
How YouTube’s Stars Got Big and How You Can, Too

YouTube has become a platform that can turn anyone with a webcam and a good angle into a celebrity. A lot of the biggest channels on YouTube were created by people with no prior following. Of course we aren’t talking about College Humor or Selena Gomez. But rather, people like Lindsey Stirling and PewDiePie who established their entire following from YouTube channels. For them, the channels started out as a hobby and turned into a goldmine.

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Grow Your Charity on YouTube

YouTube has become a major platform for charity work in recent years. It makes sense, as a video can be a powerful tool in relaying information. Uploading a stellar viral video can bring more awareness to your charity than you can imagine. To make things better, YouTube has rolled out many different features to help charities.

Still, the majority of the work lands on your shoulders to get a YouTube channel off the ground. Building a following online for any niche is a challenge, but this can be especially true with a charity. Most people are working to get people to buy things they want. But in the case of a charity, you’re aiming for generosity and altruism to get what your organization needs.

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How to Succeed by Buying YouTube Views

Are you struggling to build a solid following on YouTube? If so, you’re definitely not alone. Millions of people are trying to make a name on YouTube, and it’s nothing short of difficult. You’ve likely thought about buying views to help get started, as most YouTubers have. Although this can be an effective strategy, it’s also a risky one if you don’t know what you’re doing. 

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People That Got Rich From YouTube and How You Can, Too

YouTube is massive. Despite the fact that it’s not even a decade old yet, it has become one of the largest media platforms in the world. YouTube continues to grow at an astounding pace, and shows no signs of stopping. This creates a golden opportunity for brands, individuals, groups, and many more. It’s unlikely you’ll reach the top tier on YouTube, but there’s plenty of value in the middle tier for you to grab.

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How Buying YouTube Views Can Help You Grow

Go ahead and type “buying YouTube views” into Google – you’ll find hundreds of sites that are offering cheap YouTube views left and right, yet questions persist. How can YouTube views help me grow – and how do I know if buying views is a good choice for my needs?

Great questions.

Contrary to popular belief – buying views is neither illegal nor unethical. To the contrary, it’s smart and efficient. Boosting your videos with some social promotion is often times a very good idea – regardless of what you’re promoting or what your goals might be, social traction can always help. With that said, however, there are very specific purposes where buying YouTube views can pay higher than average dividends. If you can harness the power that YouTube provides you via these factors, you stand to gain a lot.
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Why You Should Buy YouTube Subscribers

Whether you’re building a YouTube presence to promote your business or simply looking to find an audience for your independent short films and video blogs, it should go without saying that the key to success lies in getting lots of views and lots of subscribers as quickly as possible. Of course, promotion will help you some when it comes to generating interest, but there’s really something to be said for purchasing subscribers as well. Let’s take a closer look at the top five reasons why every serious YouTuber should consider buying YouTube subscribers .

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How to Tackle YouTube Dislikes and Negative Comments

Do you have a video on YouTube that’s getting mixed reactions, with some viewers liking it and others hating it? If the dislikes on your video are starting to outpace the likes, you might be wondering what you can do to improve the situation.

Videos with more likes and positive comments, tend to get ranked better and shared more often than those that don’t. Having too many dislikes or negative comments has shown to not only cause less favorable ranking on search results, but also decrease the reputation of the user or company. Never fear though, there are ways of tackling bad press and mixed reaction on your video following a few simple tip.

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