5 Best YouTube Channels That You Can Subscribe To

YouTube has been giving wonderful videos till date, all thanks to several video clips coming up every time, and with the continuous tons of musical videos stretching the platform daily. The interesting part is that to know what it feels in maintaining consistent control over the subscribers; you have to be consistent. To know the cool part of YouTube, did you know in reality some niche contents have the capacity of attracting long-lasting subscriber’s base?

Subscribe To These YouTube Channels by Christmas!

Such large subscribers will make your channel a great place for content. But if you don’t know how to go about creating content that can make your page a destination for good videos, then it is time to roll up your sleeve and learn some intricate of it. However, in this article, we will be talking about the best YouTube channels that you can subscribe to and have real value for your time. These are some compiled lists and their statistics for knowledge of user subscribers. These channels consist of in-house channels or professional. YouTube game channel “PewDiePie” is a top spot in the overall YouTube statistics of subscribers presently with approximately multi-millions of heavy subscribers around the world.

Free YouTube Subscribers

1. PewDiePie – 101.55 million Subscribers

PewDiePie is the largest channel with the subscribers’ base. As we know controversy sells, the reason why there is less likelihood of anyone familiar with YouTube not knowing much about Felix Kjellberg, knotty self-acclaimed Swedish king of YouTube platform. Kjellberg loves making Vlogs and reviewing meme of all sorts, not only that, he is controversial and has manic superiority. He got his popularity in various times for consistently make use of anti-Semitic video, racial slurs content, promoting the activities of Nazis, and a complete lot of other social misconduct portraying him of being celebrated someone with the celebrity status. The interesting thing is he enjoys a lot of supporters from his link minded supporters that probably propelled for him getting loads of subscribers. YouTube has canceled some of his hateful series. 

2. Dude perfect – 44.8 million Subscribers

The Dude perfect page is the second-largest YouTube channel. It has endless entertainment channels for its subscribers’ reason fans keep going there to watching the nerve-calming video. It started in the year 2009 with just a camera and a sandwich. The channel has loads of motivational content that lift the spirit. Ever since its creation, there is jaw-cracking content and several messages of faith for users. Tyler Toney & the band of Texas have begun using the channel to impact peoples’ lives with a great devoted message.

3. Hola Soy German – 39.68 million Subscribers

Garamendi’s productivity on his unique channel that does not involve gaming has waned over time, but his achievement on his platform has earned him greatness. He is involved in book sell, campaigns in Greenpeace by playing in a band. He is almost everywhere on YouTube doing wonders for himself.

4. Andersson Nuns – 36.57 million Subscribers

What to know about this Nuns- It is the most beloved and shirtless YouTuber ever came out of Brazil, the 24-year old keeps his viewers impressed with the consistent video stream. No matter how you are, the video will attract you to the page.

 5. Juega German – 36.23 million Subscribers

What to know about Juega German: The video games’ page is not just only about video gaming alone there several things to learn in the channel. The 29-year-old YouTube influencer is very lively and fined him discussing new topics by exploring the Internet on a daily.

Some other YouTube channel interesting also finds below:

elrubius OMG- 35.61 million Subscribers

Rubén Doblas the owner of the channel is majorly about video streaming, surprising contents, and gameplay videos. The Spanish man often drops a special interview and Chat roulette adventure into his YouTube channel feed.

Felipe Neto- 34 million Subscribers

Felipe is in a couple of ways an epitome in the YouTube silly fame race. He is a Brazilian blogger who always reacts to all kinds of news like the cultural event, gossip of celebrity, and upload funny comedy videos. He usually talks on the camera for at 60 frames per second just like a joke, but the interesting part is 27 million subscribers love it. No one can have a say to his YouTube stardom.

Fernanfloo – 33.62 million Subscribers

Fernando is a cool gamer who is popular for his weird remarks and love of indie titles. He hails from El Salvador; he is a 26-year-old who loves the green color and enjoys giving his fans the best of videos to talk about.

Kids Diana Show – 33.37 million Subscribers

Kids Diana is a channel for kids video and viewing of several kiddies contents, it is known for uploading several plays with a various selection of the latest new toys for kids on YouTube, because, for whatsoever reason, most kids cannot get adequate pleasure by watching other kids playing with toys they want without having theirs. This birthed the popularity of Kids Diana’s Show that mostly relies on the name of Diana.

Like Nastya Vlog- 31.55 million Subscribers

Like her counterpart Nikia & Vlad, Nastya is a good destination for fictional stories videos. Nasty is a Florida-Russia based YouTube influencer who creates various video content for kids and teenagers. The majority of her videos preached about creative adventure scenes. Some of her videos collaborate with her dad, and they make great video through perfect making and scripted adventurous stories that are inspired by fairy tales and nursery rhymes.

Vanoss Gaming- 24.82 million Subscribers

The channel is owned by Evan Fong and has been in existence since the year 2011. The channel is all about gaming video most times with adventurous features. Vanoss is a Canadian YouTube enthusiast who loves putting mind-blowing action gaming videos online. He and his friends have flair for playing several action games like Grand Theft Auto, Garry’s Mod and Call of Duty. 

5 Reasons Why You Don’t Have Subscribers on YouTube

It is no news the number of subscribers you have can go a long way in influencing your business growth. It is similar to the way you have followers on other social media platform that allows you to gain the heart of your audience quickly. Let come to the YouTube channel; there are ways to know how your content is doing. If they are converting to the right audience or you are just wasting those efforts of yours. YouTube can be leveraged to track how your viewers are doing with your video content if they are subscribing to it or otherwise. We can relate this to Twitter, such that your followers can influence how your profiles’ growth and success will be. At times, you could assume why those efforts of yours to produce quality video contents are not yielding satisfactory results. Even when you put in those long hours of work to it and upload them to YouTube, are you attracting tons of viewers that are yet subscribing to your YouTube channel? Stay calm, this article is written for you. Here are five keys factors no one is subscribing to your YouTube page.

Free YouTube Subscribers- 7 Alternative Methods

1. Asking Viewers to Subscribe

Starting with the most important one that most people don’t take seriously; the truth is that if you crave for viewers to subscribe to your YouTube channel, it is essentially most of the time to ask them for it. Ask it shall be given unto you. Most viewers don’t even know if they should subscribe if they are told to do so. The best thing to do is to have a part of your content that you should pitch straight to anyone viewing your video and ask them to subscribe. “Hello! Please hit the subscribe button!” You can as well inform them of your audience to subscribe to Annotations. It allows adding text to your content and also telling the viewers never to subscribe. It’ll provide the links within the video whereby your viewers could be clicking to make subscribing easier to your YouTube channel. You can remind your audience to subscribe to the video narrative.

2. Your Viewers Engagement Is Not Good Enough

Look very carefully; the highly subscribed YouTube pages are the ones having that significant human interaction that people love. Like the names of MysteryGuitarMan, Ryan Higa, or Ray William Johnson, etc. People like these always engage and influence viewers. It does not limit to YouTube views alone, but they possess the human interaction frequently most people crave for. For instance, some of these names have weekly contents for proper communication with the audience. Not only that, after the session, they’ll put out the best answers of their last weeks’ episode for new content in the subsequent week, giving viewers the best of engagements they need. When doing this, it provides your audience a feeling of commitments they couldn’t have gotten elsewhere and as such, most likely to subscribe to your page for more interaction of such.

The number of newly uploaded videos isn’t what they have come to your page to see; instead, they came to seek value. When your targeted audience hit the sign up button to see your contents; they’re more interested in seeing or detailed video that is different from others. Your viewers could have seen how cool your channel is due to the fact of what they came across on a particular video of yours or a series of video topics solving their needs.

3. Your Direction Channel Lacks

Today you are putting contents of your pets, and tomorrow you are talking about entirely different niche topics on Donald Trump politics, and another day you are uploading videos of you chilling in a club. That’s awry. The truth is viewers want solution provider, and as such, they go for those they perceive to be an authority in their niche. The best way to stand out and engage many viewers is to be specific on one slot. Most viewers will subscribe because they feel like to keep seeing your new videos immediately you upload them, and they don’t want to miss any new video of yours because it is explicit.

4. You Lack Good Publicity

Many at times, in a bid of having subscribers to your page, you have to keep promoting your page and keep doing that in every avenue you find yourself. For instance, If you are on Instagram or Twitter, it is better to help your content now and then in your timeline videos than you need for proper visibility. Most Instagram and Twitter followers are similar fans as your subscribers on YouTube but just on another social platform. All those fans you’ve seen have the possibility of driving your content via promoting them in their social media networks that gives you new subscribers entirely.

5. Effective Collaboration

Every successful YouTube expert has been saying that the most comfortable means of growing your potential subscribers will be through effective collaboration. It happens like this, each time you work in partnership with fellow YouTube creators that do similar things as yours, you would be gaining contact with already fan base, and the same as them too earning into your fan base. It is a win-win for both parties. When you have such means to collaborate with others who have more fans compare to you in your niche—collaborate with them. Who knows you may be getting the best organic traffic by engaging with other YouTube influencers.

Final Thoughts                    

To achieve more on the number of subscribers, when you feel you have done making all of the itemized lists and no result is forthcoming, then you should check on how you are doing them. Ask questions from others that are successful in what you’re doing if you are doing something different from them. Ask for feedback from your viewers for improvement.

16 Ways To Gain YouTube Subscribers for 2019 and Beyond!

Over the years, YouTube has established its authority as the ultimate platform for video content marketing.  Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook have gradually started encouraging video content marketing. However, none of them has shaken the overwhelming influence of YouTube. An unfortunate thing about the YouTube video content marketing space is that it has become overpopulated. Everyone wants to be the best vlogger out there, and this is affecting the chances of gaining subscribers and credibility as an average YouTuber.

16 ways to gain YouTube Subscribers

For you to gain traffic on YouTube as a channel owner, you must have a lot of subscribers. Getting subscribers can be quite hard because of the saturated YouTube space. Nevertheless, with these sixteen steps, you can gain more YouTube subscribers and generate more traffic. This is why people buy YouTube subscribers to achieve the same goal, just a lot faster.

1. Create a video plan for your videos.

No doubt, anyone who fails to plan, plans to fail. This principle also applies to your YouTube videos. As a YouTuber, you should have a well-written plan for videos to be uploaded on your channel. You also need to plan the structure of your videos. When planning, try not to copy the seemingly successful YouTube channels blindly. Do not sacrifice your passion on the platter of YouTube clout.

2. Create engaging and compelling content

Creating engaging content for your YouTube channel to gain more followers is an undeniable fact that should not be on this list. However, this advice should not be overlooked. You need to create informative, valuable, and compelling content if you want people subscribing to your channel. When creating videos, endeavor always to ask yourself: what will my audience gain from this particular video. Is it beneficial or impactful? Also, generate evergreen and burst videos. These two types of videos will make your audience come back and become loyal subscribers.

3. Increase your uploading frequency

This advice is possibly the hardest to follow on the list.

Nevertheless, if you want to gain free massive subscribers to your YouTube channel, you have to be ready to give what it takes. One of such thing is uploading videos most of the time. You need consistency if you ever want to develop a long-lasting relationship with your subscribers. Make sure you publish at least one video a week; it will increase your channel’s loyalty and awareness.

4. Learn the art of optimizing your titles.

Against popular beliefs, optimization is not only relevant to websites and blogs. You also need to optimize your videos’ titles if you want free subscribers jumping on your YouTube channel. One of the great ways to maximize your videos is by naming them names that sound offbeat. Unique titles have the potential to build up curiosity in your potential subscribers, which will lead them to your channel.

5. Create a YouTube Trailer

There is a feature on YouTube which lets videos on your YouTube channel automatically played upon opening. The feature is highly advantageous as it is something you can work on with ease. Note that the ideal channel trailer is between 30 to 60 seconds. Hence, in your channel’s trailer, show your prospective subscribers reasons to keep watching.

6. Use Calls to Actions Annotations.

CTAs are seemingly annoying popups in videos watched on YouTube. However, if you use this feature to your advantage, you can increase your number of subscribers quickly. Do not let your future subscribers off by letting them know that the CTAs are mainly for gaining subscribers; instead, do it a smart way.

7. Use the right tools.

There are lots of tools that you can use on YouTube to rake in subscribers. Some of these tools include TubeBuddy. TubeBuddy is critical to an average YouTuber’s success. You should try utilizing Tube Buddy if you are serious about gaining subscribers. The tool is famous for helping you find more viewers, make more money, and automate the entire YouTube process.

8. Limit the time range of your videos to under 5 minutes

Reducing your videos to a range under 5 minutes is another effective way to gain YouTube subscribers. The high optimized videos on YouTube are mostly the ones under five minutes. Be part of this crew by producing informative and valuable videos that are under five minutes. 

9. Focus on quality… not quantity

This advice might be a contradiction to the previous recommendation of increasing uploading frequency. However, it is a counterproductive measure. Instead of solely concentrating your efforts on always uploading videos that may not necessarily appeal to your audience, you should focus on releasing videos that are useful for your target audience.

10. Reply to every comment

Those negative comments which you are deleting or not replying to might be the reason for your low subscribers’ count. If you want to gain more subscribers, respond to every comment on your videos. It will give you the chance to stand out from other YouTubers.

11. Write an appealing channel description

The description of your channel is next to everything. If you want to gain more subscribers, you have to create a narrative that is compelling and sellable. Also, use specific keywords in your description; it will help your channel rank better on YouTube.

12. Use a superb channel icon

Your channel is one of the most visible features of your YouTube channel. You should make sure yours is compelling enough to make subscribers click on your channel if you ever want to gain subscribers. If you are a personal brand, use a high-res headshot. Use the logo specially designed for YouTube if you are a company.

13. Create a YouTube channel tagline

You cannot stand out from the rest of you continue to do things like the rest. Most YouTubers never include taglines in their content’ this is why you should find out the unique characteristics about your channel and embed it as your channel’s tagline. Surely, you will stand out and gain more followers.

14. Include your videos in blog posts

Your blog is an excellent source for gaining free subscribers. Hence, you should embed more of your videos in your blogs as it gets it in front of more people.

15. Promote your videos on other platforms like EBooks, webinars and lead magnets

Funnel your people from other channels such as lead magnets and EBooks into your channel. One of the few ways to do this is by including your videos in your EBooks and lead magnets.

16. Let your channel be findable

You cannot tap the potential of gaining subscribers if you do not make your channel discoverable by people. Once you get people to discover your brand, your brand’s credibility will increase as your channel automatically becomes a verified representation of your YouTube brand. Also, include your blog’s URL in your channel and vice versa.

How ANYONE Can Get More YouTube Subscribers Naturally

YouTube SubscribersGetting more YouTube subscribers naturally is the only way to get consistent views from real fans every time you upload a video. There are a number of ways to get those YouTube subscribers naturally over time. Some of them happen right in the YouTube upload area, others take place after as you work to promote your YouTube channel

Get ready for a fun-filled, video packed guide that will not only tell you how to get more YouTube subscribers naturally, but show you how to do it with actual video examples as well!
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