to know is that just uploading a random product video will not always guarantee good results. You need to make the effort to get people from watching them eventually heading to your site to make a purchase. Some ways to enhance your product videos are:

  • Shoot from different angles: Make sure to show all sides of your products and zoom in to reveal the finer details and present it more accurately to viewers. 
  • Add context: Show your featured product in situations that your target customers will most likely encounter them in to better convince them that it meets their needs. 
  • Don’t scare your viewers: Instead of focusing on the negatives of not getting your product, you should highlight its benefits in the video. 
  • Add a human element: Tug your viewers’ emotions and get them to connect with the characters that are featured in your product video. 

These steps help turn your product video from being a simple advert to a more compelling piece that will better convince your viewers to purchase. Google uses some of these strategies to effectively present an otherwise intangible product in their videos. 

Use video testimonials 

A study done by analytics firm BrightLocal reveals that 84% of consumers trust online reviews they read or watch. This means that posting video testimonials for your products is another effective strategy for enticing viewers to make a purchase. 

The big challenge here is how you can create with a really convincing, and genuine, customer testimonial video. In this case, you should get a customer that did have a positive experience with your brand or product. The easiest thing to do, since you’re on YouTube, is to see if anyone has already done videos on their own. You can then: 

  • Add them to a Playlist on your account
  • Add it to your Liked videos list
  • Ask them if you can post the video to your account 
  • Film a video with them,

When filming your video testimonials, let your subject speak as freely as possible. This will pave the way for a more authentic statement from them. You can edit out some unfavorable comments, but be critical in determining what you would leave intact. These other commentaries will help make your video testimonials more convincing to audiences. 

Create support videos 

After your customers make that purchase, you still want to continue engaging with them to encourage future purchases or referrals. Videos are again a useful tool for this effort. 

How-tos are one of the common support videos that you can create. 

Cover everything from the basic use of your product or service to advanced features. You can also focus on troubleshooting to answer some of the common issues your customers encounter. Lowe’s excels at this:

Make your how-tos more engaging by:

  • Keeping them short: A video length of two to nine minutes would be suitable to help your audience go through the tutorials at the right pace, but it may take a bit more time with more complicated projects.
  • Use talking heads: Open your video tutorial with a full shot of the person doing the demonstration. This helps viewers connect with and focus on the demo better. 
  • Do a more dynamic presentation: Moving your camera from left to right or zooming in to follow the action is an effective way to keep your viewers watching through to the end. 

By making these how-to videos more digestible, you turn them into more effective resources that people can refer to anytime. To further build them up, embed these how-tos and support videos to your website and incorporate them into your larger customer support procedures. 

These three strategies are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to using videos for your business. Explore other ways of incorporating videos into your online marketing cycle and you can attract even more customers and get ahead of your competitors faster. 


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