Influencer Marketing on YouTube: How it Works

YouTube is an amazing social media site that puts user-created content in front of other users. It’s one of the most personal ways for one user to connect with another, and for that reason, can be an extremely effective marketing platform. YouTube can also be used to put brands and products in front of highly-targeted audiences who will be interested. This can be in the form of product placement, which is a kind of influencer marketing. These new marketing tactics are a new form of influencer marketing; It’s essentially the same as your favorite actor doing a commercial for McDonald’s, but with millions of different influencers sending messages for millions of different brands, for billions of different viewers.

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Five Ways to Use Videos for your Business

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]If video isn’t already the gold standard for promoting brand awareness, then it certainly will be in the near future. According to Cisco, “Video traffic will be 79 percent of all consumer Internet traffic in 2018, up from 66 percent in 2013.” For businesses looking to capitalize on this trend, the time is now for planning your video marketing strategy.

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]One important feature that should apply to most videos is that they should strive to go beyond marketing your brand, and instead offer something of value to your audience, whether it be to inform or entertain. Videos that appear to be merely “selling” something will usually be ignored, while those that create some sort of excitement or “fun” will stand out.
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