5 Big Digital Video Trends for 2017

If you still aren’t making video a part of your marketing strategy in 2017, then you definitely have to make it your priority for next year. Video consumption is on the rise and there’s no sign of it slowing down.

This year Facebook launched a video platform, Facebook Watch, to compete with YouTube and share in the growing video audience. With the number of YouTube users climbing to astronomical heights, there’s no reason not to expect even more live video opportunities to emerge.

So, as this year nears its end and we consider new marketing strategies, let’s talk about 5 of the most popular digital video trends that will certainly continue through 2018.

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Can Facebook Watch Compete with YouTube?

It’s the digital video revolution. People are slowly weaning off traditional TV consumption and embracing video on the net.

So it isn’t surprising that Facebook, after conquering the other social media networks and being dubbed the king of social media, now wants to try its hand at video hosting and sharing, an online realm dominated by YouTube.

Facebook is indeed innovating. It isn’t stealing creators and users from YouTube yet but it will be interesting to watch how things will develop between these two giants and how social media users will react.

For now, let’s take a closer look at Facebook’s new video platform and how it compares to YouTube.

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The 6 Best YouTube Analytics Tools for Digital Video Marketers

Maintaining a YouTube account is difficult enough without the added load of analyzing all the traffic your channel is receiving. It’s too easy to just go on making videos without ever studying the often-inscrutable data describing how your videos are making — or not making — an impact on your audience.

With all the social media tools out there, choosing the right one for your business can be time-consuming and overwhelming. We’ve made a list of six of our favorite YouTube analytics tools to help you with this, and simply describe how they help. You’ll find what you’re looking for here so that you can start learning from your data and taking advantage of everything that YouTube has to offer.
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How To Avoid The 6 Biggest Pitfalls On YouTube

2016 was a year when online videos dominated the internet, and 2017 has been no different. It seems platforms like YouTube have everything we could ever ask for, from news to ads and digital media content to pique our every interest.

Individuals and brands can now reach out to millions of viewers worldwide through a single video — which means there’s a lot at stake, potentially. Committing even the slightest mistake on YouTube could easily translate to a disaster of epic proportions.

Viewers of today consume videos far differently than they did five years ago. Today, more people are using YouTube to watch live videos — like the recent solar eclipse — for real-time updates on every subject imaginable.

If you want to rise to the top of YouTube, you need to adapt to new trends and sudden changes in viewer behavior as nimbly as possible.

There’s no telling how YouTube will evolve in the next couple of years. As a brand, it’s your job to keep up with it all. That means learning from the mistakes of others and consistently avoiding the most common pitfalls of success.

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How to Build a Booming Digital Brand On YouTube

These days, people rely on the internet for everything, from their dose of the freshest news down to tidbits of entertainment throughout the day.

The internet is where people are spending more and more of their time, and brands are following suit. Platforms like YouTube are starting to become primary marketing channels, especially for brands with limited resources.

YouTube boasts of having over a billion users worldwide which translates to two billion eyeballs ready and waiting to see what you’ve got. There are plenty of people on the platform, and the barrier to entry is very low — all it takes is a smartphone to start a channel.

With such massive viewership served up on a silver platter, why is that brands are still failing to maximize their YouTube channel?

Becoming a booming digital brand in this competitive day and age doesn’t come easy for most people — or companies — but with the right tips, rising to the top can definitely become more attainable.

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How To Deal With YouTube Haters

The dawn of social media has taken bullies from schoolyards to the comment section on YouTube and, without a doubt, has transformed a lot of people into trolls too. It seems there’s no pleasing the people of the internet. No matter what you do, there will always be someone out there in the comment section whose mission is to take you down.

YouTube haters can do more than simply ruin your day, they can also cause some serious damage to your brand image — one offensive comment at a time.

Experts say brands and businesses can’t afford to miss out on the marketing opportunities and benefits YouTube has to offer. YouTube managed to garner more desktop visits than search giant Google in 2016, which proves just how powerful it can be as a marketing platform. What can you do when faced with persistent negativity from users you can’t even identify?

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What Motivates Us To Share Videos? Raw Emotion

There are two driving forces behind everything that we do: emotion and logic. On the internet, although there are quite a number of studies that show human emotions to be the chief factor behind some of the most successful content, the complex interplay between emotion and logic can be seen in our video shares and updates.

In other words, the virality of a video depends not just on the kind of video you are making or sharing, but also how that video satisfies emotion and logic.

If your intent is to make more shareable videos, take a look at the top reasons why people share what they share on social media and the internet.

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10 YouTube Channels That Will Make You Smarter

Not everything on YouTube is drivel, despite what your Facebook feed might imply. Not everyone records themselves doing absolutely nothing or dramatizes their day with a story and a clickbait title. In fact, many are pretty informative if not straight out educational.

If you often find yourself wondering what you’re doing with your life watching dumb videos and are looking for new channels that are worth spending your precious time on, this post is for you. Take a look at some of these channels — even if they don’t make you smarter (which they probably will), they’ll at least give you something interesting to talk about.

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Arrest Their Gaze: Why Your Business Videos Should Include Faces

In an era when people spend more time watching YouTube than TV, it’s becoming increasingly more important to use videos in your marketing. Marketers must continue to seek new and effective ways of connecting with their audiences, and the internet is full of opportunities.

In the world of advertising, there’s one tenet that’s true no matter what form of marketing campaign you’re running or which social platform you‘re campaigning on: content is crucial for each and every part of it.

If you’re looking to science for answers to how you can increase your engagement, though, neuroscience may have just the right strategy for you. This strategy involves getting your customers to look past the primary content of your video and focus instead on the visual stimuli your video provides.

Try including faces in your videos as an organic marketing strategy. Here are the top reasons for creating business videos with human faces on them.

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Is Facebook Watch The New YouTube?

According to a study conducted by eMarketer, the average American adult spends about 68 minutes a day consuming videos on digital devices. Those numbers are a clear indication of how obsessed people are with watching videos online.

Facebook is now slowly rolling out their own video service to users across the globe. Currently, Facebook’s Watch tab is only available to select U.S users but is bound to be released globally in the months to come.

Facebook Watch is set to give YouTube a run for their ad money. Experts are already debating whether or not Facebook’s Watch tab will weaken YouTube, which has already gained the title of the world’s second largest search engine.

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