5 Reasons Why You Don’t Have Subscribers on YouTube

It is no news the number of subscribers you have can go a long way in influencing your business growth. It is similar to the way you have followers on other social media platform that allows you to gain the heart of your audience quickly. Let come to the YouTube channel; there are ways to know how your content is doing. If they are converting to the right audience or you are just wasting those efforts of yours. YouTube can be leveraged to track how your viewers are doing with your video content if they are subscribing to it or otherwise. We can relate this to Twitter, such that your followers can influence how your profiles’ growth and success will be. At times, you could assume why those efforts of yours to produce quality video contents are not yielding satisfactory results. Even when you put in those long hours of work to it and upload them to YouTube, are you attracting tons of viewers that are yet subscribing to your YouTube channel? Stay calm, this article is written for you. Here are five keys factors no one is subscribing to your YouTube page.

Free YouTube Subscribers- 7 Alternative Methods

1. Asking Viewers to Subscribe

Starting with the most important one that most people don’t take seriously; the truth is that if you crave for viewers to subscribe to your YouTube channel, it is essentially most of the time to ask them for it. Ask it shall be given unto you. Most viewers don’t even know if they should subscribe if they are told to do so. The best thing to do is to have a part of your content that you should pitch straight to anyone viewing your video and ask them to subscribe. “Hello! Please hit the subscribe button!” You can as well inform them of your audience to subscribe to Annotations. It allows adding text to your content and also telling the viewers never to subscribe. It’ll provide the links within the video whereby your viewers could be clicking to make subscribing easier to your YouTube channel. You can remind your audience to subscribe to the video narrative.

2. Your Viewers Engagement Is Not Good Enough

Look very carefully; the highly subscribed YouTube pages are the ones having that significant human interaction that people love. Like the names of MysteryGuitarMan, Ryan Higa, or Ray William Johnson, etc. People like these always engage and influence viewers. It does not limit to YouTube views alone, but they possess the human interaction frequently most people crave for. For instance, some of these names have weekly contents for proper communication with the audience. Not only that, after the session, they’ll put out the best answers of their last weeks’ episode for new content in the subsequent week, giving viewers the best of engagements they need. When doing this, it provides your audience a feeling of commitments they couldn’t have gotten elsewhere and as such, most likely to subscribe to your page for more interaction of such.

The number of newly uploaded videos isn’t what they have come to your page to see; instead, they came to seek value. When your targeted audience hit the sign up button to see your contents; they’re more interested in seeing or detailed video that is different from others. Your viewers could have seen how cool your channel is due to the fact of what they came across on a particular video of yours or a series of video topics solving their needs.

3. Your Direction Channel Lacks

Today you are putting contents of your pets, and tomorrow you are talking about entirely different niche topics on Donald Trump politics, and another day you are uploading videos of you chilling in a club. That’s awry. The truth is viewers want solution provider, and as such, they go for those they perceive to be an authority in their niche. The best way to stand out and engage many viewers is to be specific on one slot. Most viewers will subscribe because they feel like to keep seeing your new videos immediately you upload them, and they don’t want to miss any new video of yours because it is explicit.

4. You Lack Good Publicity

Many at times, in a bid of having subscribers to your page, you have to keep promoting your page and keep doing that in every avenue you find yourself. For instance, If you are on Instagram or Twitter, it is better to help your content now and then in your timeline videos than you need for proper visibility. Most Instagram and Twitter followers are similar fans as your subscribers on YouTube but just on another social platform. All those fans you’ve seen have the possibility of driving your content via promoting them in their social media networks that gives you new subscribers entirely.

5. Effective Collaboration

Every successful YouTube expert has been saying that the most comfortable means of growing your potential subscribers will be through effective collaboration. It happens like this, each time you work in partnership with fellow YouTube creators that do similar things as yours, you would be gaining contact with already fan base, and the same as them too earning into your fan base. It is a win-win for both parties. When you have such means to collaborate with others who have more fans compare to you in your niche—collaborate with them. Who knows you may be getting the best organic traffic by engaging with other YouTube influencers.

Final Thoughts                    

To achieve more on the number of subscribers, when you feel you have done making all of the itemized lists and no result is forthcoming, then you should check on how you are doing them. Ask questions from others that are successful in what you’re doing if you are doing something different from them. Ask for feedback from your viewers for improvement.

Free YouTube Subscribers: 7 Alternative Methods

The myth that free YouTube subscribers will help grow your YouTube videos is an idea that you should not believe. When you get free subscribers from third-party services, most of these websites are considered a scam by those who fell victim in the past. The reason is that the subscribers that they provide are either fake or simply uninterested in what you are promoting. Let us say you are selling products or service, your videos will appear fishy and actually depressing to other subscribers because you may have a large number of subscribers but your videos are not getting any engagement. They will not get comments, likes, and all the other requirements that YouTube needs to rank your channel high on its search engine. If you wish to do things the right way, here are 7 alternative methods that will build your YouTube channel slowly but surely.


Free YouTube Subscribers- 7 Alternative Methods

Do Your Due Diligence by Researching Target Audiences Carefully


There are many reasons why people watch YouTube videos. One of these is because they are recommended by friends and family. Another is because viewers want to seek entertainment by watching music videos, documentaries, and standup comedy to name a few. Finally, viewers choose YouTube when they search for information on a certain subject or to be educated.

To ensure that your YouTube is successful, you must take the time to research who your target audience is and how your videos will affect those individuals. In addition, you need to know the activity of those individuals outside of YouTube. This will help you determine how to get your audience interested in your video content as well as your channel.


Focus on the Content of Your Videos


With the number of videos being uploaded to YouTube on an hourly basis, it is a challenge for content creators to get their videos noticed in a viral manner. This is especially true when your niche market is a very crowded category. To outperform your competition, it is essential that your videos are composed of the highest quality. It is also useful that your videos are clear and concise in delivering your message to your target audiences. Keep in mind that you must create videos that provide a different perspective than those that are already out there.


Publish Videos Consistently


The secret to growing your YouTube channel the right way is to publish videos consistently. If you do not publish at least one video per week, the chances that you get the desired amount of subscribers will be minimal at best.

YouTube has reported that roughly 300 hours of videos get posted each minute. This means videos rank higher or lower every minute and the only way to truly stand out is to produce original videos regularly. Focus your efforts in both quantity and quality because producing average videos will only get your channel lost in all the noise. If your videos are consistently good, they will do the promoting on their own as people will appreciate the videos, subscribe to the content, and even go as far as sharing your videos with friends and family.


Free YouTube Subscribers

Boost Audience Retention


Keeping the retention of your audience is extremely crucial in growing your YouTube channel. For those new to the idea of audience retention on YouTube, this refers to the percentage of your videos that get viewed by people. An example is if you publish a 4-minute video and people tend to watch only 2 minutes before clicking away, this means that audience retention is 50%. The blueprint to video success is to create videos that get close to 100% retention as possible because this means that viewers are watching your videos from beginning to end. Videos that receive consistently high audience retention and watch time have the potential to show up more consistently on YouTube’s search engine. Even better is your video also shows up regularly on the website’s suggested videos feature that appears after every video. The retention issue is why people get themselves in interesting places when they buy YouTube views on their YouTube videos.


Consider Adding more Pattern Interrupts on Your Videos


Pattern Interrupts are dimensions that you can add to your videos to keep your audiences interested. These dimensions are features that improve your videos. Pattern Interrupts can be a change in camera angle or adding text to the screen. It can even be more drastic as they can be visual effects and other types of enhancements that you use to stimulate the mind of your viewers. With Pattern Interrupts, your videos automatically stand out when compared to other videos in your similar niche market. They lend a certain level of professionalism to your videos that your audience will definitely appreciate.



Optimize Your Videos after Uploading them


Optimizing videos after uploading them is a great way of administering quality control on your videos. This practice involves uploading a video in private, where no one can see that it has been uploaded. Next, take time to optimize the video by composing a good title, your description, and tags. You may also want to transcribe the video and do a custom thumbnail that really catches peoples’ attention. Once you have completed these, you can move forward and set the video to public where everyone can begin viewing it.  



Always Engage Comments


When viewers watch your videos and become subscribers, a good number of these individuals will engage your videos by liking and leaving comments. This activity really helps the ranking of your videos because YouTube values videos that receive viewer engagement. When you reply to each comment individually, you are bringing more activity to your videos, which boost them on YouTube’s search rankings, and helps increase your YouTube Subscribers. Additionally, when you reply to the comments immediately, you show each audience that you appreciate their time and that you value their input. Even when comments are negative, replying will show that you are willing to accept their views. This will translate into more subscribers who will watch each and every video you upload.



Strategies To Get More YouTube Subscribers

The first step toward developing an audience on YouTube is building a subscriber base. Subscribers are essentially “followers” of your YouTube channel. When a YouTube user subscribes to your channel, your new videos are placed on their YouTube home pages and they will receive email updates every time you upload a new one.
Subscribers primarily matter because they provide consistent traffic to your videos. In addition to providing steady traffic, subscribers are likely to have a longer watch time and are more likely to engage with and share your videos because they’ve already shown an interest.
So, you want to know how to increase YouTube subscribers for your channel? Here are strategies you can use to get them.

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about free youtube subscribers

Things to Know About Free YouTube Subscribers

YouTube has grown immensely over the past few years. It’s now the second biggest search engine on the internet. As a result, it has also become a major marketing channel for all types of advertisers. Marketing on YouTube is obviously going to require an audience, but building this audience is definitely not easy. There are millions of other people trying to do the same thing, so you need to take advantage of every opportunity you get if you’re going to succeed.

Building a following of subscribers organically is an extremely tedious process that has no guarantees. Not to mention the fact that starting with no subscribers doesn’t make it any easier to get people interested in your channel. One method a lot of people use to jumpstart a new channel is loading up free automated subscribers through various online services.

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